Case Management of Truant Students and SARB: A Review of the School Attendance Review Board Intervention Manual October 18, 2013
Overview of Presentation Introduction to SARB Roles and Responsibilities Tiered Interventions Intensive Case Management Attendance Improvement Meeting (AIM) School Attendance Review Team (SART) Resource Panel SARB Post SARB
The Goal of SARB SARB is intended to… be a positive meeting. The goal of SARB is to DIVERT the student/family from the court system and PREVENT legal consequences. SARB is intended to… be a positive meeting. offer the family/student further support or intervention. be a last chance for change before the case is referred to the City or District Attorney for prosecution.
SARB Myths SARB is court SARB is a punitive measure SARB will magically solve the problem The Pupil Services Counselor (PSC) or School Staff is no longer responsible for case management after SARB
Roles and Responsibilities: All Pupil Services Staff Understand and follow current policy guidelines: Attendance Policy and Procedures Manual SARB Intervention Guide for Schools Pupil Services Staff Resource Guide Essential Strategies
Roles and Responsibilities: Pupil Services Administrators Supervise the creation and maintenance of Resource and SARB Panels Monitor performance and ensures accountability of Pupil Services Counselors and SARB Chairs Attend Resource Panel and SARB hearings to ensure compliance with standardized process
Roles and Responsibilities: SARB Chairs Strategically develop, maintain and conduct Resource and SARB Panels Provide training and support to counselors, school staff and SARB panel members Forward and track cases as they progress from Resource Panel to mediation and court Prepare and submit annual reports to LACOE
Roles and Responsibilities: School-Based Pupil Services Counselors Follow Attendance Intervention Protocols (Attendance Manual) Document all case management and interventions Prepare and present cases to Resource Panel and SARB as per SARB Intervention Guide for Schools Monitor, support and refer student and parents post-SARB as required School-purchased PS Counselors are required to present a minimum of 2 SARB cases per school year All SARB cases presented will count toward the 2-SARB minimum, regardless of which ESC or SARB Panel you present to. Counselors must work with their school administrators to adjust their schedules to attend the designated Resource and SARB Panels for their students, and notify their coordinator accordingly.
Truancy Letter Protocol for School Staff
Truancy EC Section 48260 A pupil…absent from school without valid excuse three full days in one school year or tardy or absent for more than any 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year or any combination thereof, shall reported…as a truant. EC 48260.5 requires that upon the a pupil’s initial classification as a truant, the school district shall notify the pupil’s parent or guardian. LAUSD NOT (Notification of Truancy) letters are generated monthly to meet this state mandate. Note: ALL TRUANCY LETTERS MUST BE MAINTAINED AT SCHOOL SITE FOR THREE YEARS Kindergarten students can be issued an Initial Truancy Letter if they are 6 years of age; however only truancies after the student turned 6 should be included.
Initial Notification of Truancy (INOT) Letter Automation Procedures REF-Bulletin 5464.2 Outlines requirements prior to and following the mailing of INOT letters. Criteria: Students between 6 and 18 years Accumulated three or more reason codes of 3, 2, 0, UC, or blank within a school year; including unexcused tardies of 30 minutes or more coded with a reason code 3 Absence Codes that do not count towards Truancy: 1-Excused 5-Written principal approval – Note new law allows principal to excuse absences before or after they occurred 4 - Suspension District receives $18.91 per letter generated Schools are encouraged to mail Initial Truancy Letters when the automated NOTs will delay the process.
School-Based PS Counselor Responsibilities Re: Initial NOT Letters Ensure clerical staff follow proper INOT letter preparation procedures at school site Finalized list of INOT students must be printed and filed INOT and other NOT letters must be maintained for 3 years Monitor attendance of students that have received Initial Truancy Letter Follow Attendance Intervention Protocols and guidance provided in the SARB Intervention Guide for Schools Schools are encouraged to mail Initial Truancy Letters when the automated NOTs will delay the process.
