HEY EVERYONE! It’s time for a little pop-quiz. You’ll need: a piece of papera piece of paper a writing utensila writing utensil
Number your paper from one to five and pick the best answer!
1) a. Leave quickly, go directly to the her locker and return immediately to the classroom. b. Leave the room, go to the bathroom, go to her locker and eventually get back to the room. c. Run from the room, get the pencil, stop and get a drink and talk to her friends. Class is about to start, Sam realizes she left her pencil in her locker, what should she do?
2) a. No, anytime you are in the hallway during class time you must have a hall pass with. b. Yea, nobody cares what I do! c. It’s ok as long as nobody sees you. You are in the hallway during class without a hall pass, is this ok?
3) a. Grab the hall pass and go directly to the library and get the book quickly and return to class. b. Leave the room and go to the library. c. Run from the room and go wherever you want. I need to go to the library to get a book for a report I am working on for class, after I asked the teacher for permission to go, I:
4) a. No, I should return to the classroom immediately after getting my drink. b. Yes, I was quick about it. c. Everything is ok, as long as you don’t get caught. Is this ok, I leave the classroom to get a drink of water, while I am out, I swing by the library to see if the book I want has been returned.
5) a. Wow, you did exactly what you are supposed to do! b. Lame-O, you were out of class, why didn’t you have some fun! c. You so did not need a hall pass. The counselor calls my teacher and asks to see me, I get a hall pass from my teacher and go to see what she wants. When we are finished, I go directly back to class.
Hopefully you picked A on each! Why is that? You now know the importance of using a hall pass and going directly to your destination!
Today’s PBS lesson is on: Using a Hall Pass and Going Directly to Your Destination
TELL: Why do we use a hall pass?Why do we use a hall pass? To let other teachers/staff know you have permission to be out of the roomTo let other teachers/staff know you have permission to be out of the room To limit the number of students in the halls during class time.To limit the number of students in the halls during class time. Why should we go directly to our destination?Why should we go directly to our destination? Minimize class time missedMinimize class time missed Avoid distracting othersAvoid distracting others
SHOW: Figure out if the following are good examples or bad examples of using a hall pass and going directly to your destination.
Good Example or Bad Example? Sally needs to go to the bathroom, she asks permission, gets a hall pass and goes directly there and back. GOOD!
Good Example or Bad Example? John asks to go the nurse, but instead goes to the Ag. room to see his buddies. BAD!
Good Example or Bad Example? Mary forgets her pencil in her locker, walks out of the room without a hall pass to get it. BAD!
Good Example or Bad Example? Johnny is called to the office, he goes directly there with a hall pass in hand and returns immediately after. GOOD!
DISCUSS: Why is it important to go immediately to your destination and return? What is the benefit of a hall pass?
Teacher: Give cat tracks to those students who actively paid attention and participated during the presentation.