Optical Link Study Group Report CCSDS Optical Communications BOF John Rush (NASA) and Klaus-Juergen Schulz (ESA) October, 2013
Agenda Introduction OLSG Objective Schedule of Agency Optical Communications Demonstrations OLSG Final Report Review and Findings IOAG-16 Action Results Next Step: IOP-3 Briefing Overview
Introduction Numerous IOAG Agencies are experimenting with Optical Communications, and starting first operational capability Optical Communications is in early stage development Agencies are experimenting with different techniques ESA/DLR starting earth relay services with EDRS/Sentinel In 2010 the OLSG was chartered by the IOAG to determine if there was a business case for Cross Support in Optical Communication and it was determined that there is such a case. The OLSG was formed with seven member Agencies: ASI, CNES, DLR, ESA, JAXA, KASI, and NASA. The IOAG requested that OLSG do further studies to identify the types of standards that would be needed to enable Cross Support in Optical Communication The OLSG is reported its findings to IOAG-17 and the IOAG-17 brought forward a recommendation to IOP-3 in June of this year.
OLSG Process Surveyed existing optical communications projects among the agencies Identified significant issue in dealing with Atmospheric conditions (i.e. clouds, optical turbulence) and began detailed study of how to improve availability Developed scenarios in order to prove feasibility based on statistical analysis of cloud data for scenario ground terminal locations Identified guidance for the development of cross support standards
Agencies Already Engaging in Optical Communications Experiments 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2020 2025 Technology Demonstrations TerraSar-X (DLR) 2009 LEO-ground demo 1064 nm, Homodyne BPSK OPALS (NASA) ISS-ground demo 1553 nm, OOK modulation LLCD (NASA) 2013 Moon-Earth demo 1550 nm, single photon detection and PPM Sentinel/EDRS (ESA) 2014 ISL 1064 nm, Homodyne BPSK LCRD (NASA) 2017 GEO-Ground and ISL LEO-GEO 1550 nm, direct detection PPM TDRS (NASA) 2025 GEO-Ground Operational Relay 1550 nm, DPSK and high speed routing TerraSar-X (DLR) to NFIRE (USAF) 2008 ISL LEO-LEO demo 1064 nm, Homodyne BPSK OSIRIS (DLR-ICAN) 2014 LEO-Earth demo 1550 nm, IMDD Optel-µ (ESA) 2017 LEO-Earth demo direct detection and PPM DOT (NASA) 2020 Mars-ground 1550nm, direct detection PPM LCT-135/Alphasat (ESA) 2013 ISL, GEO to Earth demo 1064 nm, Homodyne BPSK SOTA (NICT) LEO to ground demo 1064 and 1550nm, OOK modulation
Analysis of Availability Developed models of various scenarios using optical communications for mission data Assumed all missions would have RF link for spacecraft commanding Missions modeled after existing missions NASA weather model used to support analysis Statistical model of cloud coverage Developed yechniques for evaluating impacts of “Cloud Free Line of Sight (CFLOS)” on mission success in terms of amount of data return
Example Scenario – L2 CONOPS: Space Segment: Ground Segment: Modeled based on the EUCLID mission (operations always in night time) 7.5 Tb data volume per day 3 days of onboard storage (22.5 Tb) 3 hr of Cloud Free Line of Sight (CFLOS) required per day Link budget developed for 700 Mbps data rate, favorable Sun-Probe-Earth (SPE) angle, i.e. ground terminal always looks into the dark sky. Space Segment: Could be derived from LLCD or TESAT LCT-135 terminals 13.5 cm aperture 5 W transmit power 50 kg, 160 W Ground Segment: Terminal with 1m Rx aperture telescopes, 8x 15cm Tx telescopes with 50W/aperture Two ground terminals: Tenerife and Ascension, Tenerife and Hartebeesthoek
Example L2 Scenario Analysis Link Budgets: Downlink Link Budget, 1m Rx aperture Uplink Link Budget 8x 15cm apertures to minimize effect of atmospheric turbulence instead of radiating through the Rx aperture Calculation of Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance (NOHD) based on continuous wave, 1550 nm , to not exceed the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) of max 0.1 W/cm2 Laser Communications Network Optimization Tool (LNOT) computes Cloud free line of sight (CFLOS) and availability Overall Percentage Data Transmitted (PDT): 99.89% Cumulative distribution of monthly PDT Probability of exceeding PDT
