Speaking Listening and
Today, we’re going to -learn about speaking and listening -learn speaking and listening activities -begin lesson plan three preparation
Basic Principles of Speaking and Listening
WHY do babies learn how to speak? To communicate with people around them. To express their desires, needs, feelings, and thoughts. HOW do babies learn how to speak? They listen. They are given comprehensible input. Modified speech Dramatic intonation Visual support They learn through interaction. They are asked lots of questions. They learn words and chunks, not grammar. They are in a supportive environment. What does this mean for the classroom?
WHY do babies learn how to speak? To communicate with people around them. To express their desires, needs, feelings, and thoughts. We should create a need for communication Through games, tasks, interesting lessons, and stimulating activities.
HOW do babies learn how to speak? They listen. They are read to. They are given comprehensible input. Give many different listening opportunities. Teacher / student talk time Media (music, video, etc.) Story time Make your input comprehensible -slower speech and simpler words -dramatic intonation and pause -repetition -visual support and gestures
They learn through interaction. They are asked lots of questions. HOW do babies learn how to speak? Make interaction a priority in the classroom. Listening must not be passive.
They learn words and chunks, not grammar. HOW do babies learn how to speak? Students should learn phrases or expressions that are easily applied and become automatic. “I’m sorry.” “Thank you” “I like ~” “Where is ~” “Ok! Let’s go!” We can learn these without grammar, or even translation! Idioms are advanced chunks. Grammar is better for older learners (6 th grade+ ?)
They are in a supportive environment. HOW do babies learn how to speak? The classroom should be one which encourages speaking and accepts mistakes. Students should feel free and safe to speak. Making mistakes is OK. Don’t correct them all the time. Don’t let students make fun of others who can’t speak well.
Listening is the hardest skill. As teachers, we have to make it easier. Break down listening into manageable tasks Pre-Listening -Engage students in topic -Give relative vocab -Set a listening goal -Gist, keywords, details -Give questions beforehand While-Listening -Focus, pay attention -Check predictions -Monitor comprehension -T should play it at least twice Post-Listening -Go over answers -Discussion of listening -Transfer to study or activate.
What is the world’s most popular game? Rock Paper Scissors Who beats who? Rock beats scissors Scissors beats paper Paper beats rock
Rock Paper Scissors Who beats who? Rock _______ scissors Scissors _______ paper Paper _______ rock crushes cuts covers
What is the world’s most popular game? Rock Paper Scissors
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock
How do you play? Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Vaporize Decapitate Disprove Poison Smash
How do you play? Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Vaporize Decapitate Disprove Poison Smash AB C D E Vaporize To turn into a gas What space guns do. Decapitate To cut off someone’s head Disprove To prove something is false Poison To give someone poison Smash To break using force
How do you play? Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Scissors cuts paper Paper covers rock Rock ________ lizard Lizard ________ Spock Spock ________ scissors Scissors ________ lizard Lizard ________ paper Paper ________ Spock Spock ________ rock Rock crushes scissors
How do you play? Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Scissors cuts paper Paper covers rock Rock ________ lizard Lizard ________ Spock Spock ________ scissors Scissors ________ lizard Lizard ________ paper Paper ________ Spock Spock ________ rock Rock crushes scissors crushe s poison s smash es decapita te eats disprov es vaporiz es
What’s Next Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock 1.Play the game 2.In pairs, create a new variation of RPS 3.Teach your game to another pair 4.New pair plays your game in front of class.
