Community Green Bugs & Insects Charles Vasser
Similarities and Differences Both bugs and the insects are animals but are very small in comparison with others. Insects’ bodies are usually made up of three body parts but the bugs have no specific number of segments. Insects undergo metamorphosis, either complete or incomplete. Bugs do not undergo metamorphosis.
Pollinators Hummingbirds, bats, bees, beetles, butterflies, flies and moths carry pollen from one plant to another as they collect nectar. These hard-working animals help pollinate over 75% of our flowering plants, and nearly 75% of our crops. Without them, we would have fewer berries, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Not to mention chocolate and coffee which depend on pollinators.
Why does pollination matter to us? Worldwide, roughly 1,000 plants grown for food, beverages, fibers, spices, and medicines need to be pollinated by animals in order to produce the goods on which we depend.
Birdwing Butterfly Butterflies have 4 life cycles. The final cycles is when the larvae create a chrysalis and change from a caterpillar into a butterfly. Birdwings are named for their exceptional size, angular wings, and birdlike flight.
Caterpillar Caterpillars also known as larvae turn into butterflies after the spin themselves into a chrysalis (butterfly) or cocoon (moth). That’s called METAMORPHOSIS and is the 4th stage of their development.
Honey Bee The honey bee uses the most complex symbolic language of any animal on earth, outside of the primate family. Honey bees produce and store honey and construct perennial, colonial nests out of wax.
Noctuid Moth Noctuid are also called Owlet moths. Caterpillars live in the soil called "cutworms" that eat the bases of young brassicas and lettuces. Most larvae feed at night, resting in the soil or in a crevice in its food plant during the day.
Beneficial Bugs & Insects Aphid Midge Assassin Bugs Big-Eyed Bugs Braconid Wasps Damsel Bugs Green Lacewing Ground Beetles Lady Beetle Minute Pirate Bugs Praying Mantis Predatory Stink Bugs Soldier Beetles Spined Soldier Bug Syrphid Flies Tachinid Flies
Common Garden Pests Aphids Asparagus Beetle Bean Leaf Beetle Cabbage Worm Corn Borer Cucumber Beetle Cutworms Flea Beetle Potato Beetle Squash Bug Squash Vine Borer Tobacco Hornworm Tomato Hornworm
Community Green Thanks for watching the Bugs & Insects preview! Please contact me to schedule a full presentation for your class, gardening group or community center. Bugs & Insects Charles Vasser