School Census 2014 Primary School Application Version 0.1
The default Census Date is the 2 nd October, i.e. the first Thursday in October, but we have made the date editable just in case it needs to be changed for School Dinners Taken.
It’s a good idea to provide a unique name as we might want to provide several files before we are ready to Authorise
The dates for collecting the historical data are as expected
Click to calculate the default values for the remaining panels
We have missing early years information. This is not surprising as the information entered for the last Census was for the previous Academic Year. We click Edit to fill in the missing information
We can set a filter to identify pupil who were four years of age on the 31/08/2014
Right mouse click for the aids to filling in the columns
We can repeat the process for Funded Hours
We can reset the Age filter back to all and use one of the other filters
Use of the Status filter will make sure we haven’t missed out any hours
We can fill in the missing Hours at Setting
We might as well fill in the missing Funded Hours while we are here
Now that we know that there aren’t any more missing hours we can save our changes
A very similar process is needed for Class Type
In this case we can just click the cell, but if we were dealing with lots of pupils we would make use of right mouse click
Right mouse click
We haven’t provided any Top- up Funding information so we click Edit to open this functionality
In this case we have provided facilities for copying the information from what was entered for the Summer Census
One pupil has been copied forward from the Summer Census information
SEN might proved to be a helpful filter
Once we have added the pupils as necessary we click Update to save and OK to return to the Census application
Again, we click edit to modify the Adopted from Care information
We don’t need to make any changes, but if we did the procedure is very similar to Hours for Early Years and Class Type
All pupils taught in years R, 1 or 2 are listed, as these are the years the DfE is interest in for the funding of Universal Infant Free School Meals.
In a very small school where most pupils take school dinners, clicking the Tick All button and then unticking those who didn’t take a school dinner might be the best option, but in most cases calculation from Attendance or Dinner Money is likely to be the most helpful.
All pupils with an Attendance code with a physical meaning of present are ticked. This is likely to include pupils who aren’t taking school dinners, but have packed lunch etc. The Group By functionality can be useful for updating this information from class lists etc.
Where the Dinner Money application is in use, Calculate from Dinner Money is likely to be by far the best option
There are fewer ticks than when Attendance was used for the calculation, which is as we would expect as Dinner Money will be aware of other types of meals, e.g. packed lunch and home
Please see SupportNet Resource for details of how Dinner Money can be set up to provide this information
We will ignore the missing marks for this dry run.
The DfE have not yet provided the files for validation or for the summary report, so we will just look at the detail reports provided by Capita SIMS
Thank you for your time