EC 48261 “Any pupil who has once been reported as a truant and who is again absent from school without valid excuse one or more days, or tardy on one or more days, shall be reported as a truant to the attendance supervisor or the superintendent of the district.” Education Code 48261 instruct the school to continue to monitor and report any student that is absent after they have been classified as a truant. This results in the mailing of a second truancy letter.
Second Truancy Letter – Request for Parent Conference When should Truancy Letter #2 be sent? Should be sent after: The parent/guardian has received the Initial Truancy Letter The parent/guardian has been given a reasonable opportunity to respond Student has one or more additional unexcused absences, tardies in excess of 30 minutes after the Initial Notification of Truancy was sent (minimum is 4 unexcused absences) Lead the audience in a brief discussion and then click 1x to show answer Should be sent after: The parent/guardian has received the Initial Truancy Letter The parent/guardian has been given a reasonable opportunity to respond Student has accumulated one or more additional unexcused absences, tardies in excess of 30 minutes or partial day or combination thereof after the Initial Notification of Truancy was sent
EC 48262 Any pupil is deemed an habitual truant who has been reported as a truant three or more times per school year, provided that no pupil shall be deemed an habitual truant unless an appropriate district officer or employee has made a conscientious effort to hold at least one conference with a parent or guardian of the pupil and the pupil himself, after the filing of either of the reports required by Section 48260 or Section 48261. For the purposes of this section, a conscientious effort means attempting to communicate with the parents of the pupil at least once using the most cost-effective method possible, which may include electronic mail or a telephone call. Education code 48262 indicates that once the school has classified the student as a truant and made a conscientious effort to hold at least one conference with the parent, and the student continues to be absent. They are then to be classified as a “habitual truant”. This results in the generating the 3rd truancy letter.
Third Truancy Letter – Habitual Truant Reclassification When should Truancy Letter #3 be sent? Should be sent after: The parent/guardian has received the 1st and 2nd Truancy Letters The parent/guardian has been given the opportunity to attend a parent conference Student accumulates one or more additional unexcused absences, tardies in excess of 30 minutes after the second truancy letter was sent (minimum 5 unexcused absences) Lead the audience in brief discussion and then click 1x to show answer Should be sent after: The parent/guardian has received the 1st and 2nd Truancy Letters The parent/guardian has been given the opportunity to schedule a parent conference Student has accumulated one or more additional unexcused absences, tardies in excess of 30 minutes or partial day or combination thereof since the second truancy letter was sent
Sending Valid Truancy Letters Truancy Letter #1 is automated by Central Office mailed out 1x per month May also be created and sent manually at the school site Use only the current approved letters printed with accurate school letterhead Do not mail all truancy letters at the same time Schools must allow time for response from parents/guardians between the sending of truancy letters Truancy Letters must be sent consecutively during the same school year If only truancy letter #1 was mailed during a school year, the school cannot begin by sending truancy letter #2 the following school year. Schools must restart by issuing truancy letters #1, #2 and #3 each school year.
Sending Valid Truancy Letters (continued) Which is the correct way to enter dates of truancy on a Truancy Letter: “See attached” Plenty 11/2/12, 11/5/12 and 11/7/12 11/2 – 11/10/2010 c and d Ask audience to answer and then click 1x to show answer. The correct answer is C
Sending Valid Truancy Letters (continued) Enter the mailing date on the letter Include Parent’s Full Name and Address and Student’s Full Name and District ID Dates of absences must be written in full Example: 11/2/2010; 11/8/2010, 11/9/2010, 11/10/2010 NOT ACCEPTABLE: Incomplete dates: 11/2 “See attached” “Plenty” Date ranges: 11/2 – 11/10/2010 Sample letters and guidance are available in the SARB Guide
Sample Truancy Letter
Tiered Absence Related Intervention Strategies
Absence Related Intervention Strategies: Prevention What are the goals of prevention activities? What activities have you and your school provided to prevent absences? Prevention reaches all students/staff – goals include teaching attendance, benefits and consequences Activities may include: Posters, Incentives, assemblies, parent meetings, newsletters and more
Absence Related Intervention Strategies: Early Intervention What are the goals of early intervention strategies? What early intervention activities have you and your school implemented? Early interventions involve targeting groups of students/parents and include re-teaching attendance, providing information and resources. Activities may include group counseling or trainings, Attendance Improvement Meetings (AIM), etc.
