Born in Florence c. Died and Buried in Ravenna
His Divine Comedy, originally called Commedia by the author and later nicknamed Divina by Boccaccio, is often considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature. The Divine Comedy is broken up into three main sections PARADISO PURGATORIO INFERNO
Dante is guided on a journey by the ancient Greek poet Virgil and a former love Beatrice. Virgil – Ancient Roman Poet from Augustan Period Beatrice Takes over as guide from the Latin poet Virgil because, as a pagan, Virgil cannot enter Paradise and because, being the incarnations of beatific love, As her name implies, it is Beatrice who leads into The Beatific vision.
Paradiso The Sun-Glorified Souls 1868
Paradiso The Empyrean 1868
Paradiso Jupiter 1868
Inspired by the second book of Dante's Divine Comedy (the first being Inferno), Purgatory symbolizes our need to face our fears and overcome life's obstacles. Looking at this, we are reminded that it is through opposition that we find growth.
Purgatorio: The Eagle 1868
Purgatorio Marco the Lombard 1868
Inferno - Gate of Hell 1857
Inferno Bertram de Born 1857
Inferno Farinata 1857
GUSTAVE DORE In the midway of this our mortal life, I found Me in a gloomy wood, Astray Canto 1, lines 1 &
Thomas Aquinas names the learned and the Wise to Dante and Beatrice: Albertus Magnus, Gratian, Peter Lombard, Solomon, Dionysius the Areopagite, Orosius, Boethius, Isidore of Seville, Bede, Richard of St. Victor, Siger of Brabant. Paradiso X
fraudulent counselors, botticelli
William Blake - Whirlwind of Lovers Canto 5- the carnal
Canto XIII
Canto XXVI
Inferno, Canto XXXIV (detail) 1480s Silverpoint, completed in pen and ink Staatliche Museen, Berlin Botticelli
Sandro Botticelli worked on the illustrations to the Dante’s Divine Comedy for 20 years from 1480 to drawings on sheepskin parchments survived, out of 100 in the entire series. There are 84 drawing in Kupferstichkabinett AKA Staatliche Museen in Berlin and 8 in Biblioteca Vaticana in Rome.
Inferno, Canto XXXI 1480s Silverpoint on parchment, completed in pen and ink, 320 x 470 mm
Inferno, Canto XVIII 1480s Coloured drawing on parchment, 320 x 470 mm Staatliche Museen, Berlin
Inferno adam and sinon the greek
Blake, falsifiers
hell and paradise carel schouten
To view more illustrations of Dante’s Divine Comedy artstor Once in artstor type dore divine comedy, botticelli divine Comedy, william blake divine comedy in the search area
For translations of Dante’s Divine Comedy By Longfellow By James Finn Cotter (translations) (translations) (great site with images)