Loggerhead Turtle Melissa Bart
Habitat Hatchlings live in debris in open ocean drift lines and then migrate to the shallower coastal waters. Adults live in lagoons, bays and ships, channels in warm, calm seas and oceans.
The Decline A large threat for them is getting caught in fishing nets. They lay their eggs in areas where tourists go, and they destroy the nests. Large amounts of plastic debris in the ocean make it toxic for them.
Predator and Prey Their main predators are humans and sharks, so they are pretty safe in the ocean. They feed on mollusks, crustaceans, squid, jellyfish and crab.
Physiology In the wild, loggerheads are expected to live years. They can be up to 42 inches long and up to 800 pounds. They can immerse themselves for at least 7 hours before needing a breath of air.
Key Characteristics The loggerhead sea turtle gets its name from the size of its head. Loggerheads have a larger head than other sea turtles. Loggerheads have a reddish-brown color on the top of their shells and have a heart shaped shell. The underside is a medium shade of yellow.
Behavior They rarely interact with one another outside of mating. However, they do come together in large groups during nesting. They sleep at the surface while in deep water or on the bottom wedged under rocks.
Economic Value They are helpful for businesses because tourists dive or snorkel with them or to watch them nest. In some countries their eggs and the turtles themselves are exploited for food. However, they are considered endangered species, making trade and consumption of them illegal.