Patient Safety & Evidenced-Based Monitoring Technologies Michael Becker, PhD, RN VP Nursing/ Chief Nursing Executive
ECRI - Top 10 Health Technology Hazards 2015 Issued November 2014 Fourth year in a row Alarm Hazards is #1 on list Inadequate alarm configuration policies and practices This year, the report draws particular attention to alarm configuration practices. ECRI Institute is aware of several deaths and other cases of severe patient harm that may have been prevented with more effective alarm policies and practices. Emergency Care Research Institute - For 45 years, ECRI Institute, a nonprofit organization, has been dedicated to bringing the discipline of applied scientific research to discover which medical procedures, devices, drugs, and processes are best, all to enable you to improve patient care.
National Patient Safety Goal 06.01.01 “Improve the safety of clinical alarm systems” As of July 1, 2014, leaders establish alarm system safety as a hospital priority During 2014, identify the most important alarm signals to manage As of January 1, 2016, establish policies and procedures for managing alarms
The Problem Numerous alarms, many false or non-actionable alarms “one alarm every 66 seconds in one NICU”1, “771 alarms per bed per day in one ICU”1 “≈85 to 99 percent of alarm signals do not require clinical intervention”2 Staff can be overwhelmed by the number of alarms Change alarm settings or mute alarms Become passive to alarms – ignoring or delaying reaction time Experience cognitive or operational disruption affecting other work tasks Delayed or lack of response to alarm conditions January 2009 and June 2012: 98 alarm-related events, 80 resulted in death2 Alarm fatigue – the most common contributing factor CS: I would suggest enunciating here that while continuous monitoring is necessary to keep patients safe, its also necessary to prevent alarm fatigue…so its very important that the chosen solution is both clinically and operationally effective. Possibly ask “as an example has anyone been exposed to the high rate of alarms of ECG on the ICU floor? Do you think that would be well tolerated on a med-surg unit with much higher patient to nurse ratios?” 1 - Sun L. Washington Post. July 7, 2013 2 – The Joint Commission Sentinel Event Issue #50, April 8, 2013
Pulse Oximeters: The Most Common Monitor in Hospitals Conventional Pulse Oximetry Unreliable when needed most Motion and low perfusion Clinical impact False alarms - increased workload and alarm fatigue Delayed clinical response Limited ability to aid in diagnosis / prognosis Patient disturbance
Problem for Conventional Pulse Oximeters Venous & arterial averaging Motion causes venous blood movement 0 50% 66% 86% 97% 100% SpO2% Venous and arterial averaging Venous Arterial Time Absorption The moving venous blood cannot be distinguished from arterial blood, leading the confused pulse oximeter to “average” the values – leading to falsely low SpO2 readings.
Masimo Signal Extraction Technology (SET®) Measures Through Motion and Low Perfusion R IR Physiologic Signal Post Processor R/IR Conventional Pulse Oximetry Conventional Pulse Oximetry 66% Post Processor R/IR Conventional Pulse Oximetry Conventional Pulse Oximetry 66% Conventional Pulse Oximetry R/IR (Conventional Pulse Oximetry) DST® Adaptive Filter FST ® SST™ MST™ Post Processor DST Masimo SET 97% 0 50% 66% 97% 100% SpO2% Evaluation and Analysis Digitized, Filtered, & Normalized Algorithmic Analysis R/IR Post Processor Conventional pulse oximetry uses the standard red over infrared algorithm to provide SpO2. Masimo SET uses that conventional algorithm but has added four other algorithms, that all run in parallel. These algorithms are designed to work through motion. The most powerful of these algorithms is the Discreet Saturation Transform algorithm or DST. None of these algorithms are perfect by themselves, so why not create multiple algorithms that run parallel. Run the same data through all of them, and then have a sophisticated evaluation and analysis. Instead of it just passing the data through based on “clean” or not, it actually looks at the model, and signal that is coming in to see if it is violating the model of that particular algorithm. Whenever it thinks the model id violated or wrong, it won’t use that algorithm, or give it very little weight. If it thinks that all of the algorithms are working then it uses them all. Here’s how they work. Incoming signals from the sensor are received at the oximeter. The signals are digitized and filtered to remove external noise artifact. At this point a conventional pulse oximeter would calculate the R over IR ratio, compare it to the lookup table for saturation, and display a SpO2. Masimo SET differs here. Instead of calculating a R over IR ratio and going to a lookup table, Masimo SET uses 5 algorithms or parallel engines to extract and separate the arterial signal from the non-arterial (venous) noise signal. Masimo uses the Discrete Saturation Transform Process or DST to identify all of the SpO2s within the patient signal. The DST is an algorithm that generates a plot of all SpO2s from 0-100% that are represented in the incoming signals. This process identifies and isolates the nonarterial and venous noise SpO2s (left peak) from the true arterial SpO2 components (right peak) in the signal. This plotting of the entire patient signal from 0-100% is performed 2 1/2 times per second. The plot peak on the right is chosen because physiologically the greatest SpO2 value within the measuring site will always be arterial. The corruptive non-arterial signal is cancelled and the true arterial SpO2 is then displayed. Conventional Pulse Oximetry 66% Conventional Pulse Oximetry 66% 0 50% 66% 97% 100% SpO2% Output Data 0 50% 66% 97% 100% SpO2% 7
