Los Angeles Unified School District Related Services Department Welcome to the Related Services Department inservice.
Outcomes of this Presentation Overview of All Related Services Description of LAUSD Related Services Adapted Physical Education Assistive Technology Audiology Deaf and Hard of Hearing Language and Speech Occupational Therapy Orientation and Mobility Orthopedic Impairments Recreation Therapy Physical Therapy Visually Impaired Durng this presentation, we will give an over view of all Related Services and describe the LAUSD Related Services, which include these programs, Adapted Physical Education, Assistive Technology, Audiology, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Language and Speech, Occupational Therapy, Orientation and Mobility, Orthopedic Impairments, Recreation Therapy, Physical Therapy and Visually Impaired.
Outcomes of this Presentation Related Services Position Papers* Define the role of Related Services in the education of students with disabilities within LAUSD Define in depth the RtI² model of Prevention and Pre-Referral Define the process for assessment and determining the need for service Define service models within Special Education Define service completion guidelines *APE, AT, LAS, OT and PT Upon completion of this training you will be more familiar with the Related Service Position Papers for Adapted PE, Assistive Technology, Language and Speech, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy. You will gather a clearer understanding of the definition of the role of Related Services in the education of students with disabilities within Los Angeles Unified School District. You will develop a clearer understanding of the Response to Instruction and Intervention model of prevention and pre referral as it relates to Related Services. We will discuss the process for assessment and determining the need for service, and the service models with in Special Education, and we will define service completion guidelines.
Related Services… Are a support service to a student’s educational program. Use therapeutic activities that may improve student’s ability to function within the school environment. May include the use of environmental adaptations or assistive equipment. May include adaptation of tasks or the environment in order to enhance student performance. Related Services are a support service to a student’s educational program. They use therapeutic activities that may improve student’s ability to function within the school environment. They may include the use of environmental adaptations or assistive equipment. And, they may include adaptation of tasks or the environment in order to enhance student performance.
Related Services provide… Services to children Birth – 22 years of age Prevention and Pre-Referral services for students suspected of having an area of need Intervention services provided to students who meet eligibility criteria under the California Education Code In LAUSD, Related Services provide services to children from birth to age 22. We provide prevention and pre-referral services for students suspected of having an area of need, and we provide intervention servict to students who meet eligibility criteria under California Ed. Code.
Your Related Services Professionals Over 1000 highly qualified providers serving every school in the District State licensed and/or credentialed Continuing education is provided yearly so that our providers enhance their expertise and ability to implement the latest research, technology and best practices. Who are the Related Service Professionals? They are over a thousand highly qualified providers serving in every school in the district. They all have current state licenses or credentials from the state of California in their field of expertise, and have received extensive training regarding current educational practices. Continuing education is provided yearly to broaden their professional knowledge and enhance their ability to implement the latest research, technology and best practices.
Related Services include, but are not limited to: Audiology Services Counseling Services Language and Speech Therapy Medical Services (for diagnostic purposes only) Occupational Therapy Orientation and Mobility Services Physical Therapy Psychological Services Rehabilitation Counseling Services Social Work Services Transportation As identified in the federal law, related services include, but are not limited to audiology services, counseling services, language and speech therapy medical services for diagnostic purposes only, occupational therapy , orientation and mobility services, physical therapy, psychological services, rehabilitation counseling services, social work services and transportation.
In LAUSD, the Related Services Department includes… Adapted Physical Education (APE) Assistive Technology (AT) Audiology (Aud) Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Language and Speech (LAS) Occupational Therapy (OT) Orientation and Mobility (O &M) Orthopedic Impairment (OI) Physical Therapy (PT) Recreation Therapy (RT) Visual Impairment (VI) In Los Angeles Unified School District the Related Services Department includes adapted physical education, assistive technology, audiology, deaf and hard of hearing, language and speech, occupational therapy, orientation and mobility, orthopedic impairment, physical therapy recreation therapy and visual impairment services.
Adapted Physical Education… Provides developmental or corrective instruction to students who are precluded from participation in the activities of the general physical education program, modified general physical education program, or in a specially designed physical education program in a special class. - CCR Title 5, section 3051.5 According to California Law, adapted physical education, provides developmental or corrective instruction to students who are precluded from participation in the activities of the general physical education program, modified general physical education program, or in a specially designed physical education program in a special class.
Adapted Physical Education includes… Perceptual Motor Functions Object Control Locomotor Skills Physical Fitness Adaptive Behaviors Adapted Physical Education’s areas of expertise are Perceptual Motor Functions, Object Control, Locomotor Skills, Physical Fitness, and Adaptive Behaviors.
