Phil. 3:12-14
Introduction Have you ever had regrets? Maybe it is something you did last year that you should not have done? Or may it something you should have done? The only person who never had regrets while living on earth was Jesus Christ.
The apostle Paul was the greatest Christian to have ever lived. But he too had regrets, heartaches, sorrow and remorse. But today, Paul is going to help us get out from the cloud of guilt and move onto a crown of glory.
1. Be Dissatisfied With Your Position v.12 Paul was saved, sure and sanctified. But he was not satisfied. Even though Paul was a dynamic leader, A powerful prayer warrior and A spiritual giant, He wanted to improve his spiritual walk.
Do you want to grow in your personal life and in your spiritual journey? Then you must never accept: A. Living in the past. B. Never rest in the present. Paul was such a great man because he was more concerned with his character than his reputation.
He never thought of himself as being successful. We all want to be successful in our own way. Remember – success is not a destination. It is a never-ending process. How can you make the rest of your life the best?
2.Be delivered From Your Past. v.13 We can never experience a better tomorrow if we are always thinking about the past. Ecclesiastes 7:10 – “Do not long for the old days” We will never be able to focus on the future until we get unfocused from the past.
Paul uses very aggressive terminology in these verses. “Press on”; “Reaching forward”; “the goal”. As in every race, it is not where you have been, but where you are heading. You will never sail your life to peace and joy still while still anchored to the past.
Remember, God is not as concerned with your past as you are. Paul was striving to move past his position in life and his life of the past. Paul had to: a. Forget his past guilt. - He was a murderer, a blasphemer and a persecutor.
The deep scar of sin and sorrow was on his heart. b. Forget his past grief. - He was beaten, jailed, mocked, shipwrecked and rejected. c. Forget his past grudges. - He was lied to, mistreated, forsaken and thrown out.
Forget in this verse means is to be no longer influenced of affected by our memory. We must cut the ropes of our anchored past and start sailing past our guilt, grief and grudges.
3. Be Devoted To A Purpose v.13 Paul did more than one thing. He made tents. He preached sermons. He planted churches. He wrote books. Paul did a lot of things
But his top priority in life was to "press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God.” v.14 “Goal” – a mark on which the eye is fixed. Paul had his eyes on his goal in this life and his prize in the next. What is your priority today?
4. Be Determined In Your Passion v.14 “ I press on” –v.12 “ I press toward” – v.14 It takes more than aspiration, inspiration and perspiration. It takes determination. When life delivers hard blows, we need passion to fight back.
What matters most is not where you have come from. But where you are going and do you have the passion to get there?
Conclusion True Life Story He was 93 years when he died in Suffered economic crisis early in business. His bankers stole 47 million over a period of time.
Suffered mental breakdown. Hospitalized for 10 years. Tried to commit suicide but unsuccessful. Tried again. Heard the nurse singing “God will take care of you”
Remembered his mother. “When everything goes wrong and all seems hopeless, do not forget that God will take care of you.” Was healed instantly. Doctors surprised. Goes on to recoup his money. Who was he?
J.C. Penney
J.C. Penney. As he grew older his eyesight was greatly impaired. But he said, “My vision is greater than ever.”