GENERAL BIODIESEL OVERVIEW General Biodiesel…. …. Produces Low Carbon, Renewable Fuel out of Recycled Cooking Oil …. Is built around Local 3 1.Local waste feedstock 2.Local biodiesel production 3.Local off-take …. 2mm gallon/year plant now expanding to 10mm gallon/year
WHAT IS COMMUNITY SCALE ENERGY? Economies of the 20 th Century Built on Large-Scale, Centralized Production Efficiencies of Scale Built Infrastructure to Carry Large Amounts of Energy Over Long Distances Belief that Smaller Scale Production “Not Efficient” New Model For 21 st Century and Beyond = Community Scale / Regional Scale / Distributed Production Global Resources Are Increasingly Scarce (Security Issues) Trend Towards Buying Locally Produced Goods & Services Trend Towards Sustainability (Sustainable is Local By Definition) Benefits of These Trends Communities Become More Self Sufficient $$$ For Goods and Services Stays in Local Economies Job Creation
COMMUNITY SCALE ENERGY OPPORTUNITIES WA Energy Comes From: Petroleum (45%), Hydro/Nuclear (23%), Natural Gas (18%), Renewables (8%), and Coal (6%) Low Hanging Fruit = Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency is Lowest Cost Source of Energy Local by Definition Creates Jobs for Local Goods & Services In Washington State As Much As 45% of All Energy Production is Wasted Community Scale Electricity Solar (residential, small commercial) Wind (rooftop) Small Scale Hydro (i.e. HydroVolts, etc.) Landfills / Digesters Community Scale Fuel Biodiesel Landfill / Digester Gas
WHERE DOES OUR REFINED FUEL COME FROM? 89% From WA Refineries – Transported along Olympic Pipeline (~70%) – Barged to Pasco from Portland (~19%) – Distributed by truck 10% From MT Refineries – Transported along Yellowstone Pipeline – Distributed by truck 1% From Utah Refineries – Transported along Chevron Pipeline – Distributed by Truck
HOW FAR DOES IT TRAVEL? The Washington fuel chain: Oil brought in by pipeline and ocean tanker from Alaska, Alberta Oil Sands (70- 80% of Canadian imports), Argentina, Saudi, Africa To 5 Refineries in WA (BP, Shell, ConocoPhillips, Tesoro, US Oil) Then to Harbor Island, Tacoma, Spokane, other fuel racks (Tankers and Pipelines) Then to wholesalers (Truck) Then to retailers (Truck) Then to end users A GALLON OF WASHINGTON GAS TRAVELS ALMOST 3,500 MILES BEFORE IT GETS TO YOUR TANK: 638 MILES IN A PIPELINE AFTER OIL EXTRACTION; PLUS 2,568 MILES IN AN OCEAN TANKER TO THE REFINERY; PLUS 143 MILES IN A PIPELINE AFTER REFINING; PLUS 37 MILES IN A BARGE; PLUS 75 MILES IN A TRUCK (3500 MILES IS A WEIGHTED AVERAGE NUMBER. FUEL CAN TRAVEL AS FAR AS 13,000 MILES BEFORE YOUR TANK!)
AT WHAT COST? How thirsty is Washington for Petroleum? 5.25 BILLION GALLONS OF REFINED PETROLEUM USED PER YEAR Gasoline – 2.7 billion gallons/year Diesel – 1.2 billion gallons/year Jet Fuel – 740 million gallons/year Other fuels – 650 million gallons/year (propane, bunker fuel, etc.) 50% OF WASHINGTON’S CARBON FOOTPRINT 52.5 MILLION TONS OF CO2 PER YEAR
WHAT’S IN 100 DRIVING MILES? Population – 4.5mm people, or 70% of Washington State population 100 MILE FUEL RESOURCES NO oilfields (not since 1962) -- 5 oil refineries process 9.5 BN gallons/yr NO natural gas production NO ethanol plants VERY LITTLE oilseed crops currently due to high value agriculture (flowers, vegetables, seeds, berries, fruit, dairy, poultry) VERY LITTLE Electricity generation for electric vehicles from utility-scale renewables (VERY LARGE Opportunities for community scale electricity) ONE BIODIESEL PLANT – GENERAL BIODIESEL
IS BIODIESEL AN ANSWER? Sources of biodiesel feedstock within 100-miles of Seattle: Some oilseeds grown in Snohomish County (~40k gallons in 2009) Waste Sources (estimated to be 25mm gallons/year within 100 mile radius) Used Cooking Oil Animal Fat (scraps) Brown Grease (fats, oils, grease from grease traps and waste water) Total Potential Biodiesel Production from 100-mile sources is approximately 25mm gallons/year, less with current technology CO2 Emissions Fuel per Million Btu Biodiesel Methane Natural Gas LPG Propane Jet Fuel Gasoline Kerosene Diesel & distillates Bunker Fuels Solid Waste Coal ~3% OF W. WASH DIESEL AND ~0.7% OF W. WASH FUEL