Community Resource Referral Form Use when referring families to outside agencies Template is available in SARB Intervention Guide States that LAUSD assumes no responsibility for the services provided or fees charged Retain a copy of the form for your records Agencies must be non-profit unless student has private insurance Provide at least 3 referrals for each type of service from your School Resource Guide and Community Resource Referral List
Community Resource List What types of services are included in your Community Resource List? How did you find these resources?
Essential Strategies: Intensive Intervention and Recovery
Intensive Case Management Use only the Current Letters and Forms in the Attendance Manual The SARB Guide includes links to the following forms and more…..
Remember, pupil records are introduced as evidence in legal proceedings for truancy against the parent/guardian and/or against the student. Therefore, the school should record such information with the expectation that it may serve as evidence. Don’t forget, the statements from secondhand sources are considered heresay and may not be admissible in court. With accurate and detailed attendance and anecdotal records, the prosecutor will have a compelling presentation at trial, and the District will be able to withstand cross-examination from the defense attorn
Intensive Case Management – Steps Includes individual interventions (conferences, home visit, SART, SARB, etc.) Identify students with attendance problems Maintain list of target students Document all contacts (telephone, mail, conferences, etc.) in the ISIS call log and/or Record of Contacts form Issue all required absence notifications Maintain protocol for Pupil Records BUL–2469.0 (ie: Access, Confidentiality, Notice of Educational Rights , etc.) Sources of student identification: ISIS/SIS/MyDATA or school based referral Documentation of contacts must be in chronological order District issued Truancy Letter #1 proof available via ISIS For students with multiple parent notes consult with School Nurse
Coding Absences in ISIS Absences must be documented properly. If marked as “excused”, there is no violation of the law. Ensure Teachers and Clerks are aware of restrictions on accepting parent notes, and code absences correctly Review attendance records regularly to ensure compliance
WORKING THE CASE What is the desired outcome? What are some strategies the PS Counselor might utilize? Contact parent/guardian to obtain information Facilitate conferences with parent to assess needs Conduct home visits as necessary: When parent/guardian does not respond to phone calls and letters To observe and assess home environment, family dynamics, additional barriers to regular school attendance and over all school functioning Link parent /guardian and/or student to resources (school based or non-school based) Inform parent in writing that parent notes will no longer be accepted to excuse absences. Refer to COST/SST/IEP/504 to include other staff in case Refer for additional services as needed (school based or community based) What is the desired outcome? Click 1x to show question #1 and then 1x to show each answer throughout your discussion Click again to show question #2 List of school resources and outside agencies should be provided to parent Before issuing letter informing parent that parent notes may no longer excuse absences, consult with School Nurse to rule out health issues that may need further investigation
School Attendance Review Team (SART)
Purpose of SART Recommended by LACOE as a best practice to improve student attendance and reduce need for referrals to SARB Address barriers preventing regular school attendance Encourage parent participation to resolve issues Required prior to a SARB referral NOTE: An SST or Truancy Prevention Program hearing may replace a SART meeting
SART Tools and Templates Available as links in the SARB Intervention Guide: Overview of SART Quick Guide Agenda Templates Sample Invite letter SART Contract – English and Spanish
Preparing for SART Determine SART dates Include parent, student, and at least one other certificated faculty member Size of Team depends on specific student needs, staffing and availability Allow approximately 30 minutes per meeting Notify Pupil Services staff at sibling schools of the SART to reduce duplication of efforts The SART contract includes all sibling names and a copy should be sent to the PSC or Principal at sibling schools.
