Candidate and Political Committee Information Apache County Election Services 75 W Cleveland Street-P.O. Box 428 St. Johns, AZ
Attention Candidates! This information is provided by the Apache County Elections Office only as a convenience for the candidate and it is the candidates ultimate responsibility to make himself or herself aware of all filing requirements and provisions of Arizonas law applicable to candidates seeking public office. Title 16 and Title 19 of the Arizona Revised Statutes contain many of the laws pertaining to elections and candidates.
Explanation of Candidate Packages Partisan Package. Contains all the forms you need to file in order to run for office on a recognized political partys ticket in the primary or general elections. Non-Partisan Package. Contains all the forms you need to file in order to run as a candidate for a position which is non-partisan (mainly city or towns and specials districts such as fire boards, school boards, etc.). Independent Package. Contains all of the forms you need to file in order to run for office as an Independent or as a member of a non-recognized party in a partisan race. Write-In Package. Contains all the forms you will need to file in order to become a write-in candidate for either a partisan or non-partisan position in either the primary or general elections. Precinct Committeeman Package. Contains all of the forms you need to file in order to become a candidate for precinct committeeman for your party.
$500 Threshold Statement or a Political Committee Statement of Organization? All Candidates for any office, except for Precinct Committeeman, who intend to receive or expend over $249, in like or kind, must file a $500 Threshold Exemption Statement or a Political Committee Statement of Organization. The $500 Threshold Exemption Statement is for those candidates who intend to receive or expend more than $249 but no more than the $500 limit. If you file this form and find you have exceeded the limit of $500 you may return and file a Statement of Organization within five (5) business days after receiving or expending any monies over the limit. If you intend to collect or expend more than $500, in like or kind, over the course of your campaign, you may consider filing the Political Committee Statement of Organization instead of the $500 Threshold Statement at the time of your initial filing. Please be aware that as soon as you file a Statement of Organization, you will be responsible for filing Campaign Finance Reports throughout the course of your campaign. Please refer to the filing dates found on the Apache County Election Website under Campaign Finance. Amendments for any changes in required information on a Political Committee Statement of Organization must be filed within five (5) business days.
Nomination Petitions Petitions must be copied onto one page, front to back on letter (8 ½ X11) size paper. The candidate must file at least the minimum number of signatures required for the office sought and no more than the maximum number. If there are too few, the Elections office cannot accept the candidates filing. Signature Requirements are based on the March 1 st voter registration data. Make sure the circulator portion of each petition is complete (the circulator may either be the candidate or another person): –Did the circulator print his or her name, residence address and county on the back of each petition? –Did the circulator sign the back of each petition? Check to see that the signature portion of each petition is complete: –Is the signors name printed next to the signature? –Is there a date for each signature? –Is there a complete actual residence address or a description of the residence location for each signature? If any of these items are missing, that signature will not be counted.
Nomination Paper, Affidavit of Qualification and Campaign Finance Laws Statement (All three of these are on the same one-page form) Make sure to answer every question and fill in every blank. Write the candidates name exactly how he or she wants it printed on the ballot. The last name must appear first. Nicknames are permissible as long as they do not suggest a title. The candidate must sign the form and have his or her signature notarized. The Nomination Paper must be filed with the Nomination Petitions and Financial Disclosure Statement. If the form is not signed and notarized the Elections Department cannot accept the candidates filing.
Financial Disclosure Statement Must be filed with the Nomination Petition and Nomination Paper. Covers the 12 month period preceding the filing. (This is a different time period from the public officer filing in January). The candidate must sign the form and have it notarized. If the form is not signed and notarized, the Elections Department cannot accept the Candidates filing.
Additional Questions? Though we cannot give you any legal advice, If you have any additional questions or need further instructions or assistance, Please feel free to contact the Apache County Elections Office. Office Hours: Mon. – Thurs. 6:30 a.m. – 5:30 P.M. Apache County Annex – 75 W. Cleveland Street, St Johns, AZ or