Part time Academic Group Myths As long as we get them paid is all it matters Once the Authorization finishes, it will be forgotten Other than full time employees are not unionized, therefore unions don’t use that data Facts Incorrectly classifying an employee creates liability to the College in terms of Pay Equity Any information stored in the HRIS is used to create reports that are analyzed for workforce and budget planning The College provides a wide range of reports to the Unions based on information entered on the HRIS
Institutional Data College resource Used and relied upon by many users (Unions, PC, Ministry, etc.) Accurate, consistent and timely Begins with person or office creating the data Continuous responsibility of all who subsequently access it and use it
Daily Use of Data Increased investment and attention to data handling and analysis is a necessity for nearly all businesses.
Entering Information on HRIS Use screen HRU209 8 different types of authorizations 5 is used for Part Time Administrator 6 is used for Part Time Support 7 is used for Part Time Academic 8 is used for Regular Part Time Student (Student number is required) E is used for CSEP students L is used for ELC worker (only available for Early Learning Centre) S is used for Summer Student Appendix G (May 1 to August 31)
Entering Information on HRIS (cont.) 6 different types of codes to differentiate Part Time Academic employees: P is used for Professors I is used for Instructors X is used for coordinators N is used for Non-Teaching L is used for Librarian C is used for Counsellor
Entering Information on HRIS (cont.) Teaching assignments The Object Codes for teaching assignments are as follows: Part Time Academic Regular Partial Load Academic Short Term Partial Load Academic (Irregular) Sessional
Entering Information on HRIS (cont.) Any assignments that are authorized to replace a full time faculty, it is recommended to use sub-objects 04 to 10 and 12, 14 and 15 Sub-object 00 (Regular duties) is used where there’s no full time faculty assigned and the hours are the product of those unfilled by full time faculty Sub-object 02 is used for assignments where there’s no replacement and is also not the product of hours left unfilled by full time faculty
Entering Information on HRIS (cont.) It is imperative that the proper Sub-Object Code is entered correctly to ensure accuracy. Sub- Object Codes used for teaching assignments are as follows: 00 Regular Duties 02 Short Term Assignment 04 Sick Leave Replacement 05 Maternity Leave Replacement 06 Parental Leave Replacement 07 Professional Leave Replacement 08 Vacation Replacement 09 Secondment Replacement 10 Leave of Absence Replacement 11 Vacancy Replacement 12 Other Replacement 14 Curriculum Development Replacement 15 Release Time/Union Business Replacement 17 Field Work Supervision Non-replacement
Entering Information on HRIS (cont.) ensure the proper Course Code, Section and hours per course is entered hours per course refers to the number of hours taught each week, and not the total hours for the course.
Entering Information on HRIS (cont.) Non-Teaching Assignments Ensure that the authorizations do not reflect any teaching duties The Sub-Object Codes for non-teaching assignments are as follows: Part Time Academic (Librarians & Counsellors and Non-Teaching) Part Time Coordinator Sub-Object codes that can be used for non-teaching assignments are as follows: 00 Regular Duties 02 Short Term Assignment 03 Special Project 18 Distance Learning, Non-Teaching 20 Non-Teaching, Non-Replacement
Entering Information on HRIS (cont.) Prior to entering a new authorization on the system, ensure that you have the proper classification code and rate that will be assigned to the employee The object code for any Part time Support authorization is It is imperative that the proper Sub-Object Code is entered correctly to ensure accuracy. Sub- Object Codes used for Part time support assignments are as follows: 00 Regular Duties 02 Short Term Assignment 03 Special Project 04 Sick Leave Replacement 05 Maternity Leave Replacement 06 Parental Leave Replacement 07 Professional Leave Replacement 08 Vacation Replacement 09 Secondment Replacement 10 Leave of Absence Replacement 11 Vacancy Replacement 15 Release Time/Union Business Replacement 16 Project of a Non-Recurring Time 17 Field Work Supervision Non-replacement 19 More than 44 hours per week 21 Overtime, Appendix D only
Entering Information on HRIS (cont.) Any assignments that are authorized to replace a full time support staff, it is recommended to use sub-objects 04 to 10 and 15 which are considered Appendix D authorizations ensure that the correct position number is entered for the employee being replaced Vacancy Replacement (Sub-object 11) it’s not considered Appendix D
Entering Information on HRIS (cont.) Sub-object 00 (Regular duties) is used where there’s no full time support staff assigned and the hours are the product of those unfilled by full time support staff Sub-object 02 is used for assignments where there’s no replacement and is also not the product of hours left unfilled by full time support staff. Sub-object 03 (special project) is used for assignments where the special project involves duties that are normally performed on a regular basis in the College Sub-object 16 (Project of a non-recurring kind) is used for assignments where the nature of the project is not performed on a regular basis in the College
Entering Information on HRIS (cont.) Part time Student Authorizations ensure that the proper category is chosen groups 8 and E you will need to enter a student number Group S can only be used from May 1 to August 31. The Sub-Object code used for students is The sub-objects that can be used for student assignments are as follows: 00 Regular Duties 02 Short Term Assignment 03 Special Project
Where to Get More Information HR Website : Ruben A. Sanchez at ext or Virginia McLaughlin at ext or