Three-Way Comparison for True and False Alarms Masimo SET® Performance 97% 95% Sensitivity Specificity Please define Sensitivity and Specificity for the nurses. Ten volunteers were monitored with three different pulse oximeters (Nellcor N-600, Masimo Radical, GE True Sat) while they underwent desaturation to about 75% oxygen saturation (SpO2) and performed machine-generated (MG) and volunteer-generated (VG) hand movements with the test hand, keeping the control hand stationary. SpO2 and pulse rate readings from the motion (test) and stationary (control) hands were recorded as well as the number of times and the duration that the oximeters connected to the test hands did not report a reading. Missed true events are when the pulse oximeter showed normal SpO2 values when they were low. False alarms are when the pulse oximeter showed low Spo2 values when they were actually normal. From that, we can calculate specificity and sensitivity. Specificity is the % of times Masimo SET did not falsely alarm during motion and low perfusion when oxygen saturation was normal Sensitivity is the % of times Masimo SET detected low oxygen saturation during motion and low perfusion This study measured the occurrence rate of missed true events during 40 low blood oxygen episodes and false alarms during 120 fully oxygenated episodes, both during conditions of motion. Motion was both machine and volunteer generated w/ results combined. A non-moving hand was used for the control / reference Spo2 value. Shah N et al. J Clinical Anaesthesia. 2012. 8
The Need for Continuous Patient Monitoring Failure to Recognize Failure to Rescue Admit Instability Instability Instability Instability Instability Instability Instability Instability Acute Change 6 to 8 hours Arrest Minutes Studies show that adverse clinical events are preceded by a period of physiologic instability of 6 to 8 hours and that there is a correlation between time to intervention and survival of in-hospital cardiac arrest. Further, even when deterioration does not continue to cardiac arrest there is a correlation between time to intervention and permanent morbidity. Thus it is imperative that these physiologic signs are detected early and appropriate intervention occurs. However on units where there is limited clinician – patient interaction and/or observation, there is risk that these signs may not be detected in an optimal time period. References: 1 - Buist MD, Jarmolowski E, Burton PR, Bernard SA, Waxman BP, Anderson J. Recognising clinical instability in hospital patients before cardiac arrest or unplanned admission to intensive care. A pilot study in a tertiary-care hospital. Med J Aust 1999;171:22-5. 2 - Buist M, Bernard S, Nguyen TV, Moore G, Anderson J. Association between clinically abnormal observations and subsequent in-hospital mortality: a prospective study. Resuscitation 2004;62:137-41. 3 - Galhotra S, DeVita MA, Simmons RL, Dew MA; Members of the Medical Emergency Response Improvement Team (MERIT) Committee. Mature rapid response system and potentially avoidable cardiopulmonary arrests in hospital. Qual Saf Health Care 2007;16:260-5. 4 - Fecho K, Jackson F, Smith F, Overdyk F: In-hospital resuscitation: Opioids and other factors influencing survival. Ther Clin Risk Manag 2009; 5:961–8 5 – Hodgetts T et al. Incidence, location and reasons for avoidable in-hospital cardiac arrest in a district general hospital. Resuscitation 54 (2002) 115_/123 6 – Sandroni C et al. In-hospital cardiac arrest: incidence, prognosis and possible measures to improve survival. Intensive Care Med (2007) 33:237–245 DOI 10.1007/s00134-006-0326-z 7 – NHS, National Patient Safety Agency. The fifth report from the Patient Safety Observatory. Safer care for the acutely ill patient: learning from serious incidents. 2007 Adverse clinical events are preceded by a period of physiologic instability of 6-8 hours1,2 Correlation between time to intervention and survival rate of in-hospital cardiac arrest3-6 Even without cardiac arrest there is a correlation between time to intervention and avoidable morbidity7 Early recognition of clinical deterioration is critical to patient outcomes Death
Patient Risks in Med-Surg Patient Population Diagnosed & un-diagnosed risk factors and comorbidities: ~40% US medical-surgical patient population > 65 years of age1 ~36% US population defined as obese (BMI > 30)2 Obstructive Sleep Apnea in the adult surgical population estimated as high as 22%, with 70% of those patients being undiagnosed3 Meta-analysis on OSA screening tools, the authors concluded that it is likely that most of the screening tests will miss a significant proportion of patients with OSA4 OSA screening questionnaires: sensitivity in the 70% - 80% range and specificity in the 50% - 60%5 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in the adult surgical population estimated to be 10% (general surgery) to 40% (thoracic surgery)6 Nearly half of COPD patients are undiagnosed7 It is often overlooked that patients on medical-surgical units have comorbidities and risk factors that can increase their risk of occurrence or impact of adverse event, and that often these comorbidities and risk factors are undiagnosed. As an example it has been estimated that nearly one quarter of all surgical patients have OSA and that nearly three-quarters of those are undiagnosed. As studies show that screening questionnaires are of moderate success in identifying these patients it is probable that a large number of these patients will still be undiagnosed upon arrival on the post-surgical unit. As certain therapies, such as opioids, can exacerbate the situation, these patients may be at greater risk of event. 