The 5-Paragraph Essay Structure ** You will notice the structure of a 5-paragraph-essay follows the same structure of a hamburger. Use this relationship to help you form a connection and to memorize this structure, for it will serve you well through high school and beyond.
1 st Paragraph The Top Bun (aka The Introduction) Step 1: Write the work (book title, movie title, short story, etc. Step 2:Write the author by first and last name Step 3:Write the general topic (3 to 5 complete sentences that completely summarize the topic of the essay, book, movie, short story, etc.) Step 4:Write any information the teacher needs to know, but does not (For example: if you are responding to 1 story in a book of short stories. Step 5:Write a clearly written thesis with 3 main ideas (thesis means what is the point of your paper). IMPORTANT: Your thesis should never, ever be more than 1 complete sentence in length and should ALWAYS be the last sentence in your1 st paragraph.
2 nd Paragraph The Tomato (aka The Body) Step 1:Write clearly stated topic sentence that comes from the 1 st main idea in your thesis. Step 2:Write 1 example of support for your topic sentence. Step 3:Write a 2 nd example of support for your topic sentence. Step 4:Write a 3 rd and final example of support for your topic sentence. Step 5:Restate your topic sentence
3 rd Paragraph The Lettuce (aka The Body) Step 1:Write clearly stated topic sentence that comes from the 2 nd main idea in your thesis. Step 2:Write 1 example of support for your topic sentence. Step 3:Write a 2 nd example of support for your topic sentence. Step 4:Write a 3 rd and final example of support for your topic sentence. Step 5:Restate your topic sentence
4 th Paragraph The Meat (aka The Body) Step 1:Write clearly stated topic sentence that comes from the 3 rd main idea in your thesis. Step 2:Write 1 example of support for your topic sentence. Step 3:Write a 2 nd example of support for your topic sentence. Step 4:Write a 3 rd and final example of support for your topic sentence. Step 5:Restate your topic sentence
5 th Paragraph The Bottom Bun (aka The Conclusion) Step 1:Rewrite your thesis with 3 main ideas. Step 2:Briefly summarize 1 example of support from your 2 nd paragraph. Step 3:Briefly summarize 1 example of support from your 3 rd paragraph. Step 4:Briefly summarize 1 example of support from your 4 th paragraph. Step 5:Write 1 intelligent concluding sentence to end your essay.(This can be something that leaves the teacher with a question, a thought to ponder, a statement that sums up what you are trying to say in your essay, or a famous quote with parenthetical citation, of course.