Education of the Children Comunicación y Gerencia Education from a biblical worldview Larry Hagen
My background: BSCE & ME degrees from Univ. of Florida Taught graduate courses at Univ. of FloridaTaught graduate courses at Univ. of Florida Taught graduate and undergraduate courses at the University of South FloridaTaught graduate and undergraduate courses at the University of South Florida Teach seminars for University of FloridaTeach seminars for University of Florida
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. - Philippians 3:12
Key Verse: Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6
Note that it does NOT say: Send your sons and daughters off to pagans, atheists, and sodomites to be trained in the way they should not go, but tell them once a week that “Jesus loves you” and hope for the best.
Deuteronomy 6:6-9 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Importance of a biblical education: Barna Research did a study and noted that 86% of the teenagers who grow up participating in church and youth group activities turn away from God upon leaving their parents’ home. Never to return!
The Theory of 6/7: Probabilityvs.Statistics
Probability – the likelihood that an outcome will occur.Probability – the likelihood that an outcome will occur. Statistics – a summary of the outcomes that have occurred.Statistics – a summary of the outcomes that have occurred.
The Theory of 6/7: Flip two coins - what is the probability of one heads and one tails? Four possible outcomes: Heads + Heads Heads + Tails Tails + Heads Tails + Tails Probability = = ½ = 50% 2 outcomes 4 outcomes
The Theory of 6/7- the experiment: OutcomeProbabilityStatistics Heads + Heads 25%22% Heads + Tails25%22% Tails + Heads25%31% Tails + Tails25% 50% 53%
The Theory of 6/7 – the statistic: Barna Research did a study and noted that 86% of the teenagers who grow up participating in church and youth group activities turn away from God upon leaving their parents’ home. Never to return!
The Theory of 6/7 – the probability: Six days of the week, most kids are told that God does not exist, that they evolved from apes and slime and that the Bible is false. One day of the week, they are told that the Bible is true and that a loving God created them in His image. believe God is F Probability = 6 days 7 days = = 86%
So what should be the foundation of your home school curriculum? God’s Word!
The World’s Education Model Reading Math Evolution Tolerance Alternative Lifestyles Multiculturalism Social Studies Humanities History
God’s Education Model
The Keys to Good Homeschooling: Homeschooling is not just school at home. It is much more than that. It is real life lessons being learned together in an atmosphere of love and support.
The Keys to Good Homeschooling: Homeschooling must be flexible. There are a lot of things that go on in our busy lives, but each one can be a teachable moment if you let them.
The Keys to Good Homeschooling: Different children have different learning styles (so do different adults). You may need to try a lot of different styles before you find what really works for you.
The Keys to Good Homeschooling: Homeschooling should be a whole family affair. We should enjoy being together and learning together. We all have different gifts and talents, and it is beautiful when we all use them!
The Keys to Good Homeschooling: Try to seek out and discover what your child’s particular gifts and talents are. Help them see how to use them for the glory of God. Let this guide your efforts in training them up.
A Visionary Approach to Education: Start at the end and work your way backwards! What do you want to be true of your child when they are an adult? What are the things they need to get there? Who do I need them to be around to help them get there?
What to teach in the early years: Your children must learn to read when they are young… so that when they are older they can read to learn.
Read good books and surround yourself with good people… “We will be the same people next year except for the books we read and the people we allow to influence our lives.” - Howard Phillips
Teaching in the early years… Facts Grammar Truth Knowledge
Teaching in the middle years… Links / Connections Logic Evaluate ideas with truth Understanding
Teaching in the later years… Difficult questions Rhetoric Communicating truth Wisdom / Discernment
A few Proverbs on knowledge and wisdom: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. – Proverbs 1:7 For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. – Proverbs 2:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. – Proverbs 9:10 The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none, but knowledge comes easily to the discerning. – Proverbs 14:6
What do I want for my children? To know Jesus as their Lord and Savior To know what they believe and why To know how to construct logical arguments and evaluate the arguments of others To know how to communicate effectively To know the principles of mathematics and science, and know that they show the glory of God To know how to look at every issue in life with a biblical worldview To know the power of compounding interest
Communication – Public Speaking The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice. – Psalm 37:30 My mouth will speak wisdom, and the meditation of my heart will be understanding. – Psalm 49:3 It really does not matter what profession you are in, the people that can communicate their ideas will be the ones who rise to the top.
What are we doing now… HistoryScienceLogic Talent is Never Enough Grammar Consumer Math
The End