The Assistive Technology Program… Supports academic access to the student’s curriculum setting Assesses for assistive technology devices and services. Assists schools in recommending appropriate devices and services for students with disabilities. The Assistive Technology Program supports academic access to the student’s curricular setting. They assess for assistive technology devices and services. And, they assist schools in recommending appropriate devices and services for students with disabilities. The term “assistive technology” refers to technology used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities
Assistive Technology… Supports the educational program for students who have difficulties in accessing the curriculum in one or more of the following areas: Reading Writing Mathematics Communication Assistive Technology supports the educational program for student who have difficulties in accessing the curriculum in one or more of the following areas: Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Communication.
School Language and Speech … Supports the educational program of students who have a communication disorder that adversely affect their educational performance School language and speech therapy supports the educational program of students who have a communication disorder that adversely affect their educational performance.
Language and Speech includes… Articulation/Phonology Language Fluency (Stuttering) Voice Language and Speech includes the areas of articulation phonology, language, fluency, and voice.
School Occupational Therapy… Services are provided to: Improve a student’s ability to independently perform tasks at school, if functions are impaired or lost and limit access to the least restrictive environment Improve, develop or restore functions related to participation and performance in the school setting. School occupational therapy provides services to improve a student’s ability to independently perform tasks at school, if functions are impaired or lost and limit access to the least restrictive environment. Therapy is focused on improvement development or restoration of functions related to participation and performance in the school setting. Their service is provided to enhance the student’s ability to function within the educational environment.
School Occupational Therapists assess and provide service in the following areas: Postural stability Sensory registration and processing Motor planning Fine motor Activities of Daily Living Social play/organization of behavior Environmental adaptations/assistive devices. School Occupational Therapists access and provide services in the following areas: postural stability, sensory registration and processing, motor planning, fine motor, activities of daily living, social play – orgainzation of behavior and environmental adaptations - assistive technology.
School Physical Therapy… Uses therapeutic activities focusing on purposeful, goal directed activities that improve a student’s functional performance throughout his or her school day. School Physical Therapy uses therapeutic activities focusing on purposeful, goal directed activities that improve a student’s functional performance throughout his or her school day.
School Physical Therapists assess in the following areas: Motor control and coordination Posture and balance Functional mobility Activities of Daily Living Use of adapted equipment School Physical Therapists access in the following areas: motor control and coordination, posture and balance, functional mobility, Activities of Daily Living, use of adapted equipment.
Low Incidence Programs Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Program Audiology DHH Itinerants Visually Impaired (VI) Program Orientation and Mobility VI Itinerants OI Itinerant Program The low incidence programs provide itinerant services to students who are visually impaired, deaf or hard of hearing, or have orthopedic impairments. They support student programs both in general education and in special day programs.
Low Incidence means… “…a severe disabling condition with an expected incidence rate of less than one percent of the total statewide enrollment in kindergarten through grade 12.” - EC 56026.5 The Low Incidence Programs provide technical program support for students with Low Incidence eligibilities. In California Low Incidence disabilities are defined as a severe disabling condition with an expected incidence rate of less than one percent for the total statewide enrollment in Kindergarten through grade 12. The low incidence eligibilities are Severe Orthopedic Impairment, Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Visually Impaired. Within Visually Impaired are Blind and Partially Sighted. The Low Incidence Programs provide technical program support for students with low incidence eligibilities to teachers and school sites.
Related Services Position Paper Components Pre-referral and Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtI²) Intervention Model within Special Education The related services position papers are divided into two components. The first is Pre referral and Response to Instruction and Intervention and the second one is Intervention Model within Special Education.
PRE-REFERRAL AND RESPONSE TO INSTRUCTION AND INTERVENTION (RTI²) The first component is Pre-referral and Response to Instruction and Intervention
Prevention – A Three Tiered Model for Pre-Referral Tier 3: Intensive Instruction and Intervention “Intensive Intervention,” is for an estimated 1-5% of students who need individualized and/or very small-group instruction that is highly focused, in addition to Tiers 1 & 2, and designed to accelerate student progress. Tier 2: Strategic or Supplemental Instruction It is expected that 10-15% of students will need additional time and type of instruction to learn successfully. Tier 1: Core Instruction It is expected that of all of the students receiving core instruction, 80-85% of students will be proficient when good first instruction is delivered. During the Pre-referral and Response to Instruction and Intervention component, the focus in on prevention. It is separated into three tiers. Tier 1: Core Instruction It is expected that of all of the students receiving core instruction, 80-85% of students will be proficient when good first instruction is delivered. During Tier 1, consultation is focused on increasing the general knowledge base of teachers regarding skill development, impairments, and their relationship to curriculum and function in the school environment. At this level of services students have not been identified as requiring a related service. Tier 2: Strategic or Supplemental Instruction It is expected that 10-15% of students will need additional time and type of instruction to learn successfully. During Tier 2, it is the responsibility of the provider to screen a student for possible delays. Screenings are conducted in a natural environment to elicit a representative sample of the student’s abilities. Screenings must not involve pull-out or any activity which removes the student from his/her regular school activities. Screenings may include observation of a student in a peer group if the observation does not in any way identify or single-out the student as the one who is being observed. Several outcomes may follow the screening; the provider may provide information to the teacher, school staff or parent to support the determination that the student’s abilities are adequate to access their educational opportunities. The provider may also make recommendations for targeted interventions or program accommodations to be implemented and documented by the classroom teacher and/or parents. Tier 3: Intensive Instruction and Intervention “Intensive Intervention,” is for an estimated 1-5% of students who need individualized and/or very small-group instruction that is highly focused, in addition to Tiers 1 & 2, and designed to accelerate student progress. During Tier 3, the provider supplies follow-up consultation and monitoring to the classroom teacher, staff, and parents. If an SST is held, the provider may participate and assist in formulating targeted interventions. It is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to implement and document progress for the recommended targeted interventions. It is the responsibility of the provider to consult with the classroom teacher and/or parent on a regular basis to monitor the recommended supports and accommodations and to adjust those recommendations as needed. Tier 3 continues as long as the student continues to make progress in the development of the targeted skills. If a student continues to struggle with skills after targeted interventions and accommodations are in place and documented for a reasonable length of time (as determined by the SST), a referral for a special education evaluation may be made.
