ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN June 30, 2006
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN General Fund Unreserved/Undesignated Balance
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN General Fund Reserved Balance (Excluding Capital Related)
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN General Fund Operating Capital Fund Balance
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN General Fund Health and Safety Fund Balance
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN General Fund Disabled Access Fund Balance
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN Food Service Fund Balance
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN Community Service Fund Balance
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN Debt Service Fund Balance
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN General Fund Revenue
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN District & School Administration, District Support Services, & Instructional Support Services
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN Regular and Vocational Instruction
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN Special Education Instruction
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN Pupil Support Services
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN Site, Buildings, Equipment, & Other
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN Capital Expenditures
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN Food Service
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN Transportation
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN Community Service
ISD NO. 492 AUSTIN Debt Service