Astrology By: Becca Giannotto
Where it Started Astrology is the scientific interpretations of the heavenly bodies on our human existence. Derived from Astronomy which started with the Mesopotamians in 3000 BC. The Babylonians then introduced the concept of the zodiac. The Babylonians thought that the zodiac could tell time if split into equal and recognizable parts.
Cont’d Greeks named it the “zodiac system” (zodiakos kyklos) Zodiac links constellations with times of the year. Each constellation has their own god. Each constellation also is assigned an element.
Astrological Signs On the day of your birth, you are assigned one of 12 signs based on the position of the sun and stars at the time of your birth. Each day, if you look in a newspaper or online, you can see what your “horoscope” says. A horoscope is a forecast of your future or how your day will turn out.
Aries the Ram March 21-April 19 Element: Fire Ram represents: Male fertility, aggression, and courage; abundance (the ram’s horn represents “the horn of plenty”); leadership Approach life “head-on” (like a ram butts its head into enemies)
The Sun in Aries Aries are the first to start and finish what they set out to do Active and energetic sign Direct, straightforward, and uncomplicated Expect the same from others Natural athletes Not big on planning ahead Stuck in the moment Know what they want Bold and independent Enjoy a challenge
The Moon in Aries Life is a series of emergencies Inner passion/fire Emotional issues take precedence Instant gratification Face problems right away/defensive Moodiness/temperamental Short-lived and intense desires Ruled by emotional needs Aura of childlike innocence
Taurus the Bull April 20-May 20 Element: Earth Bull represents: Strength, tenacity, virility, and power; calm and peaceful until angered; wicked temper; disturbed by sudden changes; preserving, strong individuals; determined; self-indulgent “beasts”
The Sun in Taurus Sensual Hard workers Security is important May appear lazy Known for their stubbornness Possessiveness Think of the people they love as “theirs” but may come off as jealous even though they are only protecting their sense of security.
The Moon in Taurus Familiarity is important Strong-willed Persevering Go out of their way to avoid unpredictable situations Romantic Reliable instincts Stubborn Loyal and capable
Gemini the Twins May 21-June 20 Element: Air Twins represent: Dual nature; exchange and interaction; adaptable and flexible; having two different personalities;
Sun in Gemini Self-expression. Interested in collecting information. Flexible/changeable people. Clever and witty. Good at fitting in. Not the most loyal or trustworthy. Like to keep moving. Seldom boring.
Moon in Gemini Pleasant and witty. Moody around family. Nervous. Read and talk a lot. Dislike housework, but big on improvement. Organized. Social and friendly. Can be easily irritated.
Cancer the Crab June 21-July 22 Element: Water Crab represents: Can move in an indirect manner; sensitive; retreat into themselves when hurt; resist environmental changes; avoid change; deffensiveness;
Sun in Cancer Strong survival instinct. Tend to like to be secure and safe in everything they do. Intrigued with items that have history. Avoid confrontation. One of the most hospitable signs. Dependable and caring.
Moon in Cancer Empathetic nature. Clingy to items and people. Like the peace and quiet. May seem irrational at times in their actions. Sense of humor. Dependable. Moody.
Sources tHistories.asp?historyid=ac32 thezodiac.html