JOHN 18:37-38a What is TRUTH? John 14:6 Is there a difference between the WAY, TRUTH, LIFE
TRUTH Definition: The quality or state of being true. That which conforms to reality, fact, or actuality. Do you think that is complete? Why?
TRUTH Definition leaves room for interpretation What is reality What is fact What is actuality How does perception effect the truth
TRUTH Paradox of the ball against the wall Col. 2:8 In order for truth to be defined properly it would have to be factually and logically correct In other words “TRUE”
TRUTH WHAT IS TRUTH NOT Error Self – contradictory Deception It could be true that someone could be deceptive but the deception is not true
TRUTH Publix Chocolate Moose Tracks Ice Cream is Delicious True or False?
SUBJECTIVE TRUTH vs OBJECTIVE TRUTH How can a statement be both True and False? I wasn’t talking about the object what is the object? I was talking about the subject (me)
SUBJECTIVE TRUTH vs OBJECTIVE TRUTH This is a Subjective Claim It is a claim about a Subject
SUBJECTIVE TRUTH vs OBJECTIVE TRUTH Publix Chocolate Moose Tracks Ice Cream is Medicine that Cures Diabetes. True or False?
SUBJECTIVE TRUTH vs OBJECTIVE TRUTH This is a Objective Claim It is a claim about a Object Objective Truth True for all people, in all places, at all times to whom the claim applies
SUBJECTIVE TRUTH vs OBJECTIVE TRUTH OBJECTIVE Either True or False Can be wrong About Things SUBJECTIVE NEITHER True or False Can’t be wrong About Feelings
SUBJECTIVE TRUTH vs OBJECTIVE TRUTH Examples of Subjective Truth Hair Color Food Choices (except Brussels Sprouts, (martian heads), those are just wrong) Media (Books, Movies, TV, etc…)
SUBJECTIVE TRUTH vs OBJECTIVE TRUTH Examples of Objective Truth Historical Events Math & Empirical Sciences Ethics and Morals Religions How can ethics and moral and religious truth be objective?
SUBJECTIVE TRUTH vs OBJECTIVE TRUTH Lets look at Moral and Ethic claims Atheists Say that Moral/Ethical Claims are All Relative This is called RELATIVISM
RELATIVISM In relativism, all points of view are equally valid and all truth is relative to the individual. “Something can be true for you, but not necessarily for me.”
RELATIVISM Lets look at claims and responses “Something can be true for you, but not necessarily for me.” This is an example of a “Self- Defeating Fallacy” It contradicts itself, so it must be false So “What if that isnt true for me?”
RELATIVISM Claim: You cant know truth. Response: How do you know that?
RELATIVISM Claim: There is no Truth. Response: Is that True?
RELATIVISM Claim: You shouldn’t judge. Response: That seems like a judgement.
RELATIVISM Claim: All truth is relative. Response: That’s not true for me…
RELATIVISM Claim: Only science can give us truth. Response: Is that a scientific truth? or Response: What lab experiment was done to conclude that?
RELATIVISM Claim: You shouldn’t force your morality on people. Response: Is that your moral view?(yes) Then, why are you forcing it on me?
RELATIVISM Claim: God forgives those that obey their conscience.
RELATIVISM Lets look at Religious Claims All Religious/Moral claims are Relative to the Subject Christianity is not based on my preference It is based on Historical Fact
RELATIVISM Either Jesus Lived a Perfect Life, Was Crucified, and Resurrected, Or He Wasnt
RELATIVISM So what does that say about the Bible? If There’s No Truth, Then No Book Written by an Atheist can be True Either