PART A (Culture, History, Civilization) is the record of past events. First-hand, or eyewitness, accounts of an event are (primary, secondary, false) sources. (Archaeologists, Anthropologists, Historians) are scientists who study the beginnings and the human behavior. The time before humans left written records is our (history, civilization, prehistory).
PART A (Farming, Bronze, Fire) made it possible for early humans to live in one place. We learn about the lives of prehistoric people from drawings in (bronze, caves, riverbeds). When we study the history of the whole human race, we are studying the history of (civilization, humanity, culture).
PART A Scientists use radiocarbon dating to determine the (size, age, location) of an artifact. Scholars believe that Stone-Age humans may have used Stonehenge to predict (rain, eclipses, embers). The first period of human prehistory is the (Stone Age, New Age, Bronze Age).
PART B Nomads Eclipse Stone Age Artifact Culture Civilization Embers Obsidian Pottery Diary E: people who move from place to place F: the hiding of the sun by the moon H: the earliest period of prehistory A: something made by a human being G: the customs, values, and language of a people B: a people who have cities and government C: the glowing remains of a fire D: a volcanic glass J: what early humans made in order to store food I: a daily record of what happens to a person
PART C T F We study history to learn from what happened in the past. A personal letter is an example of a secondary source. All historians explain, or interpret, events in the same way. To keep track of time, humans use calendars based on events. Sometimes, archaeologists must guess the age of an artifact. The discovery of fire did not have much impact on early human life. Prehistoric humans could control their food supply for farming. Humans discovered that tools made of stone were stronger than tools made of bronze. Prehistoric people were nomads who moved from place to place searching artifacts. The first civilizations came about because of the invention of farming. T F
PART D Historians Artifacts Fire Stonehenge Tin Archaeologist History Who tries to answer five questions that begin with W about an event? What are tools and weapons people left behind examples of? What discovery helped early humans to warm themselves? What famous monument stands near Salisbury, England? Bronze is a hard metal made out of copper and what? What kind of scientist studies the remains of early people? What is the record of conditions and events in the past called? What were the prehistoric people looking for when they moved from place to place? In which age did the discovery of fire take place? History gives us a sense of being connected to what? Historians Artifacts Fire Stonehenge Tin Archaeologist History Food Stone age The past, the global community, people, or our roots