Yerkes Astrophysics Academy for Young Scientists (YAAYS) January 20, 2007 Invitational Festival
Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wisconsin Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland Max Mutchler
Flashback to the 1970s: people and space missions that inspired me to study astronomy Voyagers Goodland Elementary School, Racine, Wisconsin
Hubble Space Telescope in orbit: location, location, location!
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) on the campus of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore The “Home of Hubble”
Edwin Hubble as a student at Yerkes Observatory in 1916 (you are in very good company)
Hubble and the Yerkes Academy How does Hubble work? Beyond the pretty pictures: science at the cutting edge Mining data archives for hidden gems Yerkes Academy observing proposal: where would you point Hubble? Planning, observing, analysis, publication Looking over my shoulder (via webcam) during exciting science projects that come up
Hubble was launched into orbit by the Space Shuttle in 1990
Hubble is serviced in orbit by astronauts ?
Installed during Hubble Servicing Mission 3B March 2002 Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS)
Raw Hubble data becoming a color image
Studying the visible and invisible light
Science data can become a color image, but it can also be represented in other ways Swellform
Where would you point Hubble?
Your turn to talk to me! One person at a time… Step up close to the web camera Clearly say your name, grade, and where you are from What do you like about space? Do you have any questions?
Yerkes Academy Hubble data mining and observations Provide some authentic cutting-edge research experiences Collaboration, teamwork, ownership Data-mining: search data archives for interesting data Propose Hubble Heritage observing project Choosing a suitable target; observation planning First look at the raw data: videoconference Data processing and analysis Make a color-composite image Hubble Heritage press release Publish paper, present results at a conference: AAS, ASP?
More information… Hubble Space Telescope: Hubble Heritage: Max Mutchler: