Introduction This training course lesson plan provides guidance and policy for implementing and standardizing the Commander, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC) Family Readiness Program. COMNECC shall establish a robust Family Readiness Program for all its forces. Integral to the success of any mission in NECC is the personal readiness of our personnel, which includes the readiness of our families. NECC defines family as immediate family members or significant others whom service members identify as part of their circle of support and care. Our mission to man, train, equip, and maintain Navy Expeditionary Forces implies an ability to provide services and support to our families so that NECC forces maintain a high state of readiness. The intent of this training course lesson plan is to standardize training of NECC’s Family Readiness Program. The NECC Family Readiness program builds on existing resources and requires pro-active leadership by Commanders coupled with some new program ideas to assist Commanders in putting forth an effective and measurable program. Commanders are encouraged to build upon these baseline principles to meet the unique nature of their families and unit mission. Contents Module 1: Training Summary of Resources……………………………….……………………………………………..……………3 Module 2: Training Matrix for Command Family Readiness Teams …………..…………………………………….….11 Module 3: Measures of Performance and Effectiveness ….………………………………….…………………………..….12 Certificate of Completion of Command Family Readiness Team Training…………………………………………….13 List of website URL……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….14 2
3 MODULE 1: : Training Summary of Resources - Role of the Command Ombudsman, Family Readiness Groups and Volunteers - References: Ombudsman: OPNAVINST 1750.1F 1 Ombudsman Registry 2 Family Readiness Group: OPNAVINST 1754.5B 3 Family Readiness Group Handbook 4 Voluntary Services in Department of Navy: OPNAVINST 5380.1B 5 Summary: The Ombudsman is your command’s conduit for official information and advice to the command about family readiness and morale. The registry allows CNIC to deliver real time communication and information to Commanders, Ombudsmen, and Ombudsman Coordinators. Commands are required to register, assign their ombudsman, and ensure that required worksheet data is submitted per OPNAVINST 1750.1G of 21 September 2011. The Family Readiness Group is a non-profit organization that works in conjunction with the Command to inform families (often including significant others and children) and provide morale-building and social activities to help enhance family readiness. FRG handbook is very useful. Voluntary services guidance which prescribes policies, responsibilities, and procedures for the acceptance and use of voluntary services in Department of Defense (DOD) activities. 3
4 - Command Support Programs - References: FAP Command Leadership Training: OPNAVINST 1752.2B 6 Exceptional Family Member Program: OPNAVINST 1754.2D 7 Command Sponsor and Indoctrination Programs: OPNAVINST 1740.3C 8 Summary: FAP Command Leadership Training (FFSC) gives an overview of FAP, prevention, intervention, legal issues and reporting. Exceptional Family Member POC Training (FFSC) provides information that enables POCs to assist members in their commands. Command Sponsor Training (FFSC) teaches command personnel who serve as sponsors to be an effective sponsor, duties and responsibilities, military and community sources of help, and FFSC relocation assistance. Resources Tools NECC Toolbox of Resources 9 Combat Ready Manual 10 Summary: NECC Toolbox is a document with Federal, State and Local resources for both the Active and Reserve Component. Combat Ready Manual (CRM) was developed by family members and staffers from NECC commands and provides “how to” guidance on many matters not specifically addressed in other references. 4
5 - Individual Augmentee (IA). - References: Navy Individual Augmentee Website 11 Summary: IA Sailors serve a wide variety of overseas assignments, often supplementing US Army commands. IA Sailors may be the only Navy personnel at their supported commands, or may serve with other Sailors in commissioned or provisional units. Working with the Command IA Coordinator (CIAC), the IA Sailor’s supporting (vice supported) command maintains personal and family readiness connections (e.g., ombudsmen, FFSC, Chaplains) for the duration of the IA assignment. - Programs are offered by the local Fleet and Family Support Center and how they can help the IA/GSA/OSA Sailor and family to prepare for deployment. Fleet and Family Services website 12 Child and Youth Programs 13 Summary: FFSCs offer life-skills education, information and referral, financial management counseling, spouse employment services, family advocacy and the transition assistance program for individuals and families. FFSCs also sponsor Individual Deployment Support Specialists (IDSS), who make regular contact with an IA’s, GSA’s, or OSA’s family members during their Sailor’s tour of duty. At the service member’s request, each IA’s significant others are assigned to an IDSS through the Fleet and Family Support Center. The IDSS will make regular contact by telephone and email with those designated by the Sailor. Those located away from fleet concentration areas may receive online services and local referrals through Military One Source and the Ombudsman from the command/unit. Navy Child and Youth Programs (CYP) provide developmental child care and youth recreational programs and services for eligible children and youth ages 4 weeks to 18 years of age. Programs and services are specifically designed and operated to meet the unique needs of the military mission and Sailors and their families. 5
6 - The Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS) - References: NFAAS Web site 14 NFAAS Family Member Training 15 Summary: The Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS) is a single reporting system for Navy family members to inform the Navy regarding their status after a declared emergency. In anticipation of a crisis, such as a hurricane, contact family members and urge them to go to the NFAAS website and update their contact information. This is especially important if they plan to evacuate to another location before the emergency/event is expected. It is imperative that the command is able to reach every family after the event to ensure their safety and to assist where needed. Family members should also be encouraged to update their contact information after the event if their location or contact information should change. The NFAAS system is currently used for multiple purposes: (1) Disaster impact and recovery through data collection and reporting/reference material (2) Follow-on Case Management to address and assist the needs of Navy Family Members. (3) Individual Deployment Support of Individual Augmentees (IA) and IA families (4) Personnel Accountability (PA) method to muster and account for all Navy personnel and their family members 6