Preparing for SART (continued) TRUE OR FALSE: An administrator MUST be a part of the SART panel. Only the student should attend the SART meeting. SART panel members can ONLY include a PS Counselor and an Administrator. FALSE Ask audience to answer questions one by one and click 1x each to reveal answers. FALSE: The SART panel may include an Administrator designee or another certificated staff member FALSE: The parent and student both should attend the SART meeting FALSE: Other interested personnel might include: Teacher, Nurse, School Psychologist, PSW, Dean, Academic Counselor, IEP Case Carrier, Probation Officer, etc. School
Preparing for SART (continued) Send SART invite letter at least 2 weeks prior to date Three days prior to the SART another letter should be sent home with the student or visit home to hand deliver letter Call the parent one day prior to the meeting to confirm attendance Prepare and disseminate agenda Arrange for an interpreter, if necessary Place “Supplemental Student Information” form in teacher’s mailbox at least 1 week prior to SART Gather student information (ie: student’s cum, behavior, academic and attendance records, etc.) Research siblings and print attendance from MyData
Day of SART Introduction: SART members and family Verify address and phone numbers Have parent complete new Emergency Contact Form Include ALL school age siblings on contract Review LAUSD attendance policy, compulsory education law, and discuss number of absences and tardies (current and past) Address barriers that are prohibiting regular attendance Review various interventions that were done prior to SART Have parent sign Release/Exchange of Information Form Inquire about past/current DCFS and/or Probation involvement DPSS info (eligibility worker name and number) Speak with doctors, therapists and others working with family
HOLDING THE SART MEETING - Overview Identify family strengths, review progress made Create an action plan and detail on SART contract Provide referrals to school based and community based services (using Community Resource Form) Inform parent that only a doctor’s note will be counted as an “excused” absence Review SART contract with family and obtain parent and student signature Provide a copy of the SART contract to the parent The SART contract should include both school and outside referrals along with a timeline. It should also include a date for review with the family to ensure tasks are being met. Inform parent that whenever in doubt about a child’s illness; the school nurse can be used as a resource along with the Wellness Clinic.
After SART Document on elementary cum jacket, Section 7: Conferences with Parents/Guardians that a SART meeting was held School mail a copy to sibling (s) home school File contract in cum and your case file If the parent does not attend SART: Attempt to contact the parent by phone, mail, or home visit in order to reschedule If you are not able to contact the parent mail “No Show to SART” letter along with a copy of the contract
SART Contract Violation Mail “SART/SARB Violation” letter with a copy of SART contract Review SART contract and referrals that were given with parent/student Inform parent of referral to Resource Panel Inform parent of School Attendance Review Board process
AFTER SART Document ALL interventions in ISIS Call Log and/or Record of Contacts form Keep copies of all correspondence to and from the parent Inform school staff that parent notes will no longer be accepted and ALL future absences must be excused by a doctor, school nurse, or approved by the principal All parent note must be coded as “3 Non-Compliant” in ISIS
Essential Strategies: Resource Panel
Resource Panel What are the two PRIMARY functions of Resource Panel? Case consultation for difficult cases Case presentation for SARB Referral Resource Panel Composition: SARB Chairperson/s PSA Administrator PSA, School or District Staff (IEP Nurse, etc.) Ask the audience what the 2 primary functions of Resource Panel are and then click 1x to show the answer. Click 1x to show last paragraph (Resource Panel Composition).
