May 27, 2015 meeting Purpose ~ to review school data and parent involvement activities and plan for school year
Agenda Welcome and Introductions What we have accomplished this year in Parent Involvement What we have accomplished this year in school achievement What we have accomplished this year in school culture Share, review, and give feedback on strategies/activities included in draft SSP Provide additional ideas, thoughts, etc
What we have accomplished…Parent Involvement Opportunities Book Mobile and Summer Support Meet the Teacher Open Houses Student Led Conferences Dads Come to School Week Eat, Read, Lead Family Math Night Family Reading Night ~ OSOB – Masterpiece Learning Celebrations Grade Level Family involvement activities Lighthouse Celebration Parent Lighthouse Team Community Outreach activities - 3
Achievement Data MAP Growth Goals Met – End of Year Grade 1: MATH 88%, READING 66% Grade 2: MATH 66%, READING 68% Grade 3: MATH 57%, READING 56% Grade 4: MATH 61%, READING 55% Grade 5: MATH 52%, READING 57% MAP Proficiency – End of Year Grade 1: MATH 63%, READING 54% Grade 2: MATH 73%, READING 71% Grade 3: MATH 60%, READING 69% Grade 4: MATH 65%, READING 81% Grade 5: MATH 55%, READING 63%
School Culture Data Doing the right thing… Grade 1 Average: 96% Grade 2 Average: 97% Grade 3 Average: 95% Grade 4 Average: 95% Grade 5 Average: 96% Earned Leadership T-Shirts ~ 97% students by 5/26
School Success Plan ~ Goal 4: Promote a healthy, inclusive, and effective learning environment ~ Strategic Objective 16: Improve parent and community outreach and communications Staff: Malik Muhammad presentation to SLE staff -"Facing Our Struggles: Understanding and Serving the Poor and Boys of Color."; August 25, 2015 Staff: SLE Staff will participate in the Ruby Payne - A Framework for Understanding Poverty on November 6, 2015 Staff: When hiring personnel for SLE, the interview team will include staff members, and when appropriate SLE parents and community members, that represent the demographics within our school. Families: SLE staff will conduct home visits for incoming 1st grade students and new student registered prior to the first day of school. Families: A SLE Bookmark will be created with important dates (events and meetings), our mission statement, and contact information. The bookmark will be given to each family at the beginning of the school year. A supply will be kept on hand in the office for new families and/or as replacements.
Families: Silver Lake Elementary will house and sponsor the District Bookmobile during the summer months. Books, and a treat, will be provided to the students that attend the events. Families: School website, newsletter, and school message system will be used to distribute Title I and school activity/event information. Families: Three (3) dances/family events will be held during the school year, student activities take place simultaneously to parent workshops These workshops could include math, ELA, and Common Core information. Families: SLE Administration and staff will provide professional development for staff and parents on math programs (IXL), math language and strategies twice during the year; Parent PD will take place during Parent/student family events. Staff PD will take place in PLCs. Families: Parents will be invited to participate in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People signature training. The trainings will be provided by qualified SE staff members. The training sessions will be offered 4 times over the course of the school year. 3 trainings will be offered off-sit and 1 will be at SLE Families: SLE staff will plan and implement Curriculum Family Nights and One Book One School activities. Family nights include: Curriculum Night, Dads Come to School Week, SMART Kids Day, Grade Level Learning Celebrations, College and Career Fair
Ideas, thoughts, etc????
Thank you!!!