Space-Earth Scenario Analysis Summary Scenarios Unit LEO Lunar L2 L1 Deep Space (Mars) Single Relay Optical FL (Case b) Scenario ConOps Data Volume per day Tb/d 12 5.72 7.5 1.1 216 Onboard Storage Tb 2.3 7.4 22.5 10 Data Rate per second Mb/s 10,000 622 700 0.7-260 CFLOS required per day h/d 0.33 2.55 3 1.2 6 Onboard Terminal Aperture cm 8 13.5 22 Tx Power W 0.5 5 4 2.2 Mass kg 35 30 50 < MRO Ka Power Consumption 120 140 160 Ground Stations Rx Terminal Size diameter m 0.4 1 Tx Apertures and Size 4x 5cm 4x 15cm 8x 15cm 9x 7cm Tx NOHD ICAO (1550nm) 451 12,111 27,080 32,042 42,125 6,055 Tx NOHD Near Field (1550nm) 4,094 24,574 29,957 42,068 Number of Terminals 7 2 Location of Terminals Haleakala, TMF, Madrid, Svalbard, La Silla, Tenerife, New Norcia, Hartebeesthoek Haleakala, Tenerife Tenerife, Hartebeesthoek WSC, Tenerife, La Silla PDT resulting % 94.8 97.4 99.9 98.5 99.0 98.0
Additional Study of Intersatellite Cross Links In addition to the main concentration of OLSG on space to ground links, intersatellite cross links were also studied It was found that there are two wavelengths being used, or planned for use, by the member agencies: 1064 nm and 1550 nm OLSG believed it would be best to narrow the possible wavelengths to these two Further demonstrations and use of the wavelengths will provide additional data on performance in the future but it is too early now to narrow the selection further now
OLSG Findings Presented to IOAG-16 OLSG determined that there is a business case for cross support among the IOAG Agencies Due to the unique disruptions to optical communication links by atmospheric conditions additional coordination of handovers to alternate ground stations is necessary and should be included in the standardization set Another source of potential disruption to optical communications links is caused by aircraft so a dialog should take place with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to find ways to minimize the disruptions IOAG requested that OLSG conduct further analysis and assigned an Action to OLSG Determine the new standards that must be developed by CCSDS, as well as identify the existing CCSDS standards that can be re-used for Optical Communications Cross Support Provide guidance for development of standards that relate to the coordination of ground optical communication stations Considering the exchange of necessary atmospheric conditions Coordination of handovers from one ground station to another Provide a recommended IOP-3 briefing outline to IOAG-17 that presents the case for endorsement of optical communications cross support by the IOP and agreement to proceed with the standardization process Determine resource estimate and schedule for standardization of optical links including necessary ground coordination
OLSG Findings on Reuse of Existing CCSDS Standards A team of optical communication experts was formed: NASA ESA DLR CNES JAXA The team considered standards available at each layer and determined that everything at the CCSDS frame layer standards and above is reusable and does not have the be developed for optical communication cross support
Re-use of Existing Space-Ground CCSDS Standards DELTA DOR PN RANGING Prox - 1 TM, TC LTP DTN BP/BSP Channel Coding and Sync IPv6 Space Packet Protocol CFDP IPv4 AOS RANGING Encap SECURITY RF & Modulation SLS AREA DATA COMPRESSION Services Reuse existing standards for optical communications Must be developed for optical communications cross support
Guidance on New Standards Optical Communication Space to Ground Standards Ground station coordination requires meteorological forecasts and handover coordination Space-Ground Connection Agency A Next Space-Ground Connection Spacecraft MOC A Meteorological Data NOC A Agency B Handover coordination including meteorological data Meteorological Data NOC B
New Optical Communication Standards Needed Green Book for link budgets, atmospheric models, handovers, and concept of operations Blue Book for low signal photon flux optical communications Blue Book for high signal photon flux optical communications, especially intersatellite crosslinks
New Optical Communication Atmospheric Characterization Standards Required Blue Book for real-time weather and atmospheric characterization data The CCSDS WG should gather more information concerning the coordination and exchange of necessary atmospheric data, including collaborative effort, before finalizing the Blue Book