1 – Hall MJ et al. Summary of National Hospital Discharge Survey 2007. Division of Health Care Statistics 2 – U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 3 - Finkel et al. Prevalence of undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea among adult surgical patients in an academic medical center, Sleep Med 2009 107 753-758 4 –Ramachandran K, Josephs L. A Meta-analysis of Clinical Screening Tests for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Anesthesiology 2009; 110:928-39 5 - Abrishami A, Khajehdehi A, Chung F. A systematic review of screening questionnaires for obstructive sleep apnea. Can J Anaesth.2010 May;57(5):423-38.2010Feb9 6 – Licker et al. Perioperative medical management of patients with COPD. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2007 December; 2(4): 493–515. 7 - National Institutes of Health. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. 2012
Medication Risks in Med-Surg Environment High-risk / High-alert medications IV anticoagulants, insulin, opioids Parenteral opioids: IV PCA Morphine, IM Duramorph Opioid Induced Respiratory Depression 0.5%1 to 1.1%2 of post-operative patients receiving opioid-containing pain management regimens experience respiratory depression As high as 11 patients per 1,000 in-patient surgeries annually Surgical procedures that include but are not limited to Orthopedic, Thoracovascular, Plastic-Reconstructive, Trauma, and General, often require the use of opioid pain management therapies post-surgery. Thus a hospital performing a large number of these surgeries may have an incidence rate of opioid induced respiratory depression as high as an average of 1 per month (11 patients per year based upon 1,000 patients receiving opioids) or even an average of 1 per week (55 patients per year based upon 4,000 patients receiving opioids). Based upon annual surgical volumes reported in US News, it is estimated that a 300 bed community medical-surgical facility would perform between 2,000 and 3,000 of said surgical procedures in a year, which based on said incidence rate could be as high as 22 to 33 patients per year experiencing respiratory depression. 1 – The Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert #49 2 – Cashman JN, Dolin SJ. Respiratory and haemodynamic effects of acute postoperative pain management: evidence from published data. Br J Anaesth 2004;93:212-2
Patient Observation on Med-Surg Units Nursing time, a precious commodity: Based on a time and motion study of nursing time1, Nurses spend as few as: 8 minutes per patient per shift assessing and reading vital signs 43 minutes per patient per shift in the patient room Total of 22 hours per day that the patient is without direct nursing observation Medical-surgical unit design minimizes line of sight and acoustics: Long corridors with a central nurse station or pod workstations Bathroom on corridor side of room A time and motion study reported that nurses identified that 31 minutes per 10 hour shift was considered to be used for patient assessment and reading of vital signs (all of their patients) and that 171 minutes per 10 hour shift was spent in the patient room (all of their patients). Using a 1 to 4 nurse to patient ration that translates to the presented data. Additionally unit design limits the ability for clinicians to see patients and/or hear alarms, adding to the inherent risk and limited observation of patients on these units. 1 – Hendrich et al. A 36-Hospital Time and Motion Study: How Do Medical-Surgical Nurses Spend Their Time? The Permanente Journal/ Summer 2008/ Volume 12 No. 3
Impact of Respiratory Depression Incidence of respiratory depression among post-operative patients averages 0.5% - 1.1% So, for every 5,000 surgical patients, 25 will experience respiratory depression Failure to recognize respiratory depression and institute timely intervention can lead to cardiopulmonary arrest, resulting in brain injury or death I assume he’ll use this as context on impact – ie, an “average” 300 – 400 bed general medical surgical hospital will do in the ballpark of 3,000 to 5,000 inpatient surgeries in a year…..most of the nurses will be from “average size” hospitals, so if he’s “interactive” he can make personalize it to them…something like ”so could you imagine if in your hospital every year 25, otherwise healthy patients, are very close to an extreme adverse event”
Sentinel Event Alert, Issue 49, August 8, 2012 “Safe use of opioids in hospitals” “Serial assessments of quality and adequacy of respiration and depth of sedation” Urges hospitals to take steps Prevent complications and deaths from opioids Incidence of respiratory depression 0.5% of all post-surgical patients Reasons for adverse events Dosing errors, improper monitoring of patients and interactions with other drugs 29% related to monitoring Monitor both oxygenation ventilation Monitoring should be continuous Not intermittent spot checks I think show SEA 49 in full context helps bring it down from “way up high” (ie the Medicare slide on 1 in 7) to opioids and oxygenation and ventilation CS: I would recommend using this slide to speak to “why oxygenation” and not ECG? Because in the non-cardiac surgical patient ECG is not only a late indicator of respiratory distress but it is not indicated, and very costly.
