Worship The Good, The Bad & The Ugly John 4: 23-24; Isaiah 29:13
W.O.R.S.H.I.P World’s Standard Order of Service Religious Acts Sacrifice of Self is Required Holy Lifestyle Individual and Corporate Prayer Driven
Worship Definition – To regard with great extravagant respect, honor, or devotion; reverence; adore; to bow oneself down; to prostrate oneself before any one of honour. (Psalm 29: 1-2; Psalm 95:6) Derived from the Old English word “weorthscipe” meaning “worthship”(worthiness) Greek – proskuneo – “to kiss” (dog licking his master’s hand)
Worship (The Bad) World’s Standard What is my attitude towards “worship” service? Bored, uninterested, no fun, get nothing out of it (for me), too long, don’t take all that, I ain’t got no time for that! Centered on the wrong individual – YOU! Isaiah 29:13; Matthew 15: 1-9 Wanting to be entertained; spectator Christian looking for the next “gimmick”
Worship (The Good) Order of Service God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33,40) 1 Timothy 2: 1-10 Praying for those in authority over us (Spiritually, career-wise, government) Appearance (decent and appropriate)
Worship (The Ugly) Religious Act God wants to pour out His Presence on us Worship is a key ingredient holding us back “Style” doesn’t supersede “substance” John 4:20-24; Isaiah 29:13; *2 Kings 17:24-41 – The idea of worshipping out of routine is nothing new. Still keeping “secret sins” & lifestyles as idols while still trying to worship a holy God
Worship (The Bad) Sacrifice of Self Excellent God wants an Excellent Effort! Psalm 95: 1- 11;(Sing, shout, bow down, lift hands) We will not enter His Rest(Peace) until we learn to worship Him for who He is, not for what we can get from Him. Past hurts, pains, failures, disappointments should not determine how worthy God is to you. (Matthew 4:10) Worship Him Only! Ask yourself what do YOU bring to service?
Worship (The Good) Holy Lifestyle God is always speaking to us. Worship helps tune us in to what He is saying Joshua 3:5 – Purify yourselves for the Lord is about to do great wonders among you Dark and Light cannot be in the same place Jeremiah 7: 1-10 – Sin and think going to church will excuse you
Worship (The Good) Independent & Corporate Corporate worship will unleash a corporate move of God over the whole congregation. On one accord (Acts 2:1-4) Individual worship will unleash God’s blessings and provision in your life (family) Spend this week fervently seeking & worshipping God and expect a change in your life
Worship (The Good) Prayer Driven Pray that God will give you a new heart for Him and for worship Pray that God will use YOU to build His church by using your time, talent, treasure Pray that worship will not just be compartmentalized to Sunday morning WORSHIP IS A LIFESTYLE!