Team Members: Joe Bothwell BWIG IT Ryan Fischer Communicator Brant Kochsiek Team Leader Brian Schwartz BWIG David Ugai BSAC Dan Carlson BSAC
Client: Venkat K. Rao, M.D., MBA Division of Plastic Surgery UW Medical School Advisor: Naomi C. Chesler, Ph. D Biomedical Engineering
A device to fill silicone breast implant bags with mL saline without exposing the saline to the environment is desired. Currently, 60 mL syringes are used to fill mL breast implant bags. Syringes are filled from a bowl. The proposed solution is to utilize a peristaltic pump attached to a syringe to dispense saline into the bag. ABSTRACT
PROBLEM STATEMENT The goal of this project is to develop a breast implant device for filling implants with saline solution after they are inserted into the patient. This device should dispense saline accurately (+/- 3 mL) and quickly (less than five minutes).
Background Insert silicone implant bag in patient Fill implant bag with saline solution Currently use 60 mL syringes to fill Must refill syringes several times to fill implant bag Syringes refilled with saline from large bowl Slow process and open to atmosphere
MOTIVATION The current technique is slow and tedious due to the refilling of the syringes. The filling of the syringes from a bowl of saline is open to the environment Prone to human error
Product Design Specification Dispense mL of saline in 2-3 minutes Closed system Easy use / small to fit next to surgeon Dial in volume of saline to be dispensed Precise dispensing (+/- 3 mL) Dispense with pressures greater than 500mmHg
Design Alternatives Klein Pump Masterflex Pump Pressurized IV Bag with Flow Meter
Masterflex Pump 2 channel, hi-flow pump by Cole Parmer Cost of $1, Maximum flow of 3400 mL/min Automatic shut off after designated volume is dispensed Fully reversible User friendly interface
Klein Pump Available through Dr. Rao and the UW hospital (Cost $0) Variable flow rates Must reverse tubing through pump to change flow direction
Pressurized IV Bag with Flow Meter Depends on mechanical force of pressure Direct Reading Series DR DR flow meter Cost approximately $400.00
Design Matrix Klein PumpMasterflex Pump Pressurized IV Bag with Flow Meter Simplicity 7103 Time Needed 8106 Size of Device 779 Precision of Filling Bag 5108 Price 1024 Reversible 7100 Total444930
Chosen Design Masterflex L/S Drive EW pump Automated system to deliver exact volumes at precise flow rates, as specified by our client
Current Design Our client feels it is best to go with the UW-Hospital’s Klein peristaltic pump, because of funding complications with the Masterflex pump The Klein pump is not automated, and without further funding this requirement cannot be satisfied
Future Work Purchase Masterflex Pump Adapt pump to tubing, implant, and syringe Perform experiments to ensure quality results Train staff on use of the pump Test on human subjects Compose an easy-to-use manual
References Venkat K. Rao, MD, MBA, Professor of surgery, UW Medical School Naomi C. Chesler, Ph. D, Biomedical Engineering, UW Madison Juan Ayala, Technical Support, Cole Parmer Instruments, Scott Kephart, local sales representative, Gilson, Traci Bretl, RN, Outpatient Surgery Materials Management Supervisor, UW Hospital