Keeping Patients Safe on the General Floor
Patient SafetyNet Remote Monitoring & Clinician Notification System CS: Suggest using this slide to tee up “the solution” and introduce the value of SET to the med-surg use case – Patient SafetyNet provides a continuous monitoring platform enabled by industry leading SET technology and supporting alarm management through appropriate alarm delays and notification delays to minimize non-actionable alarms…. The use of the trademarks Patient SafetyNet and PSN is under license from University Healthcare Consortium
Masimo rainbow SET®: The Upgradable Platform Masimo rainbow SET® Pulse CO-Oximetry and Acoustic Monitoring allow you to noninvasively and continuously measure key indicators of: Oxygenation SpO2 Ventilation Acoustic Respiration Rate (RRa™) Circulation Pulse Rate (PR) Bleeding Total Hemoglobin (SpHb®) I’d use this slide to speak to “why oxygenation” and “why respiration rate” vs. ECG CS: I would suggest speaking to the oxygenation and respiration rate earlier – on the TJC and APSF slides – and use this slide to tee up the platform and segue to the next slide of ventilation and respiration rate
Recommendations for Post-Operative Patient Monitoring “All patients should have oxygenation monitored by continuous pulse oximetry” “Capnography or other modalities that measure the adequacy of ventilation and airflow is indicated when supplemental oxygen is needed…” “Monitoring continuous oxygenation and ventilation from a central location …is desirable…information needs to be reliably transmitted to the healthcare professional caring for the patient at the bedside.” CS: I would read verbatim and get locked into the ventilation component but would rather highlight that organizations recognize that in the presences of supplemental oxygen SpO2 can be a late indicator, so the monitoring of ventilation or respiration rate may also be necessary Stoelting RK et al. APSF. 2011. (
Respiratory Rate
Capnography Providing the ultimate performance in a sidestream analyser The Phasein™ CO2 module for the Root™ patient monitoring and connectivity platform provides flexible applications across the continuum of care Displays end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2) waveform and measurements and trends of EtCO2, fractional concentration of inspired carbon dioxide (FiCO2), and respiration rate (RR) Appropriate for monitoring of infant, pediatric, or adult patients in a range of hospital environments including the OR, ICU, and medical-surgical units Time saving in critical situations with virtually no warm-up time and full accuracy performance in ten seconds Support quiet environment initiatives with no disturbing pump noises
Nomoline™– No moisture sampling lines and cannulas Supports single-patient use in high humidity environments or multi-patient use in lower-humidity environments to reduce disposable costs Revolutionary design eliminates the need for a water trap Single-patient-use cannula and multi-patient-use Nomoline adapter Single-patient-use cannula and Nomoline adapter
Nomoline Design: Enables Multi-Patient Use From patient circuit Gas Sample Tube Water droplets EVAPORATION ABSORBTION Nomo polymer TRANSPORT Water separator/transport Water/bacteria barrier To gas analyzer Instrument connector 19
Study of Indicators of Respiratory Depression “All of these episodes were detected because the patient either took six or fewer breaths per minute or had an episode of apnea lasting longer than 20 seconds… the other two indicators of respiratory depression in this study (an end-tidal CO2 level of greater than 60 mmHg and oxygen saturation of less than 88%) did not contribute to the outcomes measured, suggesting that they may be less sensitive indicators of changes in respiratory function.” CS: I’d use the next few slides to establish that respiration rate is the earlier indicator than EtCO2 – the mechanism of action of opioids is such that opioid induced respiratory depression manifests as bradypneic hypopnea (decreasing RR) or apnea, not hypopnic hypopnea (decreasing depth of breathing)….two authors, Hutchison and Overdyk looked at different indicators in the adult population and identified that low RR or apnea was an earlier indicator… Overview: In order to determine whether opioid-naive patients at risk for respiratory depression are better monitored with either capnography or pulse oximetry and respiratory-rate assessment, the authors conducted a randomized, prospective trial. In 54 opioid-naive postoperative orthopedic patients at one hospital, capnography resulted in greater detection of respiratory depression, and the authors conclude that capnography may be more appropriate for use with postsurgical high-risk patients taking opioids on the general care nursing unit. Capnography’s sensitivity in the detection of pauses in breathing in the sedated patient may have the added advantage of indicating those patients who may be at risk for obstructive sleep apnea. Further research is needed to confirm these results. Alarm Settings for the Alaris EtCO2 Capnography Module* • End-tidal carbon dioxide: 60 mmHg (high), 0 mmHg (low) • Respiratory rate: 40 breaths per minute (high), 6 breaths per minute (low) • Apnea (no breathing): 20 seconds * All settings were established by the author; this is the first reported randomized, prospective, controlled study of the use of capnography on general care units. Hutchinson R. AJN 2008.
