Secondary effects EarthquakeTsunamiNuclear accident Although a secondary effect (something caused by the earthquake that happens later) of the Japanese quake was the tsunami, this in itself caused another secondary effect. Task: Research the Fukushima nuclear accident and watch this video from the BBC. Create a fact sheet that shows the causes and short term (up to one week) and long term (years in the future) effects of the nuclear accident. this video
Short term causes Causes
LEDC Quake Event - Haiti 2010 L/O: To explain the differences between the effect of earthquakes on LEDCs and MEDCs To investigate the impact of the earthquake on Haiti v=WsJhijLJB1s#t=34 Why is Haiti poor? exOlqhWM
Case Study - Haiti Where did it happen? 1) On a sheet of blank paper/word document, draw a sketch outline of Haiti. It should be as big as possible on the page. Add a north arrow. Mark on the location of Port Au Prince. Label the neighbouring country. 2) Mark on the location of epicentre, the magnitude of the earthquake, the depth of the focus and the time that it occurred.
Case Study - Haiti 3) When did it happen? Add a title the sheet you have drawn the map on - which includes the name of the earthquake and the date and time it occured. aiti_earthquake.html 4) Why did it happen? Use the map to add the boundaries of the tectonic plates to your sketch map. The earthquake occurred on the boundaries of which two tectonic plates?
Case study - Haiti 5) Who was affected by it happening? Find out what the total population of Haiti and add you notes on what makes Haiti so poor. 6) Impacts Read through the list of impacts of the earthquake. Make a note of these in your case study. 7) Responses You must now research the short & long term responses to the Haiti quake. Short term refers to the hours and days after the quake itself. Long term refers to the months and years.
Case study questions (7) 1)For a named MEDC you have studied, explain the long and short term affects of an earthquake. Level 1 (1–2 marks) Statements including limited detail, naming facts and listing what happened Level 2 (3–5 marks) Uses named example – names the place they are talking about Describes the short term OR long term affects but not both Level 3 (6-7 marks) Uses named example Explains fully the short and long term affects of the earthquake specifically in that MEDC not generally
Case study questions (7) 2) For an LEDC you have studied, describe the long and short term responses to a natural disaster. Level 1 (1–2 marks) Statements including limited detail, naming facts and listing what happened Level 2 (3–5 marks) Uses named example – names the place they are talking about Describes the short term OR long term responses but not both Level 3 (6-7 marks) Uses named example Explains fully the short and long term responses from different locations of the earthquake specifically in that LEDC not generally
Case study (7) 3) For two places you have studied, explain the difference in effects between a natural disaster in an LEDC and an MEDC.