NSHMBA University Chapters
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ABOUT US The National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA) commenced in 1988 with a vision to be THE premier Hispanic business organization for Hispanic business professionals. Dedicated to increasing the number of Hispanics graduating with MBA’s, NSHMBA opens doors for Hispanic talent by sourcing leadership positions, securing job placement and enhancing professional development. Though Hispanics with MBAs had been the sole focus, 2015 marks the year in which NSHMBA extends its reach beyond the MBA community to undergraduate and high school-level students. NSHMBA realizes by building Hispanic talent from the ground up, they are empowering Hispanic business professionals to achieve their full educational, economic and social potential.
NSHMBA VISION To be THE premiere organization for Hispanic business professionals MISSION Increase Hispanics graduating with MBA’s Enhance opportunities via leadership positions, job placement & professional development Choice partner for Hispanic talent Recruit & retain MBA members
NSHMBA Professional Chapters are made up of a 10 member governing board. Each of the chapters are supported by a dedicated team at the national office and are offered resources and shared services in areas such as : finance & accounting, marketing, events, membership and IT. Professional Chapters manaege individual budgets and held to fiduciary, event, and membership generation responsibilities measured by a uniform scorecard. NSHMBA PROFESISONAL CHAPTERS
$150K + Professional chapters help to raise money to support educational programs and scholarships of the NSHMBA Foundation. FUNDRAISING $ 400/250 0 There are 400 elected or appointed officers at the professional chapter level and additional 2,500 engaged members serving as NSHMBAs local presence and feet on the ground. CHAPTER OFFICERS & MEMBERS $375K + Each year chapters solicit and secure over $375,000 in partnership s from companies and organizations in local markets. REVENUES 260+ There are 4 categories of events: professional development, career management, networking & fundraising. EVENTS
WANTING TO DO MORE … 2015 & Beyond
The NSHMBA Challenge Hispanic trends and projections Only 49% go to college (1/2 to community college) Largest & fastest growing minority group Severely under- represented in professional employment Highest drop-out rate Only 13% have a bachelor s degree Only 4% have a graduate or professiona l degree
the NEW NSHMBA Strategy
VISION Be the leading catalyst for Hispanic achievement by 2025 MISSION Empower Hispanic business professionals to achieve their full educational, economic, and social potential NSHMBA Strategy
This focus area includes: driving education, evolving leaders and developing talent in all three categories of membership. EDUCATION The economic support comes in the form of creating positions, unlocking opportunities and offering scholarships for educational programs. ECONOMIC Impacting socially means engaging the public, participating in community service and deepening our reach at local level. SOCIAL No longer just MBAs … PROFESSION ALS UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL
the LAUNCH of University Chapters
As part of the initial launch of University chapters NSHMBA conducted research to identify schools who met the following criteria: -Large Hispanic student populations -Accredited & well-known institutions -Curriculums inclusive of business and STEM -Strong Hispanic students supporting organizations : YEAR 1 Pilot Development DFW Southern Methodist University University of Texas – Arlington University of North Texas CHICAGO DePaul University University of Illinois – Chicago Northeastern Illinois University LOS ANGELES California State University – Long Beach California State University – Los Angeles California State Polytechnic University
chapter START-UP Four identified leaders are required to serve as the executive committee of each interested chapter group made up of no more than 2 upper-classmen for succession and sustainability of the chapter. LEADERSHIP University chapters also require the signature/commitment of 1 faculty or staff advisor who will guide and support the chapter as needed. SUPPORT The first requirement is to have a minimum of a 10 member roster all registered as student members via NSHMBA.org MEMBERS There is a minimum of 2 events per academic calendar year by the University chapter. EVENTS
In additional to support staff at the National Office of NSHMBA, it is required for all chapters have a dedicated advisor and a 4- Member governing board to ensure support and success. LEADERSHIP & SUPPORT Nationally Supported Shared Services Finance/Accounting Marketing Events Membership Management Web & Intranet (including ) Social Media Accounts. INFRASTRUCTURE
Access to 350+ Corporate Partnerships Inclusion & Access to Job Board Resources & Opportunities Information about University Partner Scholarships Inclusion in opportunities for NSHMBA program scholarships Access & Inclusion to Internship programs Sponsored opportunities for leadership to be present at 2 national annual events University Chapter Unique Opportunities PARTNERSHIPS SCHOLARSHIPS & PROGRAMS CONFERENCE & NATIONAL EVENT PARTICIPATION
PLEASE CONTACT Mónica A. González University Chapter Relationship Manager FOR MORE INFORMATION
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