Acoustic Respiration Rate (RRa™): Accurate and Patient-Tolerant Respiration Rate 24
U Penn Study: Impedance, Capnography, and rainbow Acoustic Monitoring™ vs. Manual RR During Procedural Sedation Subjects were 98 adults undergoing upper GI endoscopy 3 methods were compared to a research assistant performing a manual count Assessment of the accuracy of respiration rate measurements and the ability to detect apnea (cessation of breathing > 30 sec) Impedance Pneumography Capnography (Oridion Microstream Smart Capnoline) Masimo rainbow Acoustic Monitoring™ V7804 Bias ± Precision (breaths per minute) 0.4 ± 5.9 4.8 ± 15.1 0.0 ± 1.0 Sensitivity for detection of apnea 45% 73% Specificity for detection of apnea 93% 12% Author(s): Basavana Gouda Goudra, Lakshmi C. Penugonda, Rebecca M. Speck, Ashish C. Sinha ABSTRACT Study Objective: To assess the accuracy of respiration rate measurements and the ability to detect apnea by capnometry, impedance pneumography and a new method, acoustic respiration rate monitoring, in anesthetized patients undergoing gastrointestinal endoscopy procedures. Design: Prospective observational study. Setting: Endoscopy procedures laboratory. Patients: 98 patients scheduled for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with propofol-based anesthesia. Interventions: Patients were monitored for respiration rate with acoustic respiration rate monitoring, capnometry and impedance pneumography and values were compared to the manual counting of breaths by observation of chest wall movements. Additionally, when any respiration rate monitor indicated a cessation of breathing for 30 seconds or greater, the presumed apnea was confirmed by direct observation of the patient for absence of chest wall movements. Measurements and Main Results: Bias and precision for respiration rate measurement was 0 ± 1.0 bpm for acoustic monitoring, 4.8 ± 15.1 bpm for capnometry and 0.4 ± 5.9 bpm for impedance pneumography. Sensitivity and specificity for detection of apnea was 73% and 93% for acoustic monitoring, 73% and 12% for capnometry and 45% and 93% for impedance pneumography. Conclusions: Acoustic respiration rate monitoring was found to be accurate for assessment of respiration rate and to have similar or better sensitivity and specificity for detection of apnea compared to capnometry and impedance pneumography in the setting of upper GI endoscopy. Goudra BG et al. OJ Anes Vol 3. No 2. Mar 2013.
Oridion Capnostream SARA V4.5 rainbow Acoustic Monitoring™ and EtCO2 vs. Reference RR for Respiratory Pause Detection Data retrospectively analyzed from PACU monitoring episodes in 33 subjects over 3712 minutes Reference respiration rate determined by expert observer throughout each monitoring episode with simultaneous ability to assess capnography waveform, acoustic waveform, and hear breath sounds Respiratory pause defined as 30 seconds with no breathing activity 21 episodes of respiratory pause identified Oridion Capnostream SARA V4.5 Masimo rainbow® Acoustic Monitoring V7804 Sensitivity (respiratory pause detected when actual respiratory pause occurs) 62% 81% Lower tolerance limit (0.95, 0.95) (% of time that 95% of devices will display data) 84% 94% BACKGROUND: Current methods for monitoring ventilatory rate have limitations including poor accuracy and precision and low patient tolerance. In this study, we evaluated a new acoustic ventilatory rate monitoring technology for accuracy, precision, reliability, and the ability to detect pauses in ventilation, relative to capnometry and a reference method in postsurgical patients. METHODS: Adult patients presenting to the postanesthesia care unit were connected to a Pulse CO-Oximeter with acoustic monitoring technology (Rad-87, version 7804, Masimo, Irvine, CA) through an adhesive bioacoustic sensor (RAS-125, rev C) applied to the neck. Each subject also wore a nasal cannula connected to a bedside capnometer (Capnostream20, version 4.5, Oridion, Needham, MA). The acoustic monitor and capnometer were connected to a computer for continuous acoustic and expiratory carbon dioxide waveform recordings. Recordings were retrospectively analyzed by a trained technician in a setting that allowed for the simultaneous viewing of both waveforms while listening to the breathing sounds from the acoustic signal