Teaching with Google Earth and Other Geographic Resources Learn to use free online resources that view the world using aerial photos, maps and overlays. The most interactive of these free resources, Google Earth, allows users to share descriptive placemarks, create trips, measure distances, add overlays and place 3-D objects. A community of users has created many useful additions to teach objectives in science, social studies, math and other subjects. Stephen Titchenal, Program Specialist - Technology Stephanie Myers, Program Specialist - Math Cleveland Heights – University Heights City School District
Map Content Examples Political Boundaries Land Forms Transportation Routes Topography Property Ownership Scientific data with geographic content Social data with geographic content
Ohio Social Studies Content Standards GrK: Distinguish between land and water on maps and globes.
Ohio Social Studies Content Standards Gr1: Identify and describe the physical features (lake, river, hill, mountain, forest) and human features (town, city, farm, park, playground, house, traffic signs/signals) of places in the community.
Ohio Social Studies Content Standards Gr3: Identify and use symbols to locate places of significance on maps and globes.
Ohio Social Studies Content Standards Gr3: Use political maps, physical maps and aerial photographs to ask and answer questions about the local community.
Ohio Social Studies Content Standards Gr3: Describe changes in the community over time…
Ohio Social Studies Content Standards Gr4: Locate the local community, state and the United States on maps or globes.
Ohio Social Studies Content Standards Gr4: Use a linear scale to measure the distance between places on a map.
Ohio Math Content Standards Gr4: Identify and select appropriate units to measure: perimeter
Ohio Social Studies Content Standards Gr6: Use coordinates of latitude and longitude to locate points on a world map.
Ohio Science Content Standards Gr8: Use models to analyze the size and shape of Earth, its surface and its interior (e.g., globes, topographic maps, satellite images).
Ohio Science Content Standards Gr9: Explain the results of plate tectonic activity (e.g., magma generation, igneous intrusion, metamorphism, volcanic action, earthquakes, faulting and folding).
Recent Scanned Maps Microsoft Terraserver (USA)Microsoft Terraserver Terraserver.com (Wordwide)Terraserver.com Topozone
Historic Scanned Maps Library of Congress (MrSID)Library of Congress David Rumsey (Insight)David Rumsey RailsandTrails.com (DjVu)RailsandTrails.com MapTech Historical Topographic Maps
Interactive Maps Google Maps – Panoramio - QuckmapsGoogle Maps PanoramioQuckmaps Yahoo Maps – New FeaturesYahoo MapsNew Features Microsoft Live Local –3D Virtual Earth – 3D buildings, tilt –Birds Eye Views – High Resolution Photos in 4 directions –Microsoft APIsMicrosoft APIs –MapCruncherMapCruncher MashupsMashups how tohow to
Google Earth Finding locations Navigating Viewing layers Measuring Distances Tips: –Tools/Options->Set Disk Cache to 2000MB (2Gig) –Go to the sites once before presentation –Keep other programs to a minimum
Creating content in Google Earth Placemarks Trips Image Overlays (Superoverlay)Superoverlay 3D Objects (SketchUp) (SketchUp)
Student Projects Local Placemarks World Placemarks Measuring Distances Tours Latitude/Longitude Community Changes Over Time
Saving Content “Save As” to shared location Tip: Have students use their first name in the title of the object Combining objects into folders Websites (set up mime type)set up mime type Network Links (can be updated on server)
Google Earth Community Keyhole BBS Education (Google Earth Community)Keyhole BBSEducation –American Embassy School Movies (India)American Embassy School Movies –EarthWandering (share placemarks in real time)EarthWandering Blogs –Map Room A Weblog about MapsMap Room –Topographic Map Archive (Matt Fox)Topographic Map Archive KML Reference
Contacts Cleveland Heights / University Heights City School District 2155 Miramar Drive University Heights, OH 44118