Be Aware
WHAT IS IT? Rosacea is a very common disease among people over the age of 30 It causes redness of the nose, cheeks, forehead, chin, and sometimes can cause bumps to form. Rosacea penetrates the epidermis and targets the capillaries in the dermis
SYMPTOMS SYMPTOMS INCLUDE A flushed, red face with sensitive, dry skin that may burn or sting. Small bumps and pimples or acne-like breakouts. Skin that gets coarser and thicker, with a bumpy texture. Dry, red, irritated eyes.
CAUSES AND CURES CAUSE There is no real cause for Rosacea. It is mainly irritation of the skin and usually runs in the family. It is found that symptoms can be worsened by high levels of alcohol. Rosacea often occurs when the blood vessels in the face expand. Causes of this include; high levels of exercise, exposure to sun, and stress levels CURES Redness and breakouts can be treated with pills, such as low- dose antibiotics Skin creams that contain medicine Blood vessels can be treated with lasers and another light treatment called intense pulsed light Dry, sensitive skin can be protected with products for sensitive skin, such as moisturizers and sunscreen.
HOW BAD CAN IT GET? In rare cases, rosacea that is not treated may cause permanent effects, such as thickening of the skin on your face or loss of vision. It may cause knobby bumps on the nose. Over time, it can give the nose a swollen, waxy look. But most cases of rosacea don't progress this far.
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