Resource Panel Preparation: Know Your Student What should you know about your student/family when presenting a case to Resource Panel? ASK THE AUDIENCE TO GIVE EXAMPLES OF INFORMATION THAT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW WHEN PRESENTING A CASE TO RESOURCE PANEL AND SARB. Guide audience with the following examples: How does the family support themselves financially (ie: employment – who?, DPSS benefits, etc. )? Is the student in Special Education? How many people live in the home? Who lives in the home? History of domestic violence, child abuse or other mental health issues? If the student has a medical issue, is the student being treated for his/her condition? Does the family have health and/or dental insurance? Private, Healthy Families, Medi-Cal? Observations of home environment/family dynamics when you conducted an in-home counseling session. Are the students involved in after school programs or tutoring? Are there any legal issues within the family? Recent deaths or trauma in the family? Student’s feelings about school. Subjects/classes the student expresses interest in attending regularly. Factors that could affect the student’s self-esteem (obesity, facial scars, extreme poverty, etc.).
RESOURCE PANEL PREPARATION Notify SARB Chairperson to be added to Resource Panel calendar Complete all required forms (see Resource Panel/SARB Document Checklist) Bring original forms along with 1 copy (single-sided 8½” x 11” paper, unstapled) to Resource Panel PSC or attendance designee must be prepared to present case history, interventions, family strengths and weakness, along with challenges faced by family.
CASE PRESENTATION TO RESOURCE PANEL Present and discuss the case Panel determines if additional interventions and/or referrals are warranted A letter may be mailed by the SARB Chair informing parent that a Resource Panel has been held SARB Chair will schedule case for a hearing when and if case is ready and appropriate Resource Panel presentation is also utilized to seek additional resources and/or techniques to help families with challenging situations. Time must be given to families to incorporate panel recommendations if additional interventions are proposed. PSCs and School Designees must plan ahead of time to avoid waiting until the end of the school year to make a Resource Panel referral and expect to be scheduled for SARB.
TOOLS: Forms from the SARB Intervention Guide for Schools
Accessing the SARB Intervention Guide
RP/SARB Referral Checklist
Please complete EVERY line of this form Please complete EVERY line of this form. If you do not have specific information, place the word “unknown” or “N/A”. By doing this, we know you have not intentionally skipped a line.
There is a completed Anecdotal Summary in the Toolkit There is a completed Anecdotal Summary in the Toolkit. I would like to call your attention to the fact that the form MUST be typed. Under current school issues, summarize the student’s academic achievements or lack thereof. We do not expect you to list all of his/her classes and grades. Write down the total number of credits the student has accomplished. If he/she is a elementary student, indicate whether he/she is below grade level. Under family composition, we would like to have an idea of how the family functions. For example, does grandma oversee the daily operations of the family; do any of the parents work at night, etc. Under “relevant family concerns”, has anything extraordinary happened recently, such as a family member being incarcerated, a new baby born, a divorce or separation, etc.
Remember, pupil records are introduced as evidence in legal proceedings for truancy against the parent/guardian and/or against the student. Therefore, the school should record such information with the expectation that it may serve as evidence. Don’t forget, the statements from secondhand sources are considered heresay and may not be admissible in court. With accurate and detailed attendance and anecdotal records, the prosecutor will have a compelling presentation at trial, and the District will be able to withstand cross-examination from the defense attorn
Student Health Information Form Developed by the Nursing Unit in line with HIPPA rules and regulations Protocol requires school nurses to complete the Student Health Information Form and submit it to their Nursing Administrator who sends it to the SARB Chair PSC’s are not supposed to receive a copy of the completed form due to HIPPA If you know the student has a medical condition that is not addressed; i.e., asthma, request that the nurse provide a supplemental statement about his/her asthma. If the nurse does not know of his/her medical condition, ask the nurse to follow up with the family I had a student who was out sick for months and the school refused to admit him without a doctor’s statement. I called the Nursing Unit and was told to admit the student because we have District doctors available to make these determinations.
Essential Strategies: Referral to SARB
When are students referred to SARB? When school attendance or behavior has not been helped by efforts by the school or home. After other interventions have not been successful (e.g. school level Student Success Team (SST), School Attendance Review Team (SART), Coordination of Services Team (COST),etc.