to determine inspiration and expiration reference markers within the ventilatory cycle without using the acoustic monitor- or capnometer-calculated ventilatory rate. This allowed the automatic calculation of a reference ventilatory rate for each device through a software program (TagEditor, Masimo). Accuracy (relative to the respective reference) and precision of each device were estimated and compared with each other. Sensitivity for detection of pauses in ventilation, defined as no inspiration or expiration activity in the reference ventilatory cycle for ≥30 seconds, was also determined. The devices were also evaluated for their reliability, i.e., the percentage of the time when each displayed a value and did not drop a measurement. RESULTS: Thirty-three adults (73% female) with age of 45 ± 14 years and weight 117 ± 42 kg were enrolled. A total of 3712 minutes of monitoring time (average 112 minutes per subject) were analyzed across the 2 devices, reference ventilatory rates ranged from 1.9 to 49.1 bpm. Acoustic monitoring showed significantly greater accuracy (P = 0.0056) and precision (P- = 0.0024) for respiratory rate as compared with capnometry. On average, both devices displayed data over 97% of the monitored time. The (0.95, 0.95) lower tolerance limits for the acoustic monitor and capnometer were 94% and 84%, respectively. Acoustic monitoring was marginally more sensitive (P = 0.0461) to pauses in ventilation (81% vs 62%) in 21 apneic events. CONCLUSIONS: In this study of a population of postsurgical patients, the acoustic monitor and capnometer both reliably monitored ventilatory rate. The acoustic monitor was statistically more accurate and more precise than the capnometer, but differences in performance were modest. It is not known whether the observed differences are clinically significant. The acoustic monitor was more sensitive to detecting pauses in ventilation. Acoustic monitoring may provide an effective and convenient means of monitoring ventilatory rate in postsurgical patients. Ramsay M et al. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2013.
rainbow Acoustic Monitoring™ and EtCO2 vs rainbow Acoustic Monitoring™ and EtCO2 vs. Reference RR in a Pediatric Post-Surgical Population Thirty-nine of 40 patients (97.5%) demonstrated good tolerance of the acoustic sensor, 25 of 40 patients (62.5%) demonstrated good tolerance of the nasal cannula Patient Tolerance 62.5% 97.5% BACKGROUND: Rainbow acoustic monitoring (RRa) utilizes acoustic technology to continuously and noninvasively determine respiratory rate from an adhesive sensor located on the neck. OBJECTIVE: We sought to validate the accuracy of RRa, by comparing it to capnography, impedance pneumography, and to a reference method of counting breaths in postsurgical children. METHODS: Continuous respiration rate data were recorded from RRa and capnography. In a subset of patients, intermittent respiration rate from thoracic impedance pneumography was also recorded. The reference method, counted respiratory rate by the retrospective analysis of the RRa, and capnographic waveforms while listening to recorded breath sounds were used to compare respiration rate of both capnography and RRa. Bias, precision, and limits of agreement of RRa compared with capnography and RRa and capnography compared with the reference method were calculated. Tolerance and reliability to the acoustic sensor and nasal cannula were also assessed. RESULTS: Thirty-nine of 40 patients (97.5%) demonstrated good tolerance of the acoustic sensor, whereas 25 of 40 patients (62.5%) demonstrated good tolerance of the nasal cannula. Intermittent thoracic impedance produced erroneous respiratory rates (>50 b·min-1 from the other methods) on 47% of occasions. The bias ± SD and limits of agreement were -0.30 ± 3.5 b·min-1 and -7.3 to 6.6 b·min-1 for RRa compared with capnography; -0.1 ± 2.5 b·min-1 and -5.0 to 5.0 b·min-1 for RRa compared with the reference method; and 0.2 ± 3.4 b·min-1 and -6.8 to 6.7 b·min-1 for capnography compared with the reference method. CONCLUSIONS: When compared to nasal capnography, RRa showed good agreement and similar accuracy and precision but was better tolerated in postsurgical pediatric patients. Patino M et al. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2013.
