© Adam vanLangenberg -MSSS
Assyrians and Chaldeans used it 3,000 years ago Babylonians created the 12-sign zodiac in 450BCE The Greeks made it popular Christianity slowed it down for a while Renaissance picked it up again The Chinese have their own version
Tropical is based on the Sun 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds Divides sky into 12 sectors Sidereal is based on the stars 365 days, 6 hours, 9 mins and 9.5 seconds More precise, has 13 signs
Sidereal vs. Tropical Astrology dates Which one is correct?
When does birth actually occur? Why is a star more important than the mother or family? Why are the initial conditions more important than the current ones? How on Earth does it work!?
Gravity? It affects the tides, why not us? ▪ We are 70% water ▪ Don’t violent crimes and suicide rates go up during a full moon? ▪ The stars exert almost zero gravity on us Spirituality? Are the planets concious bodies? “Connectedness”