Useful Listening Activities – Remember: Use a Variety! One-Way Listening Teacher, CD, Music, Video Teacher Says Last Person Standing Slap! / Snatch! Fix it Board Races Sequencing Pronunciation Journeys Listen and Draw Two-Way Listening Speaking and Listening Running Dictation Telephone Dictogloss Information Gap Follow a Map
Useful Listening Activities – Remember: Use a Variety! One-Way Listening Teacher, CD, Music, Video Teacher Says Last Person Standing Slap! / Snatch! Fix it Board Races Sequencing Pronunciation Journeys Listen and Draw Two-Way Listening Speaking and Listening Running Dictation Telephone Dictogloss Information Gap Follow a Map X
Useful Listening Activities – Remember: Use a Variety! One-Way Listening Teacher, CD, Music, Video Teacher Says Last Person Standing Slap! / Snatch! Fix it Board Races Sequencing Pronunciation Journeys Listen and Draw Two-Way Listening Speaking and Listening Running Dictation Telephone Dictogloss Information Gap Follow a Map Spock Crushes
Useful Listening Activities – Remember: Use a Variety! One-Way Listening Teacher, CD, Music, Video Teacher Says Last Person Standing Slap! / Snatch! Fix it Board Races Sequencing Pronunciation Journeys Listen and Draw Two-Way Listening Speaking and Listening Running Dictation Telephone Dictogloss Information Gap Follow a Map
Useful Listening Activities – Remember: Use a Variety! One-Way Listening Teacher, CD, Music, Video Teacher Says Last Person Standing Slap! / Snatch! Fix it Board Races Sequencing Pronunciation Journeys Listen and Draw Two-Way Listening Speaking and Listening Running Dictation Telephone Dictogloss Information Gap Follow a Map Lizard eats Spock
Useful Listening Activities – Remember: Use a Variety! One-Way Listening Teacher, CD, Music, Video Teacher Says Last Person Standing Slap! / Snatch! Fix it Board Races Sequencing Pronunciation Journeys Listen and Draw Two-Way Listening Speaking and Listening Running Dictation Telephone Dictogloss Information Gap Follow a Map SheepShip
Two-Way Listening Speaking and Listening Running Dictation Telephone Dictogloss Information Gap Follow a Map One-Way Listening Teacher, CD, Music, Video Teacher Says Last Person Standing Slap! / Snatch! Fix it Board Races Sequencing Pronunciation Journeys Listen and Draw Useful Listening Activities – Remember: Use a Variety! Spock vaporizes rock. Paper covers rock. Lizard eats paper. Paper cuts scissors.
Useful Listening Activities – Remember: Use a Variety! One-Way Listening Teacher, CD, Music, Video Teacher Says Last Person Standing Slap! / Snatch! Fix it Board Races Sequencing Pronunciation Journeys Listen and Draw Two-Way Listening Speaking and Listening Running Dictation Telephone Dictogloss Information Gap Follow a Map GO LEFTsoundGO RIGHT Lose/l/ vs /r/Ruse Pit/p/ vs /b/Bit Jane/j/ vs /z/Zane Ship/i/ vs /I/Sheep
Useful Listening Activities – Remember: Use a Variety! One-Way Listening Teacher, CD, Music, Video Teacher Says Last Person Standing Slap! / Snatch! Fix it Board Races Sequencing Pronunciation Journeys Listen and Draw Two-Way Listening Speaking and Listening Running Dictation Telephone Dictogloss Information Gap Follow a Map Anthony
SPEAKING Comprehensible input is important in SLA. Comprehensible output is also very important. Communicative output – “speaking-as- skill” (Harmer, 123) Using ALL language skills to complete a task -Role plays -Storytelling -Debate -Discussion Generally, these are very difficult with large classes and mixed levels at the ES/MS/HS levels.
SPEAKING Structured output will be more useful and more common: -builds accuracy and fluency -used to make Ss more comfortable using the language -it is not practice. -Practice is controlled. -accuracy is most important -correct mistakes -This is structured. -fluency is most important -encourage speaking and participation
Speaking Ideas: -See Week ThreeWeek Three -Check out
Lesson Plan 3 Who: Groups of 3 or 4 When: 6/4 (due) and 6/11 What: -Work together to write a lesson plan and decide on modeling roles. -The model lesson will be minutes -The focus will be speaking and listening How: We will plan today and next class. Why: -”Two heads are better than one” – more ideas -A chance to directly work on your teaching weaknesses
Lesson Plan 3 GROUPS HS 1: 김지수, 김눈송이, 서희, 장근화 MS1: 오현주, 유지영, 박수미 MS2: 신유정, 최아름, 염지은 MS3: 유희진, 이수인, 이윤화 ES1: 이은지, 권소영, 양미진 ES2: 김영주, 안혜성
Lesson Plan 3 Homework