Math 2 Mr. Yost Central High School 550 Warrior Way Grand Junction, CO Phone:
THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR SHOW YOUR R espect E xcellence D etermination
Website: 1. Click on Departments. Click on Mathematics. Click on Mr. Yost Page. OR 2. Just type in the web address: h/yost/Math2.htm
OFFICE HOURS : Room: 323/320 BEFORE SCHOOL 7:00 - 7:25 (except Monday) 7 th Period LUNCH AFTER SCHOOL 2:50 - (Depending on Season)
CLASS RULES YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Be respectful toward yourself and others 2. Be respectful to any equipment used in class 3. Have a good attitude 4. Be able to work well with others
Electronic Devices (Cell phones, ipod, mp3’s…) 1. Do not use them in class. 2. Do not let me see them in class 3. If any electronic device is being used in class, I will take it and you may pick it up at the end of the day. 4. Please make sure your cell phone is off when you come in
FOOD AND DRINK 1.You may have food in class if it does not disturb others and as long as it does not affect your mathematical performance 1. You may have water in a clear plastic container FOOD DRINK 2. No soda, coffee, etc…
HALL PASSES 1.The hall pass must be taken whenever the classroom is left. 2. Please ask for permission. 3. Please do not make it a habit or there will be limitations placed on an individual basis. 4. No hall passes will be given the first and last 10 minutes of the block (10 minute Rule). 6. If you are late you forfeit your hall pass privileges. 5. You must have your ID to use the pass.
TARDIES 1 st Tardy – Warning 2 nd Tardy – Time for Time Detention 3 rd Tardy – Detention with Teacher – 15 minutes minimum 4 th Tardy – Detention with Teacher – 30 minutes minimum 5 th Tardy – Administrator Referral – 45 minutes detention 6 th Tardy – Administrator Referral – 2 45 minutes detentions 7 th Tardy - Administrator Referral – In School Suspension 8 th Tardy - Administrator Referral – In School Suspension A student is considered Absent if they are more than 15 minutes tardy.
Truancy 1 st – Time for Time detention 2 nd - Time for Time detention 3 rd – Saturday School 4 th – In School Suspension 5 th – Out of School Suspension Possible (WF) withdrawal fail from class
Math 2: What you need, what you will do, and class expectations. 4.Graphing calculator3. Pen/pencil 2. Paper, graph paper or engineering paper 1. Book MATERIALS
Warm-ups 2. Warm-up problems will be done as soon as the bell rings, and include mathercise, CSAP, and review. 3. Warm-ups will be collected at the end of each week 4. If you are absent you will need to come in and do the warm-ups you missed or check the web site. 1. Warm-up problems should be written down seperate from examples and homework problems and kept in a notebook
CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK 2. Classwork not finished in class will be homework 3. Classwork will be graded on completion and accuracy. 1. Classwork problems should be written down separate from example problems
MAKE-UP WORK CLASSWORK/HOMEWORK 2. If you are absent you have 2 days for every absence to make up your work 3. If you are not absent and you are missing work you may turn it in the Chapter Test only with penalty (10 percentage point drop per day) 1.If you are absent you are responsible for checking the internet for the day you missed. You may also ask me or a classmate for the work that you have missed
Tool Kits Tool kits are your notes. You are allowed to use these on tests and quizzes. Your tool kits will follow you to the next level class.
QUIZZES 1.Quizzes will be given at the end of every lesson. 2.Students will be able to use their toolkits on most quizzes.
TESTS 1.Tests will be given when appropriate and will be given appropriate point values
TEST CORRECTIONS/RETAKES 1.If you are unhappy with your test or quiz score you will have 2 options either to retake the entire test or correct the problems you missed. Retakes – You must come in and go over the material from the previous test. The higher grade will go in the grade book. Corrections – You may go back and correct any test or quiz. You have to correct only the problems you missed and you will receive half your points back if everything is correct.
TEST CORRECTIONS/RETAKES To be able to retake/correct a test/quiz you must Have all you assignments turned in Complete the corrections within 1 week of getting you test/quiz back Do it on your own time. Before/After School Warrior Period Lunch
TESTS: MAKE-UP 1.If you miss a test/quiz you have two days to make it up if the absence is excused and only one day if the absence is unexcused 2. All make up tests and quizzes must be done by setting up a time with Mr. Yost
A % B % C % D % GRADING SCALE If you have a D or an F you will be assigned to Warrior Period for 2 weeks.
Tests/Quizzes85% Homework/Warm-ups/ Investigations 15% GRADING BREAKDOWN
Advancement You must earn a C or better to advance to the next level math class. The Work You Do Is a Direct Result Of The Grade You Earn!