CCSDS Standardization Effort Estimate Resources (mm= man months): 1 Green Book: 10mm 3 Blue Books: 90mm Total: 100mm Schedule: Green Book for Link Budgets, etc: 1 yr Low Photon Flux Blue Book: 2 yrs High Photon Flux Blue Book: 4 yrs Meteorological Data/forecast and handover: 4 yrs Green Book – common link budgets Blue book – low photon flux Blue book – high photon flux Blue book – meteorological data/forecast and handover Complete Begin 2014 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016
OLSG Recommended Standardization Schedule 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2020 2025 CCSDS WG Apr 2014 Optical Terminal Development Optical Terminal Flight Standardization Development OLSG Final Report Jun 2012 OLSG Standardization Guidance Addendum Jul-Nov 2012 Priority 1 Guidance for CCSDS: Green Book for link budgets, atmospheric models, handovers, and concept of operations Blue Book for low signal photon flux optical communications Blue Book for high signal photon flux optical communications Blue Book for real-time weather and atmospheric characterization data IOAG-15b Jun 2012 IOAG-16 Dec 2012 CCSDS BoF Concept Paper and Charter Oct 2013 IOP-3 June 2013 Technology Demonstrations 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2020 2025 TerraSar-X (DLR) 2009 LEO-ground demo 1064 nm, Homodyne BPSK OPALS (NASA) ISS-ground demo 1553 nm, OOK modulation LLCD (NASA) 2013 Moon-Earth demo 1550 nm, single photon detection and PPM Sentinel/EDRS (ESA) 2014 ISL 1064 nm, Homodyne BPSK LCRD (NASA) 2017 GEO-Ground and ISL LEO-GEO 1550 nm, direct detection PPM, and DTN TDRS (NASA) 2025 GEO-Ground Operational Relay 1550 nm, DPSK and high speed routing TerraSar-X to NFIRE (DLR) 2008 ISL LEO-LEO demo 1064 nm, Homodyne BPSK OSIRIS (DLR-ICAN) 2014 LEO-Earth demo 1550 nm, IMDD Optel-µ (ESA) 2017 LEO-Earth demo direct detection and PPM LCT-135/Alphasat (ESA) 2013 ISL, GEO to Earth demo 1064 nm, Homodyne BPSK DOT (NASA) 2020 Mars-ground 1550nm, direct detection PPM SOTA (NICT) LEO to ground demo 1064 and 1550nm, OOK modulation
Optical Communications Eye Safety OLSG was asked to establish contact with the International Civil Aviation Organization and work to ensure that the optical communications uplink budget in various scenarios (LEO, GEO, GEO Relay, Lunar, L1, L2, and Mars) were eye safe to maximum extent possible OLSG discovered several barriers to complete eye safety for optical communications, including maximum permissible exposure (MPE) thresholds, irradiance at aperture, near field effects, and time spent in the beam, all of which factor into ICAO standards (also ANSI and IEC standard) ICAO welcomes further dialogue and education on optical communications from all international agencies that will be utilizing this technology in the future to create an eye safe operational environment It is recommended that IOAG develop a Liaison with ICAO for the purpose of minimizing restrictions on aviation eye safety rules to allow minimum impact of optical communication ground stations, yet ensuring an eye safe operational environment Initial discussions begun with astronaut office responsible for eye safety and it is recommended that a continuing dialog take place with the objective of defining specific requirements for astronaut eye safety
IOP-3 Communique The IOP-3 encourages the member agencies to prepare for optical communications as the next evolution of space communications; therefore: 1. The IOP recognizes the good work of the OLSG and the benefits of developing interoperability in the domain of optical communications. 2. The IOP recommends that the member agencies begin preparing for future cross support of space-Earth and space-space optical communications by developing interoperable standards. 3. The IOAG is requested to provide guidance to CCSDS in the development of the required 4. The IOP urges collaboration on demonstrations, and experiments that may be useful in the standardization and the development of optical communications technology. 5. The IOP member agencies are encouraged to share with other IOAG members their technical and operational experience. 6. The IOP recommends assessing the results of the upcoming technology demo missions to verify the feasibility of a common wavelength for a future intersatellite link in the context of a data relay system in order to facilitate interoperability. This would be similar to the concept of the Space Network Interoperability Panel (SNIP) approach. 7. The IOAG is requested to report progress in the optical communications cross support area at IOP-4.