7 - Combat/operational stress control (COSC) - References: Navy Leader’s Guide for Managing Sailors in Distress 16 Operational Stress Control Online 17 Navy Center Combat and Operation Stress Control 18 Summary: The purpose of the Navy Leader's Guide for Managing Sailors in Distress is to help Leaders recognize distress related behaviors, provide support to Sailors within the unit, and collaborate with Navy helping agencies to meet the needs of distressed individuals. Operation Stress Control online has five core leader functions with YouTube videos and blog post. The Naval Center for Combat & Operational Stress Control (NCCOSC) is dedicated to the mental health and well-being of Navy and Marine Corps service members and their families - Public Health Center Navy and Marine Corp Public Health Center 19 Summary: Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC) is the Navy and Marine Corps center for public health services. They provide leadership and expertise to ensure mission readiness through disease prevention and health promotion in support of the National Military Strategy. Vision: Protection through Prevention. 7
8 - Resiliency - References: Real Warrior: Family Resiliency 20 Relaxation Toolkit 21 Human Performance Resource Center (Total Force Fitness) 22 After Deployment 23 Summary: Meeting the challenges of stressful life events. Strategies to build resilience include successfully navigating stress, time management, and enhancing one's problem-solving capability. Just as service members can build resilience, families can also take steps to boost their resilience or “family fitness.” This relaxation toolkit was developed by the Navy & Marine Corps Public Health Center's Health Promotion and Wellness Department and team members from BUMED's Wounded Ill and Injured Program. It is designed for widespread use by anyone who may wish to reduce their stress, improve their relaxation skills and health, and optimize their performance. The techniques may be used as a standalone strategy or in combination with other medical, psychological and therapeutic modalities. If you are in some type of treatment, please consult with your provider before use. To achieve maximum benefit headphones may be used. Human Performance Resource Center (Total Force Fitness): Total Force Fitness (TFF) is a framework for building and maintaining health, readiness, and performance in the Department of Defense. It views health, wellness, and resilience as a holistic concept where optimal performance requires a connection between mind, body, spirit, and family/social relationships. After Deployment has Wellness Resources for Military Families 8
9 - Mental health, Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury - References: Defense Center of Excellence 24 Tricare mental health resources (Tricare) 25 Military One Source (MOS) 26 Summary: DCoE assesses, validates, oversees and facilitates prevention, resilience, identification, treatment, outreach, rehabilitation, and reintegration programs for psychological health (PH) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) to ensure the Department of Defense meets the needs of the nation's military communities, warriors and families. Communications - Reference: FOCUS 27 CREDO 28 Summary: Positive and effective communication techniques, including active listening, may need to be taught or reinforced in order to smooth reintegration. FOCUS (Families OverComing Under Stress™) provides resiliency training to military children and families. It teaches practical skills to meet the challenges of deployment and reintegration, to communicate and solve problems effectively, and to successfully set goals together and create a shared family story. CREDO’s common programs are the Personal Growth Retreat, Marriage Enrichment Retreat, Family Growth Retreat, and Spiritual Growth Retreat. Many CREDOs also offer one-day seminars, custom training, and exportable training in a variety of formats. 9
10 - Employment reintegration (Reserves) - Reference: Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) 29 Hero to Hired (H2H) 30 Summary: A successful reintegration back into civilian job employment ESGR’s Vision is a culture in which all American employers support and value the employment and military service of members of the National Guard and Reserve. ESGR facilitates and promotes a cooperative culture of employer support for National Guard and Reserve service by developing and advocating mutually beneficial initiatives; recognizing outstanding employer support; increasing awareness of applicable laws and policies; resolving potential conflicts between employers and their service members; and acting as the employers' principal advocate within DoD. H2H isn't just another job site. Everything you need to find a job is on the website. They are a Yellow Ribbon-funded project with a special mission: to THANK YOU for your service by helping you find your perfect career. We know that searching for a new job is a big undertaking. H2H was created to make it easy for Reserve Component service members to connect to and find jobs with military-friendly companies who are looking for employees with your training and skills. 10
MODULE 2: Training for Command Family Readiness Teams 11
12 Module 3: Measures of Performance and Effectiveness Pre-deployment contacts Percentage of Family contact information Post-deployment contacts Percentage of Families contact by Ombudsman or CIAC during deployment Measures of Effectiveness - Predeployment Percent entering “Agree” with knowledge of Command Family Readiness Team on Pre-deployment Survey -Mid-Deployment/Post-Deployment Percent entering “Agree” with knowledge of Command Family Readiness Team on Post-deployment Survey 12
NAVY EXPEDITIONARY COMBAT COMMAND This certifies that __________________________________________________________ has completed the self-study guide for Command Family Readiness Team serving Navy Expeditionary Sailors and their families _________________________ ___________________________ Signed Date Please print, sign, and forward to your Family Readiness Officer
REFERENCES 1,%20Community%20and%20Religious%20Services/1752.2B.pdf,%20Community%20and%20Religious%20Services/1754.2D.pdf,%20Community%20and%20Religious%20Services/1740.3C.pdf 14