Jurisdiction of Courts according to the Regulation Brussels I
Aims of This Lecture To understand the importance of interpretation and application of European norms To understand how to determine jurisdiction for disputes before courts of members states of the EU
Where, and by whom will the case be decided? Winning and loosing the case Approach to damages (de minimis, maximum) Governing law Procedural issues Laguages Litigation costs
Therefore, You should do your best to find out a forum which will be the BEST for your client - winning the case - factual situation - market position - enforcement of judgments - „Forum Shopping“
Determinantion of Jurisdiction in the Case How do you determine the jurisdiction of courts when applying the regulations on – European Enforcement Order, – European Payment Order and – European Small Claims procedure?
Brussel I Regulation: Heavily influenced by the European approach Certainty, predictability Codification of the rules Denial of the court’s discretionary power Regardless of the outcome of the case
Owusu summary I. Which information should be state in the summary?
Owusu summary II. Information about the case Factual and procedural background IRAC Rule – Define the issue – Mention the rule – Provide short analysis – Conclude
Rules for Determininig of Jurisdiction I Which kinds of jurisdiction rules does the regulation Brussels I contain? What is the difference between them? How do we examine which jurisdiction rule is applicable in a concrete case?
The main principle Actor sequitur forum rei Art.2 Exceptions?
Other Rules for Determininig of Jurisdiction II Rules of jurisdiction according to the regulation Brussels I – exclusive jurisdiction, – prorogation, – subordination to the jurisdiction, – special jurisdiction, – general and alternative jurisdiction.
Controlled flexibility Rigid system Combines values of certainty and predictability and the forum shopping Always an appropriate forum to hear the case
Case of Mr. Novak Determine the jurisdiction in the case of Mr. Novák – Start with the scope of application of the regulation – Go through the application test – Where can Alfa sue Beta? – What is the best venue for Alfa and why?
Thank you for your attention
Děkuji za pozornost Tento studijní materiál byl vytvořen jako výstup z projektu č. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/ Tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.