Ref: P.ppt (17/08/2015) 1 EUROTHERM CONTROLS a bc 2604 Software version 5.xx 2704 Software version 5.xx Existing units are upgradeable Modbus Master Communications
Ref: P.ppt (17/08/2015) 2 EUROTHERM CONTROLS a bc Modbus Master Communications Uses standard Modbus modules EIA 232 or 485 Slot J only, 9600 baud Max 8 individually addressed slaves Broadcast mode Slave Address 0 Possible Slaves S2000, 2500, 5100 series, 900EPC, 902 plus more 25 Parameters in Parameters in 2704 to be extended in future Resolution, timeouts, retries etc are all user configurable
Ref: P.ppt (17/08/2015) 3 EUROTHERM CONTROLS a bc Master Communications - Application 1 Extrusion Controller 2704 for melt pressure 1 or 2 pressure inputs Transducer Calibration User interface for for temperature loops 8 Loops per base
Ref: P.ppt (17/08/2015) 4 EUROTHERM CONTROLS a bc Master Communications - Application 2 Extrusion Controller 2704 for melt pressure 1 or 2 pressure inputs Transducer calibration Setpoint selection for for temperature loops 16 Setpoints per 2408 Zone 1Zone 2Zone 4Zone 5Zone 32
Ref: P.ppt (17/08/2015) 5 EUROTHERM CONTROLS a bc Master Communications - Application 3 Vacuum Furnace 2704 for : High vacuum control Temperature programming Calculation of holdback Digital retransmission of vacuum 5180V for Data Acquisition Multiple TC inputs Trending & data logging Plant mimics EIA232 Ethernet Lantronics Cobox
Ref: P.ppt (17/08/2015) 6 EUROTHERM CONTROLS a bc Master Communications - Application 4 Vacuum Furnace 2704 for : High vacuum control Temperature programming 2500 User Interface 2500 for temperature control 8 loops per base 5180v for data acquisition
Ref: P.ppt (17/08/2015) 7 EUROTHERM CONTROLS a bc User Configurable Modbus Map Allows easy integration into existing systems Comms slot H only Limited to 20 parameters Orderable as special EE0498 Conversion table 26/ /2704 Modbus Table
Ref: P.ppt (17/08/2015) 8 EUROTHERM CONTROLS a bc Modbus Indirection Tables Read Only table 26/ /2704 Modbus Table Improves communication speed Facilitates block read/writes 15 Read only parameters 15 Read/write parameters Standard in all units Parameters need to be redirected within 26/2704 Read write table