Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee MRRIC
Missouri River Basin Nation’s Longest River (2,321 miles) From Three Forks, Montana to St. Louis, Missouri Eight Authorized Purposes: 1)Fish & Wildlife 2)Flood Control 3)Hydropower 4)Irrigation 5)Navigation 6)Recreation 7)Water Quality 8)Water Supply
What is the MRRIC? Authorized in Section 5018 of the 2007 Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) and established by the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works). Makes recommendations and provides guidance on a study of the Missouri River and its tributaries, and on the existing Missouri River recovery and mitigation program. Helps guide the prioritization, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and adaptation of recovery actions. Includes a broad stakeholder representation to ensure a comprehensive approach to Missouri River recovery implementation while providing for congressionally authorized Missouri River project purposes and to ensure public values are incorporated into the study and the recovery and mitigation plans.
Role of MRRIC Bank Stabilization and Navigation Project (BSNP) Mitigation Plan Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of Biological Opinion (BiOp) (amended) 2003 Biological Opinion (BiOp) (amended) MRRIC Provide Recommendations Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan (MRERP) (Study) Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Plan (MRERP) (Study) Missouri River Recovery Program (MRRP) (Existing Recovery & Mitigation Plans) Missouri River Recovery Program (MRRP) (Existing Recovery & Mitigation Plans)
Water Resources Development Act WRDA 2007 Section 5018 The Secretary of the Army, in consultation with the MRRIC, shall conduct a study of the Missouri River and its tributaries to determine actions required to: mitigate losses of aquatic and terrestrial habitat recover federally listed species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 restore the ecosystem to prevent further declines among other native species Recovery Implementation Committee to be established by Secretary Committee membership includes: Federal Agencies States Tribes Non-Governmental Stakeholders Committee duties include: Provide Guidance to Secretary, Federal Agencies, Tribes, & State Agencies on the Study Provide Guidance and Recommendations to Secretary on Missouri River Recovery and Mitigation Plan Part (a) Part (b)
Habitat Construction Shallow Water Habitat Emergent Sandbar Habitat Cottonwood Reforestation Propagation/Hatchery Support Research, Monitoring, & Evaluation Flow Modifications Public Involvement Missouri River Recovery Program
Threatened & Endangered Species Interior Least Tern (E)Piping Plover (T) Pallid Sturgeon (E)
Shared River, Shared Interests
8 States 28 American Indian Tribes 28 Stakeholders 15 Federal Agencies Shared River, Shared Interests
Missouri River Basin States Minnesota MRRIC Iowa Kansas Missouri Montana Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota Wyoming
Missouri River Basin Tribes
28 Stakeholders Navigation (1 member) Irrigation (1 member) Flood Control (2 members) Fish & Wildlife (2 members) Recreation (2 members) Water Quality (2 members) Water Supply (2 members) Agriculture (2 members) Conservation Districts (1 member) Waterway Industries (2 members) Major Tributaries (2 members) Thermal Power (2 members) Hydropower (1 member) At Large/Other Interests (2 members) Local Government (2 members) Environmental/Conservation Organizations (2 members) 28 Members/16 Interest Categories Organizations or entities invited to submit member applications (available at Applications due by July 31 st of each year Selected by the USACE’s Northwestern Division Commander Appointments made by October 1 st of each year Members serve for 3-year terms
Maritime Administration National Park Service National Weather Service / NOAA US Coast Guard USDA Forest Service USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service US Geological Survey Western Area Power Administration US Army Corps of Engineers US Fish & Wildlife Service Bureau of Indian Affairs Bureau of Land Management Bureau of Reclamation Environmental Protection Agency Federal Highway Administration Federal Agencies Represented
State members: Appointed by Governors Serve until replaced Tribal members: Appointed by Tribal Chair or President Serve until replaced Stakeholder members: Selected by USACE and USFWS Members selected through application process Serve 3 year terms Federal Agency members: Appointed by members’ agencies Serve until replaced Committee Appointments
Charter drafting team was a collaborative effort Interaction with basin leaders and decision-makers Mutual learning opportunities Missouri River Recovery Program Social, economic, cultural Contributing to Missouri River Recovery Program Relationship building Committee recommendations are made by consensus Unique Features/Opportunities
The Committee’s goal is to reach consensus on all substantive issues brought before it and only make recommendations where there is a consensus Consensus recommendations are made using a two-step process with information, discussion, proposal development, and tentative consensus at the first meeting Final consensus occurs no sooner than the next meeting to ensure adequate notification of and deliberations by the committee members and the interests they represent MRRIC Consensus Rules
1)MRERP-MRRIC Engagement Strategy 2)Similarity of Appearance of Shovelnose Sturgeon 3)MRERP Purpose and Need 4)Reimbursement of Travel and Lodging Expenses for Attending Committee Meetings 5)MRERP Values Workshop Summary 6)FY11 Work Plan for Recovery Program 7)Non-traditional Tern and Plover Habitat 8)Conduct Government-to-Government Consultation with Basin Tribes MRRIC Substantive Recommendations
Approximately every three months - four per calendar year Meeting sites alternate Monday afternoon - optional tours and information sessions Formal meeting - Tuesday through mid-day Thursday One-day video-teleconference (VTC) webinar scheduled each Spring Information sharing webinars between meetings Frequent work group telephone conferences between meetings Note: Members are not reimbursed for travel or lodging under statute MRRIC Meetings
MRRIC Work Groups Science/Adaptive Management Work Group Combined Recovery and ISP Work Groups Adaptive Management Framework Engage with ISAP Develop Recommendations for the Recovery Program Work Plan Small Group to Develop Analysis of Land Acquisition Issues Ad-Hoc Work Groups Subcommittee on Tribal Participation Membership, Process, and Procedures Ad Hoc Group Missouri River Basin Studies and Programs Ad Hoc Group Water Quality Webinar Group Communications/IT Work Group Communications Plan MRRIC Website MRRIC Annual Report Agenda Work Group Members Set Agenda WG Membership rotates MRERP Work Group Focal Natural Resources Goals and Objectives Interaction Strategy
U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution Tucson, Arizona The RESOLVE FacilitationTeam Washington, D.C. MRRIC Chair: Dr. Michael Mac Vice Chair: David Sieck, member of MRRIC MRRIC Support Services
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