finalsite Web Tech Event January 26, 2011 Hosted by Sacred Heart Schools
Sacred Heart/finalsite Connection Sacred Heart launches new design using finalsite in September Before After
Why we chose finalsite Old Website vs. New Website Old Website Redundant information listed in an unorganized way Goals message not prominent Too many typefaces Lack of consistent updating Links missing Lack of site search
Why we chose finalsite New Website Daily updates on home page Flash photos on home page reflecting five goals Easy to navigate Site search option Protected log in area for parents Alumni Portal for alums to post comments Faculty/Staff Directory Online forms Athletics Manager
What Sets Our Website Apart Social networking icons on home page and at the bottom of every page on our website Parent/Alumni Networking sites pages Media Gallery/News/YouTube page using portal pages Online forms and quizzes Thermometer graph on Giving pages Issuu to show our publications as flip through books online Admissions Blog Google Analytics
Social Networking Facebook Two Facebook pages: Sacred Heart Schools Facebook page ~ 342 followers (visit at Sheridan Road Alumni Association page ~ 313 followers (visit at Twitter Use Hootsuite ( to schedule multiple posts Connect with other SHS Network schools to share content and ideas Links to slideshows and videos to increase viewing
Social Networking (continued) YouTube Channel ( Christmas Video received more than 1,000 hits (300 more views than our Thanksgiving video) 14 channel subscribers Separate playlists for specific videos Easy to embed videos on our website Video embedded on our website YouTube Channel page
Networking Sites Twitter and Facebook badges automatically update with feeds Facebook ( reference/plugins/like-box) Or search social plugins on Facebook and click Live Stream Twitter ( widget_profile) Or go to Resources at the bottom of Twitter, Widgets, My Website, Profile Widget (link: Networking Sites)Networking Sites
Media Gallery/News/YouTube page Portal page for updated slideshows, news posts and recent YouTube video Easy to update and replace old slideshows News posts feed in automatically YouTube Channel features most recent video (link: Media Gallery and News)Media Gallery and News
Online Forms & Quizzes Currently, we have 13 active forms on the website. Donate Online Form (link: Donate Online)Donate Online Donate Online button on home page and Giving pages links to form Connects with DiamondMind to process payments Directly deposits payments into our account Alumni Quizzes Mother Hardey Quiz (link: Mother Hardey) featured with every Young Alumni eNewsletterMother Hardey Displays results after submission is completed
Thermometer and Flipbooks Filling thermometer (right) easy to update Annual Fund giving level (link: Annual Fund Thermometer)Annual Fund Thermometer Issuu flipbook (below) allows our publications to be interactive with our community (link: Heartbeat publication)Heartbeat publication
Admissions Blog An area to share information about the Admissions process with prospective and current families Links back to other Admissions pages on the website Allows users to sign up for alerts, RSS feeds and comment on posts (link: Admissions Blog)Admissions Blog
Google Analytics Most popular times of day 1.11 am 2.10 am 3.2 pm 4.noon Most popular pages 1.Home 2.School Calendar 3.Faculty/Staff Directory 4.Parent Login 5.Athletics – Teams and Schedules IL Map Overlay 1. Chicago 2. Glendale Heights 3. Lincolnwood 4. Evanston 5. Villa Park Popular Search Terms 1. calendar 2. uniform 3. smugmug 4. lunch menu 5. bus Visits Dashboard tells us what days receive high traffic and low traffic Using analytics, we are able to tell what contributed to these highs and lows
Questions and Answers Please ask any questions at this time.