Ocean Sciences Education Teacher Resource Center Using the World Wide Web to “BRIDGE” the gap between research and education…
Why build the BRIDGE? Current, accurate ocean science information useful for teaching can be difficult for classroom teachers to locate and obtain. Textbooks typically very general, sometimes outdated, provide little support for authentic learning. Supplemental materials and programs generally not in wide circulation, sometimes costly or serve limited audiences.
Is there any ocean science education information on the Internet? A recent “Google” search yielded more than 2,510,000 sites about “marine science education”.
2,510,000 sites?!
: one stop shopping for busy teachers! Most teachers just don’t have time to search the mountain of information on the web and find the best sites for classroom use. But they want the best, and the Bridge delivers just that - directly to computers in schools, homes and libraries anywhere in the country!
WHAT is on the Bridge? There is a navigation guide on every page! Ocean Sciences Topics Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Marine Geology, Atmosphere, Habitats, Human Activities... Professional Development Distance Learning, Courses & Workshops, Summer Opportunities, Grants & Awards, Organizations Lesson Plans Data Activities, Virtual Expeditions, Secondary & Middle, Elementary Grades Resource Pavilion Student Opportunities, On-line Publications, Marine Literature, National Projects, Regional Resources, Aquariums, Research Institutions, Agencies & Organizations, Information Centers, Ask an Oceanographer Data Port Current Data Tip of the Month, Data Tip Archives, Scientist Spotlight, Online Data... About the Bridge TROLLs, STARs, Research Partners, Bridge Background, Help Communicate Scuttlebutt Listserv, Feedback Form, Site Nomination Form, Frequently Asked Questions
Exactly what is on the use that I can use?
Lesson Plan Collections To find sites with entire curricular units or large collections of lesson plans ride on over to our Lesson Plan Collections page.
On-Line Data With links to various databases and research centers you can obtain real-time oceanographic data to use in the classroom!
Bridge Data Tips Each month during the school year, the Bridge produces an original classroom activity that uses scientific data.
On-Line Expeditions Tag along with scientists on both virtual and real-life scientific cruises. A recent expedition featured on the Bridge allowed you to explore seafloor volcanoes.
“Scuttlebutt” the Bridge discussion list, provides a forum for marine educators & researchers nationwide to post announcements, and talk informally about ideas, issues, and questions.
How are Bridge sites selected? Nominated sites are reviewed online by TROLLs (Teacher Reviewers of On- Line Learning). TROLLs form a national team of volunteer reviewers, most of whom are experienced classroom teachers.
What do the TROLLs look for? TROLLs’ site recommendations and reviews go into the Bridge database. Only sites that are approved by TROLLs appear on the Bridge. Usefulness Practical Time-saving Classroom ready Content Recognized authorities Current, correct, important Not more conveniently available elsewhere Suitable for grade level Well written and edited Web Technology Effective Quick loading, well structured Easy to navigate No special skills required Text and graphics appropriate
How do we know that Bridge sites contain accurate scientific information? ST ARSThe Scientific and Technical Advisory ReviewerS, a special Bridge committee comprised of a national panel of scientists, resolves any questions about merit of scientific content presented in sites included on the Bridge. STARS check for accuracy and scientific acceptability of material presented. They choose from three ratings: excellent, acceptable, or not acceptable.
Where is the Bridge? The Bridge exists only in cyberspace and can be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection. Visitors enter the Bridge through the homepage of the National Marine Educators Association (NMEA).
The Bridge serves both national and regional audiences. Each of four coastal regions has a Bridge coordinator and its own regional Bridge pages.
NMEA Chapter Pages NMEA’s network of webpages disseminates regional information
The Bridge has had more than 743,354 page views in the past year alone! The Lesson Plans and Molluscs pages are the most visited. The Bridge is used internationally by educators from over 170 countries!
Who builds the BRIDGE? The Bridge is supported by the National Sea Grant Office, the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), and the National Marine Educators Association (NMEA) and is a partner of the Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE). The Bridge is coordinated by The Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary
… and lots of other folks … Project Co-PI’s - Lee Larkin & Vicki Clark, Virginia Institute of Marine Science Bridge Webkeeper - Lisa Lawrence, Virginia Institute of Marine Science Bridge Web Editor & TROLL Program Manager - Susanna Musick, Virginia Institute of Marine Science Atlantic Coast Coordinator - Terri Kirby Hathaway, North Carolina Sea Grant Great Lakes Coordinator- Rosanne Fortner, Ohio State University Gulf Coast Coordinator- Sharon Walker, J.L. Scott Marine Education Center, University of Southern Mississippi West Coast Coordinator - Vicki Osis, Oregon State University (Ret) NSTA Representative – Jean May Brett, Louisiana Public Broadcasting NMEA President – Rita Bell, Monterey Bay Aquarium Technical Advisor - Gary Anderson, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Visit the Bridge for the best on-line ocean education resources.