You Will Need: 1.Pencil, Colored Pencil 2.Organization of the PT by Family – Bookshelf- 2 pages 3 sides – Please Staple 3.Text books pg We’re Changing Seats!
We will be reviewing: 1.Major Concepts on STAR Test for ScienceSTAR 2.Testing Dates are April th cards each week – 1 st set has a cover card – Name/Period test Questions each Friday-GRADED
You Will Need: 1.Second Set of Index Cards (31- 60) – Hyperlinked on Friday 3/18 2.STAR Test # - Take on Thursday of this week of Wednesday of next week. 3.Complete your part of the Poster Project 4.Pick up Periodic Table Movie Notes – Schedule Lunch times next week to see video.
1.MANAGER – “Reading the Periodic Table”; Turning in Poster; Getting Job’s list signed by teacher; Getting Rough Draft of Poster Signed; 2. MATERIALS MANAGER – “Reading the Periodic Table ”; Collecting supplies for poster; Returning unused supplies to supply table; 3. TIMER/DESIGNER – “Reading the Periodic Table”; In charge of drawing the ROUGH DRAFT Poster Design; Track and Communicate Time, _ 4. ORAL PRESENTER – “Reading the Periodic Table”; Communicator, Asks Questions for the group, Presents Poster at the end;
1.Open your textbook to Periodic Table. 2.Each vertical column on the PT is an Element Family. 1.They are a family because of similar properties 2.Each family also has a name Alkali MetalsNitrogen Alkaline Earth MetalsOxygen Transition MetalsHalogen BoronNobel Gas Carbon Rare Earth Metals
Rank 3 families your table is interested in for this project… 1.We will randomly draw a table # 2.If your family is available your table gains ownership.. 3.Write Family NAME on Page 1 4.Write in Due Date: Friday, 3/18/11
1.Cornell Notes - Uses 2.Cornell Notes - Characteristics 3.Make sure Poster is Complete 4.Title Design 5.Poster Design – Work with Timer/Designer on Rough Draft 6.Collecting Pictures 7.Write out – “Characteristics” Display for Poster 8.Write out – “Uses” Display for Poster Cannot be the same person
You can use just about anything: 1.Construction Paper 2.Printed pictures 3.Magazine Illustrations 4.Markers, Colored Pencils 5.Internet- Hyperlinks on WebPage 6.Text Book Pgs