School Referrals Recommended for students ages 6 to 16: With chronic attendance issues Who have recently started to miss school and would benefit from the SARB process Who are most likely to attend school regularly following the SARB hearing
High School (continued) Consider alternative education referrals for students ages 16+ who are significantly behind in credits. Discuss students older than 16 with SARB chairs to determine if referral is appropriate Students who are almost 18 years old are not appropriate for SARB. Older students that have younger siblings with attendance problems may be appropriate referrals.
When might a SARB referral be inappropriate? Student is already on formal probation The family has an open case with DCFS * The IEP is out of compliance * The student is 17-18 years of age* * There are some exceptions Lead the audience in a brief discussion then click 1x for text to appear.
Can students with IEP’s be Referred to SARB?? Students with IEPs are subject to compulsory education laws. Most disabilities should not prevent a child from attending school on a regular basis. Ensure Special Education Students Have a Current IEP Are in their appropriate placement as determined by their IEP That chronic absenteeism is not related to disability Click 1x to show each bullet throughout your discussion with the audience.
IEP Team: Pre-Resource Panel Interventions IEP meeting + SART contract IEP Attendance Goal Behavior Support Plan Positive Behavior Strategies, Interventions & Supports Resolve placement issues (if any) Conduct a process similar to Manifestation Determination
Why so much paperwork / documentation? The strength of the case in court will depend almost entirely on the documentation of the PSC/School Representative. Provide as much information as possible Give a clear picture of the issues If the case is referred to the City or District Attorney for Truancy Mediation or prosecution in court, all of these documents are necessary
PRIOR TO SARB: School Based PSC Continue case management and documentation to move the family toward resolution Accurate absence monitoring and recording with revocation of writing parental notes Hand-deliver the SARB Notice to Appear to the parent/guardian Confirm the hearing location, transportation, and directions with the family Call the parent/guardian 1-2 days before the hearing reminding them of SARB It is strongly suggested to remind parents that all school aged children must attend SARB. It is recommended that parents leave small non-school aged children at home with a caretaker so that they may have complete focus on the SARB process. Or as an alternative, to bring another adult caretaker to the hearing that can watch and care for small children in the lobby. At times it is helpful to map out a route or public transportation for the parent that will be attending SARB in order to ensure their timely arrival. Parents/guardians are assured that LAUSD Translation Services is provided.
Tone of SARB Hearings SARB Chairs set the tone for each hearing SARB panel members will be reminded at each meeting to be respectful at all times Parents are our partners We are sensitive to the strengths and struggles of our students/families Belittling, berating and threatening parents or students is inappropriate
Post SARB Follow Up: School Based PSC Orange SARB sticker is placed on the student’s cum Notify teachers and clerks of the SARB contract, using the “Memo for Clearing Absences Post SART/SARB” Schedule a 30 day follow up meeting with the family, at your school site, to document compliance with the SARB Contract Directives PSC/School Representative provides on-going update of student’s progress to SARB Chair If appropriate, mail either the SART/SARB Violation or a letter/certificate recognizing improvement
POST- SARB: SARB Chair Responsibilities If SARB Contract is violated, SARB Chairperson may refer case to the City or District Attorney for a Truancy Mediation Hearing and Contract PSC/School Representative notifies SARB Chairperson if the Truancy Mediation Contract is violated SARB Chairperson sends update and request for case to proceed to court as needed
Intern Participation on SARB Panels Prior to Participation in SARB, Interns Must: Complete the mandatory SARB training Complete 75 hours of internship Attend a Resource Panel Be registered and scheduled centrally for SARB Plan accordingly: first come – first serve basis Do not wait until the end of the school year
Interns (continued) Interns are limited to one SARB hearing unless they are directly involved in other cases. Interns are not permitted to counsel or question families at a SARB hearing. Additional information can be found in the guide, Interns and the SARB process, or you may contact your SARB Chair.
Questions? The SARB Chairs and Lead Counselors are here to support all of you. Call us any time you have a question or need guidance/support on a case