Born in Florence, Italy (Tuscany) Attended University of Bologna Studied Tuscan painting, Greek and Roman mythology, philosophy, music, and poetry, especially that of Homer and Virgil. Wrote poetry in his vernacular language (Italian) instead of Latin Wanted literature to be experienced by all Italians, not just the learned class
In 1285, Dante entered an arranged marriage with Gemma Donati, a noblewoman They had two sons, Jacopo and Pietro, and a daughter, Antonia Dante’s great love was Beatrice Portinari, whom he met as a young boy Beatrice was Dante’s inspiration for writing After her death in 1290, he dedicated a famous work La Vita Nuova to her
th century Florence was a place of political turbulence Warring groups Ghibellines wanted Holy Roman Emperor in power Guelphs wanted the Pope to control politics Guelphs won, but then split into two factions Black Faction supported the Pope and Church White Faction supported the Emperor
Guess which side Dante was on? Dante favored the Guelphs - White Faction Pope Boniface VIII favored the Guelphs - Black Faction. He excommunicated his opponents Dante was exiled from Florence in He would have been burned at the stake if he ever returned to Florence. Lived in exile for the remainder of his life
Dante took his exile from his beautiful homeland to heart Embittered by his political experiences in Florence, he took up his pen Used literature to expose and punish those who had wronged him The Divine Comedy presents a symbolic view of his life and political situation
The Divine Comedy is a 3-part epic poem written by Dante 1. Inferno (Hell) 2. Purgatorio (Purgatory) 3. Paradiso (Paradise) Epic characteristics Elevated style Hero as subject Vast, dangerous setting Supernatural beings Not exactly hilarious, but fits medieval definition of “comedy” Begins in tragedy (Hell), ends happily (Heaven) Mixed narrative and dialogue in the poem
Spirituality Picaresque (an adventurer or rogue figure takes a journey) Reversal of fortune (character’s situation changes due to events in novel) Survival of the fittest (character must endure difficulty and challenge)
Epic – long, narrative poem presenting characters of high positions in series of supernatural adventures in a vast and dangerous setting. Canto – a section or division of a long poem Terza Rima – 3-line stanza form popular with Italian poets. Rhyme scheme: aba, bcb, cdc, ded, etc.; usually iambic pentameter Allusion – a reference in a literary work to another person, place or thing in history or in another work of literature Imagery – language that affects the five senses Mythology – the myths dealing with gods and goddesses of ancient Rome and Greece Metaphor – a figure of speech comparing two unlike things without using like or as Simile – a figure of speech comparing two unlike two unlike things using like or as Personification – a figure of speech in which animals, ideas, and inanimate objects are given human form Allegory – a narrative or character with meaning other than the literal one Symbolism – The use of one object to represent another concept, theme, or object
The number 3 is central to Dante’s work Christian concept of the “trinity” Divine Comedy is in 3 parts Each part is made of 33 cantos (chapters) In each canto, stanzas are 3 lines of verse (terza rima) Dante’s spiritual quest through hell takes place over 3 days Good Friday to Easter Sunday 1300
Terza=three, rima=rhyme Italian form of poetry in sets of 3 lines Invented by Dante Alighieri and used by many Italian poets Usually in iambic pentameter (unstressed followed by stressed syllables) Follows this rhyme scheme: aba bcb cdc
In middle of the journey of our days I found that I was in a darksome wood The right road lost and vanished in the maze Ah me! how hard to make it understood How rough that wood was, wild, and terrible; By the mere thought my terror is renewed. More bitter scarce were death. But ere I tell At large of good which there by me was found I will relate what other things befell
In middle of the journey of our days A I found that I was in a darksome wood B The right road lost and vanished in the maze A Ah me! how hard to make it understood B How rough that wood was, wild, and terrible; C By the mere thought my terror is renewed. B More bitter scarce were death. But ere I tell C At large of good which there by me was found D I will relate what other things befell C
Allusions, or references the author makes to other people, characters, and literary works, will be made throughout Inferno to Political leaders Religious leaders Literary works and authors Bible Mythology – Greek and Roman Dante’s personal life, including his great love, Beatrice, and favorite poet, Virgil
An allegory is the discussion of one subject by disguising it as another, which resembles the first in a striking way e.g., school as prison Allegories teach moral lessons Use of the visible, physical reality to explain the invisible or intangible e.g., Greek gods
Surface Story: On Good Friday, Dante, age 35, finds himself lost and directionless in a dark forest At the request of Beatrice ( “Divine Love” who resides in heaven), the ancient Roman poet Virgil ( “Reason” who inhabits a blameless region of hell as an unbaptized virtuous pagan) searches for the lost Dante. On Good Friday 1300, Virgil finds Dante and they undertakes a quest for belonging and salvation (hell paradise) Symbolic Story (allegory): Journey begins in despairing world not yet redeemed by Christ and ends with the poet’s return, having seen the divine grace of God
Dante: Author and Protagonist Virgil: Dante’s guide through hell and purgatory Real Virgil died in 19 BCE: admired by Dante and held significance as pre-Christian prophet Allegorically represents REASON Beatrice: Dante’s star-crossed love and guide through Paradise Allegorically represents DIVINE LOVE
How can literature be used as a tool for social change? How does allegory help explain the intangible? Which traits, or “sins,” are part of our universal human experience?
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