A Problem Solving Cycle in General Education In a multi-tiered approach to instruction and intervention, teachers provide instruction at each tier of service that is differentiated, culturally responsive, data-based and aligned to the grade-level content standards. All students should have universal access to high-quality instruction. The multi-disciplinary team is an integral part of the RtI2 process in the general education setting. By participating in this intervention approach, the related service provider, in collaboration with other related services staff as appropriate to identify student needs, contribute expertise to the problem solving process and provides strategies for any student who may evidence challenges in accessing the curriculum. The problem solving process requires a step-by-step focus to define the problem, analyze the problem, implement intervention strategies, and evaluate the response to the instruction and intervention. During the Identification phase, providers may be called upon to assist in the identification of issues involving functional access to the curriculum that students may be experiencing. During the Problem Analysis phase, providers may be asked to assist in the analysis of a student’s problems in concert with classroom teachers. Providers are highly trained subject matter experts in the identification of educational access issues students may be experiencing. During the Intervention Design phase, a provider may assist the educational team with strategies, modifications and/or accommodations for students who are having difficulty accessing the curriculum. During the Response to Instruction and Intervention phase, the provider may assist the educational team with progress monitoring and ongoing data collection and evaluation to determine the success or failure of the intervention. Results are utilized to determine the level and intensity of support necessary for individual students.
After targeted school interventions and accommodations are in place and documented for a reasonable length of time, the SST may, at this time, determine that a referral for a special education assessment is appropriate. After targeted school interventions and accommodations are in place and documented for a reasonable length of time, the SST may, at this time, determine that a referral for a special education assessment is appropriate.
Intervention Models within Special Education Once a student has completed the assessment process and found to need related services, second component of the position papers, Intervention within special education is utilized. During the intervention, the services are layered on as the individual student’s need intensifies. Special Education services are gradually layered on as a student’s need intensifies.
Intervention – A Dynamic Continuum of Instructional Delivery Models The District supports a variety of strategies for the delivery of services, including consultation, collaborative and direct service models. Delivery of services may fall into these 3 categories and like a pendulum, service delivery may swing back and forth between less intense to more intense depending on the level of support needed at any given time to meet the student’s core academic program needs: Consultation is a service provided indirectly to the student consisting of regular review of student progress, student observation, accommodations and modifications or core material, developing and modeling of instructional practices through communication between the general education teacher, the special education teacher, parent and/or related service provider. Collaboration is a service by which general education teachers, special education teachers and/or related service providers work together to teach students with and without disabilities in the classroom. All are responsible for direct instruction, planning and delivery of instruction, student achievement, progress monitoring and discipline to support the student goals and objectives and to access the curriculum. Direct Service is instruction or service by a single special education provider designed to support bridge and strengthen student skills. It is an opportunity to provide specific skill instruction, re-teach, pre-teach, and scaffold instruction to support student goals and objectives and to access the curriculum.
Service Completion Guidelines Area of need no longer affects educational performance Student no longer meets the qualification criteria OR the student no longer requires the related service in order to benefit from his/her academic program Student’s needs are better served by an alternative program and/or service Graduation from high school Student reaches the age of 22 Service completion guidelines for each related services as follows: Area of need no longer affects educational performance Student no longer meets the qualification criteria OR the student no longer requires the related service in order to benefit from his/her academic program Student’s needs are better served by an alternative program and/or service Graduation from high school Student reaches the age of 22
Related Services Department Los Angeles Unified School District 333 S. Beaudry 18th Floor Los Angeles California 90017 213.241.6200 For further information or questions please contact the Related Services Department at 213 241-6200. In you would like to send information to the Redlated Ssevices Department at 333 South Beaudry, 18th Floor, Los Angeles, California Zip Code 90017