Enhanced Shipping & Handling A Feature of D-Plus An Enhancement For iSeries 400 DMAS from Copyright I/O International, 2005 Skip Intro
2 Enhanced Shipping & Handling 4 An enhancement to DMAS that automatically calculates and adds shipping and handling charges to each order 4 Shipping & handling charges may be tied to the contract or price book used by the order 4 Charges are generated at the time the order entry clerk requests to navigate to the End Order screen 4 Charges are totaled into a single record and inserted into the sales order as a special charge record or an item record (user’s choice) A Feature of D-Plus
3 Enhanced Shipping & Handling 4 Shipping and handling charge calculations may be based on various combinations of –Dollar amount –Quantity –Weight –Shipping instructions code –Price class A Feature of D-Plus... Advanced Order Copy Summary
4 Enhanced Shipping & Handling Summary (click button to view detail) During Order Entry Tailoring Options Order Entry Shipping Instructions Back to Title Page Tailoring Options Item Class Maintenance Price Book Item Relationship
5 During Order Entry 4 If the user has elected to base any of his shipping & handling charges on the shipping instructions code, then it is important which of the available Shipping instructions the user selects on the order header 4 Shipping & handling charges are calculated as the user goes to the End Order screen
6 During Order Entry If shipping & handling charges are based on Shipping instructions code, then a shipping instruction MUST be selected from the valid list A list of the available shipping instructions to select from may be displayed by using the F4 Lookup function for this field Once the shipping instruction selection has been made, the user may change the text if desired
7 During Order Entry The F4 Lookup window for Shipping instructions displays the list of valid shipping instructions from which to select The code of the selected shipping instruction is then used to look up the proper entry in the shipping & handling charge price book
8 During Order Entry The shipping & handling charges have been created and added to the order by the time the user views the End Order screen The generated shipping & handling charge is added to the end of the order and displayed in the history window
9 During Order Entry The shipping & handling charges are either a special charge record or an item record, depending on how the user set up tailoring When reviewing the order, the shipping & handling charge record appears at the end of the body of the order If the user changes the contents of the order after the shipping & handling charge was originally generated, a window will prompt the user to either re- calculate the charges or leave them un-changed. Return to Shipping & Handling Summary
10 Tailoring Options 4 Using the IOTAILOR DPFC1 command, the user can tailor the Enhanced Shipping & Handling enhancement 4 The tailoring options define which price book to use as the default for shipping & handling calculations 4 The user identifies the name of a group item which defines how shipping & handling charges are to be added to sales orders
11 The component within this group item is used as the template for adding shipping & handling charges to orders Tailoring Options Tailoring options are required for shipping and handling charges The user enters the name of the price book to use as the default for calculating shipping & handling charges No items within this item class will be included in the shipping & handling calculations
12 The user has elected to use “special charge code 5” for shipping and handling charges Tailoring Options A group item is used to define how shipping and handling charges are to be added to a sales order The user has defined a special charge record to be used for the generated shipping and handling charges Return to Shipping & Handling Summary Note that the item record in this relationship is suspended and will be bypassed by the programs
13 Shipping Instructions 4 Shipping instructions and shipping instruction codes are maintained directly from within order entry 4 To maintain shipping instructions, use the F4 Lookup function in the shipping instruction field 4 From the shipping instructions window, the user can maintain existing records or add new shipping instructions
14 Use option 2 to maintain an existing record or F6=Add to add a new shipping instructions record Shipping Instructions Using the F4 Lookup function in the Shipping instructions field causes the Shipping Instructions window (W930) to display A list of existing shipping instructions is displayed, if any
15 When keying the shipping instructions text, do not key over the asterisks (*) Shipping Instructions A second window is display in which a particular shipping instruction record is maintained or a new one keyed This is the shipping instruction code that is referenced in the shipping instructions price book Return to Shipping & Handling Summary
16 Item Class 4 Establish a unique item class to be used for shipping & handling item records 4 If you chose to have an item represent shipping & handling charges, use this item class for the shipping & handling item 4 Any items assigned to this item class WILL BE BYPASSED during the shipping & handling charge calculations 4 Enter this item class in your tailoring options
17 Item Class Use DMAS Item Class Maintenance to define an item class for shipping & handling In this example, item class 90 is used for shipping & handling Return to Shipping & Handling Summary
18 Price Book 4 Shipping & handling charges only utilize Page 1 of a shipping & handling price book 4 Shipping & handling pages may only be added to price books whose names end with ($) 4 The user may define a default price book for shipping & handling (defined in the tailoring options) 4 A shipping & handling price book will automatically be used for an order if the price book name starts with the same 4 characters as the contract name used by the order, followed by ($)
19 Price Book 4 A shipping & handling price book will automatically be used for an order if the price book name starts with the same 4 characters as the price book name used by the order, followed by ($) 4 The default price book for shipping & handling is only used if a shipping & handling entry is not found in another shipping & handling price book for a particular order
20 Price Book 4 The item number for any shipping & handling price book page must be structured as follows: –The item number must start with either *A (based on amount), *Q (based on quantity) or *W (Based on weight) –The next 3 characters are the “shipping instructions code” or “000” for ‘any other shipping instructions’ –The last 5 characters (for a total of 10, max) are the “Price class” or “*ANY” for ‘any price class’
21 Weight of over 40 is Price Book Shipping Instructions Price Book Example: Based on weight, shipping instruction code of E01, price class of 10 Weight of 10 or less is 5.50, 32 or less is 9.00, etc. The default price book name for shipping & handling MUST end with a dollar sign ($)
22 Amount over 2, is Price Book Shipping Instructions Price Book Example: Based on amount, other shipping instructions 000, price class of *ANY Amount of or less is 3.00, or less is 4.50, etc.
23 Quantity of over 30 is Price Book Shipping Instructions Price Book Example: Based on quantity, other shipping instructions 000, price class of *ANY Quantity of 10 or less is 3.50, 20 or less is 6.50, etc. Return to Shipping & Handling Summary
24 Item Relationship 4 A group item is used in the item relationship file to define the record type that should be used when a shipping & handling charge is added to an order 4 The parent name of the group item must be entered into the tailoring options 4 Only one component needs to be defined, either a special charge or a dummy item
25 Note that in this case, the item record has been suspended – therefore, the special charge record will be used Item Relationship A ‘Group item’ is used to define how shipping & handling charges are to be added to an order The user can use either a special charge record or a dummy item record to represent shipping & handling charges Return to Shipping & Handling Summary It is not necessary to define both a special charge and an item. It was done here only for illustration purposes.
26 End of Presentation For more information about the Enhanced Shipping & Handling Enhancement for iSeries 400 DMAS, call I/O International, Inc. at (914) Thank you for your interest Suite 2002 Pinewood Business Center Somers, New York Return to Enhanced Shipping & Handling Summary