Work programme: SG’s High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing (AGF) Frank Schroeder Secretary General’s Climate Change Support Team (CCST), United Nations 8 June, 2010 Special Briefing to Parties UNFCCC Session, Bonn
2 Establishment of Working Groups The Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing has set-up two working groups: WG1 Public Finance WG2 Private Finance Participation in the working groups is on the level of Deputies/Sherpas Working groups meet every 4 weeks and consult frequently by tele-conference
3 Objectives of Working Groups To develop studies/ papers on the potential sources of revenue for the scaling-up of new and additional resources for climate financing action in developing countries. To provide guidance to the principals of the AGF and their plenary meetings, as well as the final report of the Advisory Group.
4 First meeting of Working Groups In their first meeting in Washington D.C. on April 2010, WG’s decided: On the methodology for the analysis to be undertaken Specific work streams on potential sources of revenue A broad set of criteria for the assessment of the different instruments to be examined by the AGF
5 8 Work Streams of Working Groups Public Sources Private Sources 1.Carbon Market Public Revenues 2.Revenue from International Transport 3.Other carbon related sources 4.Role of multilateral organizations (incl. SDRs) 5.International Financial Transaction Taxes 6.Direct Budget Contributions 7.Using public finance to leverage private investment/ finance 8.Carbon Markets
6 Criteria for Assessment of Sources ■ Efficiency – The relation between the source of finance and impacts on costs, market imperfections and economic development and growth. ■Incidence and equity – The incidence in the burden of the source of finance between nations and between groups within a nation.
7 Criteria for Assessment of Sources (cont.) ■Practicality - The feasibility of implementation, for example in the required institutional design and in relation to rules and laws in different countries. ■Political acceptability - The likelihood of political acceptance in different countries and among different constituencies.
8 Criteria for Assessment of Sources (cont.) ■ Reliability/predictability – The extent to which the source of finance is likely to lead to a predictable revenue stream. ■ Additionality- Related to new and innovative sources to determine potential ranges of climate finance for each source against this criteria.
9 Thank you.