Masimo SET® and Masimo Patient SafetyNet: Helping Clinicians Improve Outcomes on the General Floor Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center 10 month study, covering 36 bed orthopedic unit 2,841 patients and 9,978 monitored days Rescue activations 3.4 to 1.2 per 1,000 patient discharges ICU transfers from 5.6 to 2.9 per 1,000 patient days Background Some preventable deaths in hospitalized patients are due to unrecognized deterioration. There are no publications of studies that have instituted routine patient monitoring postoperatively and analyzed impact on patient outcomes. Methods The authors implemented a patient surveillance system based on pulse oximetry with nursing notification of violation of alarm limits via wireless pager. Data were collected for 11 months before and 10 months after implementation of the system. Concurrently, matching outcome data were collected on two other postoperative units. The primary outcomes were rescue events and transfers to the intensive care unit compared before and after monitoring change. Results Rescue events decreased from 3.4 (1.89-4.85) to 1.2 (0.53-1.88) per 1,000 patient discharges and intensive care unit transfers from 5.6 (3.7-7.4) to 2.9 (1.4-4.3) per 1,000 patient days, whereas the comparison units had no change. Conclusions Patient surveillance monitoring results in a reduced need for rescues and intensive care unit transfers. There were no changes in these variables on two similar post-surgical units at the same hospital that did not continuously monitor with Masimo SET® & Patient SafetyNet Taenzer A et al. Anesthesiology, 2010. The use of the trademarks Patient SafetyNet and PSN is under license from University Healthcare Consortium
5 Year Mortality Impact with Masimo SET® and Masimo Patient SafetyNet No patients have suffered irreversible severe brain damage or died as a result of respiratory depression from opioids Since instituted on the original Dartmouth study unit in December of 2007 Taenzer AH and Blike G. APSF. 2012.
Additional Outcomes with Masimo SET® and Masimo Patient SafetyNet 21% decrease in average length of stay of a patient with transfer to the ICU Total 5.1 days decreased (1.8 days in the ICU, 3.3 days on floor) Original orthopedic unit Similar clinical outcome improvements in the two additional post-surgical units General and thoraco vascular Only 4 alarms per patient per day Added the 4 alarms… Taenzer AH and Blike G. APSF. 2012.
Cost Savings with Masimo SET® and Masimo Patient SafetyNet Due to decreased ICU transfer rate $1.48 Million Saved on One Floor $58,459 saved per patient who was not transferred to ICU ($76,044 vs. $17,585) Original study unit on orthopedic floor Taenzer AH and Blike G. APSF. 2012.
Blood Transfusion Risks and Costs Blood transfusions are common Up to 20% of surgical patients Up to 35% of ICU patients receive 1+ units1,2 Blood transfusions morbidity & mortality3,4,5 Up to 40% increase in 30-day morbidity Sepsis, pneumonia, wound infections & TRALI Up to 38% increase in 30-day mortality Up to 67% increase in 6-month mortality Blood transfusions cost $$$ One of the largest cost centers in a hospital Annually estimated at $1.6 to $6 million per hospital $522 to $1,183 per unit6 ICU LOS 2+ day increase per transfusion7 1 DeFrances et alAdvance Data. 2008;5:1-20. 2 Von Ahsehn N et al. Crit Care Med. 1999; 12:2630-2639. 3 Taylor RW et al. Crit Care Med. 2006; 34(9):2302-8. 4 Bernard AC et al. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2009;208:931-937. 5 Surgenor SD et al. Anesthesia & Analgesia 2009;108:1741-1746. 6 Shander A et al. Transfusion. 2010;50(4):753-65 5 . 7 Hill SR et al. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2000, Issue 1.
Undetected Bleeding Challenges Significant bleeding common in surgical & critical care Up to 35% of patients1 64% of hospital executives estimate 2 – 10 serious injuries/deaths annually from late detection of bleeding Bleeding is a significant risk factor Late detection further increases the risk2 19% in-hospital postpartum maternal deaths from hemorrhage3 Bleeding significantly increases cost of treatment2 Low Hb identifies almost 90% of patients with bleeding4 Traditional lab measurements infrequent and delayed Joint Commission sentinel event alert: OB patients Call for protocols that improve ability to detect hemorrhage5 1 Hebert PC. Crit Care. 1999: 3(2):57-63. 2 Herwaldt LA. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2003; 24(1):44-50. 3 Bateman BT et al. Anesth Analg May 2010 110:1368-1373. 4 Bruns B et al. J Trauma. 2007; 63(2):312-5. 5 The Joint Commission, "Sentinel Event Alert: Preventing Maternal Death" Issue 44, January 26, 2010
Acquisition Cost of Blood is Just the Tip of the Iceberg Product / acquisition cost (each RBC est. @ $200 to $300) Activity-based costs Clinician time Overhead Waste Morbidity-related Costs Readmissions The material cost of each unit is typically between $200 and $300, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many additional costs that are often overlooked, such as accessories, and activity-based costs, or the costs to acquire, store, and deliver blood. In addition, the morbidity associated of blood transfusion is difficult to assess. Readmissions can be due to complications from transfusions, and as you know readmissions will increasingly cause reduction in hospital payments. Shander A et al. Transfusion. 2010;50(4):753-765.
SpHbTM - Noninvasive, Continuous, Immediate
Multi-Wavelength Technology Absorption Conventional pulse oximeters use two wavelengths of light to measure oxygen saturation, but rainbow Pulse CO-Oximetry uses 7+ wavelengths of light to identify and quantify multiple blood-based measurements, including noninvasive hemoglobin, carboxyhemoglobin, methemoglobin, as well as SpO2 and pulse rate. It is the same general principle as laboratory devices use, to emit multiple wavelengths of light through blood and measure the absorption of those wavelengths to quantify hemoglobin. The big difference of course is that lab devices take blood out of the body to analyze the blood, while Masimo rainbow technology does it noninvasively by analyzing pulsating blood in the finger. Wavelength (nm) Only 2 wavelengths of light (660nm & 940nm) used to measure oxygen saturation (SpO2) SpHb uses 7 or more additional unique wavelengths, in combination with additional advanced algorithms, to measure SpHb, SpCO, SpMet , in addition to SpO2, PR, PI
SpHb Accuracy - ICU 471 hemoglobin measurements from 62 Surgical ICU patients 3 Hb methods compared to reference Hb (lab hematology analyzer: Sysmex XT2000i) SpHb, satellite CO-Oximeter (Siemens RapidPoint 405), point-of-care device (HemoCue 301) 1.0 g/dL (Arms) 1.1 g/dL (Arms) 1.3 g/dL (Arms) Frasca D et al. Crit Care Med. 39(10); 2011; 2277-2282.
Value of Continuous Hemoglobin Monitoring Provides a Real time view of changes in total hemoglobin vs. intermittent methods: Falling Stable → Rising
Trend Plots: Continuous Noninvasive Hemoglobin SpHb Continuous Hemoglobin Trend tHb outside target range Target hemoglobin range
Results Patient Research Patient recruitment over a six-month period (Feb 2010 – July 2010) 350 patients screened, 327 enrolled 157 Standard Care, 170 SpHb Procedures: Hip replacement (31%) Knee replacement (29%) Spinal surgery (14%) 327 subjects in matched retrospective cohort From six-month period prior to study commencement Cohorts received no intervention Ehrenfeld JM et al. ASA. 2010. LB05.
Frequency of Patients Receiving RBC Transfusion (%) * p=0.03 vs. Standard Care Group; † p=0.02 vs. Matched Retrospective Cohort Ehrenfeld JM et al. ASA. 2010. LB05.
Prospective Cohort Study in High Blood Loss Surgery Objective, Patients, Randomization & Methods Determine whether Continuous SpHb monitoring helps to reduce surgical transfusion frequency and average amount transfused in high blood loss surgery Patients Neurosurgery at academic medical center (Cairo University, Egypt) Methods Standard Care Group Treat as normally would SpHb Group Treat as normally would but add continuous SpHb Both Groups Blood samples taken at baseline and when EBL was ≥15% of total blood volume RBC transfusion initiated if hemoglobin was ≤10 g/dL and continued until the EBL was replaced and hemoglobin >10g/dL To answer the question of whether SpHb could impact transfusion decisions in high blood loss surgery, this study was conducted in neurosurgery. In the Standard Care Group, they treated patients as they normally would. In the SpHb group, they added continuous SpHb monitoring. In both groups, blood samples taken at baseline and when EBL was ≥15% of total blood volume – and RBC transfusion initiated if hemoglobin was ≤10 g/dL and continued until the EBL was replaced and hemoglobin >10g/dL Awada W et al. STA. 2013 (abstract).
*p<0.01 vs. Standard Care Group SpHb Monitoring Impact on Frequency of >3 RBC Unit Transfusions in High Blood Loss Surgery ↓56% Relative Reduction * In this prospective study in high blood loss neurosurgery, there were no difference in the % of patients transfused However, there was a significant difference in the percentage of patients transfused with 3 or more RBC units (73% vs. 32%) In lower blood loss surgery, SpHb monitoring reduced RBC transfusion by helping clinicians avoid the initial decision to transfuse In high blood loss surgery, SpHb reduces RBC transfusions by helping clinicians avoid the decision to transfuse multiple RBC units Prospective cohort study in 106 neurosurgery surgery pts, 61 Standard Care & 45 SpHb *p<0.01 vs. Standard Care Group Awada W et al. STA. 2013 (abstract).
**p<0.001 vs. Standard Care Group SpHb Monitoring Impact on Average RBC Units Transfused per Patient in High Blood Loss Surgery ↓47% Relative Reduction ** The reduction in multi-unit transfusions led to a 0.9 average RBC units transfused, when looked at over all patients – even those who did not receive any transfusion Since the low blood loss surgery impact was 0.09 units, the impact was 10 times that in high blood loss surgery Prospective cohort study in 106 neurosurgery surgery pts, 61 Standard Care & 45 SpHb **p<0.001 vs. Standard Care Group Awada W et al. STA. 2013 (abstract).
Mission Improve patient outcomes and reduce cost of care by taking noninvasive monitoring to new sites and applications®
Florence Nightingale – Notes on Nursing “ The first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm.” Florence Nightingale – Notes on Nursing