I’m a President, Now What?
I NTRODUCTION I NTRODUCTION Sign-in for this workshop Check in for the day Check out once you have completed all of the workshops on your list Stay for the entire session This presentation will be available online on the OSLCC webpage under “club registration”
R ESOURCES & S ERVICES Office of Student Life & Cultural Centers ( Main Office) Mailboxes & Packages Posting Approval Archives Club/Vendor Program Leadership Library
R ESOURCES & S ERVICES C ONT. Club Resources Websites Universal Signers – La’Keisha Beard, Jami Grosser, Sharon Rocacorba Make the effort to seek out your advisor(s) for help as needed
myBAR and Organization Management
W HAT IS My Bronco Activity Record (myBAR) is a program designed to keep track of your club membership(s), leadership role(s), awards earned, as well as a student’s employment and involvement on & off campus.
Benefits of Students – Use your myBAR Summary Report to prepare your resume, apply for internship opportunities, graduate school, awards and scholarships.
Benefits of Clubs and Organizations : Track club membership Keep record of club leadership roles Communicate with current & past club members Outreach to students interested in your club or organization
W HAT CAN YOU DO IN MY BAR? Manage membership add members, contact with perspective members Communicate with members Advertise meetings, events and programs on the newsfeed Archive pictures Manage permissions for your page
Registration Process
R EGISTRATION D EADLINE Fall Deadline: September 1, 2015
myBAR/Registration Manual Registration Process How to Use myBAR FAQs Contact list And much more!
C LUB M EMBERSHIP Club membership must be entered into myBAR by December 1, 2015 Failure to do so will result in your club/organization’s registration being revoked
S TEPS IN R EGISTRATION P ROCESS Update Executive Board members Hazing Policy Non-Discrimination policy Register and Attend the Bronco Club and Organization Registration Conference Upload Bylaws Upload Advisor Application
N EW C LUBS / O RGANIZATIONS In ADDITION to the previous steps New Clubs/Organizations must also complete the following items in myBAR: Proposed By-Laws for approval Intent to Register Attend a New Club/Organization Workshop All New Club Workshops listed in Registration page of OSLCC Website
Presidential Tips
Activity Split up into groups of 6-8 Discuss best practices (5 minutes) – Examples Transition between e-boards Keeping members engaged How to run an effective meeting Fundraising Marketing 2-3 groups share 1 piece of advice
O THER T IPS Edit your by-laws and share them with your membership Council COMMUNICATE with your council and know their by-laws and requirements Weekly updates submit information to me by Thursday at 5pm the week before Club/organization conduct
E VENTS /P ROGRAMS Club and Organization Fair! First Fridays Cross Cultural Retreat Bronco LEAD Annual Club/Organization Awards program
I MPORTANT D ATES Monday, May 11, 2015 at 12:00pm – You will be able to start your registration by this time. July 1, 2015 – Clubs cannot be registered until after the new fiscal year has started. Your registration will start July 1, September 1, 2015 – Summer Deadline – There will be make-up conferences on October 16 and November 13, but this may conflict with class. Your members will need to clear this with your professors first. – Only fully-registered clubs will be able to access funds/spaces. December 1, 2015 – Updated rosters need to be uploaded in myBAR.
R EMINDERS To access ASI Funds and Reserve Rooms – You must complete ALL steps in the registration process – correctly! Check your work! Once your registration is reviewed and approved, you will be notified about your registration status in myBAR. Be Patient!!! Continuing clubs will take 4-6 weeks and new clubs will take 6-8 weeks, depending on when a new ASI Attorney General is appointed. If you do not complete the full process, your club/organization will not be registered.
Q UESTIONS ? Contact Sharon Rocacorba, Interim Senior Coordinator of Student Life or the myBAR Lab (909) Building (myBAR Office) GO BRONCOS!