Vatican City
Type of Government Theocracy – A form of government in which god is recognized as the supreme civil ruler
Leaders The leader of the Vatican City is the Pope. The Pope is also the head of the Catholic Church. The Pope is appointed for five-year periods by the cardinals. The People has full and absoulte control over Vatican City. He controls the Executive, Legislative, and Judidial powers.
Consent of the Governed Consent of the Pope is an important principal of the country. Vatican City is the home of the Catholic Church and the Pope heads not only the Vatican City but Catholic Church so his job is very important.
Change the Government Yes there is a peaceful way to change the government. Every 5 years the cardinals of the Catholic Church get together to decide if the current pope will continue and if not they will choose another pope to serve the needs of the people.
Do Government Leaders Follow the Rule of Law Yes they do because the Pope is Catholic. He is a devine follower of God and so the bible says he most follow the rules of law and not sin so that he may go to heaven.