Avon Cobra Tires for Honda GL1800
Challenges building GL1800 tires Radial tire flex wears tires quicker Bike is Heavy, powerful, fast, Riders overload bike/under inflate tires Customers want mileage and performance
Cobra Features Snakeskin effect sidewalls Aggressive tire design Sporty handling Load capacity rear pounds Triple compound rear for higher mileage
Rear Construction Radial - 6 ply (1 Nylon/2 Aramid belts) Uniform contact patch, reduce tread squirm Resists cupping or squaring off Nylon Belt Aramid Belts
Tread Profile Rounded Profile for nimble handling
Varied groove lengths & widths Tread Design reduce tire noise
Tread Pattern Chevron pattern wicks water away Tapered grooves for more contact area
Groove configuration Reinforcing piece resists cupping Solid block of rubber reduces squirm Resistance to irregular wear
Avon’s front tire for GL1800 trikes 130/70R18 63V To resist rapid or irregular wear: Flatter profile over a motorcycle tire Solid blocks or rubber Tapered grooves Bridge which joins blocks of rubber Durable compound
Benefits: Excellent comfort/ride quality Sport like handling Very stable at high speeds Good mileage Great performance & feedback
Recommended PSI? Example: Rider weight 200 lbs/91 kg Co-rider weight 150 lbs/68 kg Bike weight 933 lbs/424 kg Tongue weight 35 lbs/16 kg Gear/luggage 60 lbs/27 kg Total weight 1378 lbs/626 kg Tires capacity 1592 lbs/722 kg Cobra pressure when cold Solo2 up light2 up heavy Front Rear