The Invasion Of Lebanon By Mitchell McLaughlin. The War Begins June 6 1982 Israel forces invaded Southern Lebanon This was called: “Operation Peace for.


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Presentation transcript:

The Invasion Of Lebanon By Mitchell McLaughlin

The War Begins June Israel forces invaded Southern Lebanon This was called: “Operation Peace for Galilee” The Israel Defense Forces were directed by Ariel Sharon, Israel’s Defense Minister

Israel’s Rational The PLO did around 200 terrorist attacks to Israelis on the border and around the world The Israeli ambassador to England was almost shot and killed by PLO Terrorist in England Soon before the fighting President Reagan encouraged the Israeli President to avoid conflict

The Israeli Invasion The main focus was to drive back Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) troops Israel wanted to keep the troops 25 miles away from the Lebanon-Israel border Israelis were helped by Lebanese Christian extremists - Phalangists

The Opposing Force The PLO was the main fighting force against Israelis Syrian troops were helping the PLO Lebanese Muslim extremists were also involved against Israel

The Neutral Force The Lebanese government stayed neutral during the entire conflict Most of soldiers of the Lebanese army defected to fight on the Palestinian side of this conflict

Background Leading Up to the Conflict Many Palestinians refugees were crossing into Southern Lebanon Tensions were already tense and the Philangilist fighters (Christians) were having disputes with increased amount of refugees

PLO Statistics 1500 troops 80 tanks 100 to 200 artillery canons Most of the tanks and artillery weapons were immobile and used instead as ‘pill’ boxes

Syria Forces Statistics 30,000 troops 600 tanks 19 Surface to Air missiles (SAMS)

Israeli Statistics 78,000 troops 1,240 tanks 1,500 armored personnel carriers

Neutral Lebanon Army Statistics 10,000 troops (after defections from Lebanon military) Most of this army’s equipment was taken by the defectors

Casualties Israel killed, 2,383 wounded PLO - 1,500 killed (unknown wounded) 8,000 captured Syria - 1,200 killed, 3,000 wounded plus 296 captured

Casualties Continued… Lebanon - 17,825 civilians killed and nearly 30,000 wounded Foreigners foreigners and mercenaries were captured

The Sabra and Shatila Massacres Israeli troops guided the Phalangist into the refugee camp to kill PLO terrorists The terrorist targets were not there

The Massacres continued… What the Phalangist fighters did was kill 800 civilians There were only 2 Phalangist casualties After inquiry, Ariel Sharon, Israeli Defense Minister, was found responsible for not stopping attacks

Conclusion of War May 17, 1983 The USA assisted Israel in making an accord to leave Lebanon and to begin patrolling the Lebanese border War was considered an Israeli victory over the Palestinians

US Interests in Region The US and President Ronald Reagan wanted to keep peace in this region US did not fully agree with Israel’s actions but still wanted to maintain Israel’s allegiance to US

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Bibliography Mitchell McLaughlin Heller, Peter B. "Middle East and North America." Salem Press. Web. 14 Sept ebanese%2Bcivil%2Bwar%255D&searchHistoryKey=&queryHash=fdb1c948177e413625a57233b612cb24 >. I used this site to gather general information on my subject Joyce, Anne. "Editor's Note." General OneFile., Sept Web. 14 Sept I used this article for a academic journal source and background knowledge and a primary source "Hezbollah." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopdia Britannica Online School Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Web. 14 Sept I used this for background information "Arab-Israeli wars." Compton's by Britannica. Encyclopdia Britannica Online School Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Web. 15 Sept I used this for general knowledge on the subject BBC. "BBC ON THIS DAY | 30 | 1982: PLO Leader Forced from Beirut." BBC News - Home. Web. 15 Sept I used this source for info on the PLO and their role in the war

Bibliography - Continued Mitchell McLaughlin Quandt, William B. "Battling for Peace: A Memoir." Foreign Affairs 74.5 (1995): Gale Power Search. Web. 15 Sep Document URL I used this as a primary source Shaoul, Jean. "Sharon's War Crimes in Lebanon: the Record." World Socialist Web Site. Web. 15 Sept I used it for a quote about the international reaction 1985, January. "Lebanon 1982: The Imbalance Of Political Ends And Military Means." - Reliable Security Information. Web. 15 Sept ii used this source to find info about how the fighting happened Bard, Mitchell. "The Lebanon War." Jewish Virtual Library - Homepage. Web. 15 Sept I used this for research on Israeli foreign policy BBC. "BBC NEWS | Middle East | Flashback: Sabra and Shatila Massacres." BBC News - Home. 24 Jan Web. 15 Sept i used this source for information regarding prior events to the war