Alphabet Soup Letters in everyday life Q W S B A T
Using Thematic Collections A thematic collection is a compilation of items that share a specific theme – Favorite New England Patriots players – Magnets from every state in the country – Nike sneakers in every color
Alphabet Soup Assignment Create a thematic collage representing the 26 letters of the alphabet See the next slide for some examples
Alphabet Soup Assignment Step 1 - Develop a theme for your collage Step 2 - Take photos that represent each of the 26 letters of the alphabet Photos must be of items in their natural state, not created by you or taken from any electronic source – assembled or contrived photos are not acceptable – if you see a tree branch that looks like an “C”, that is acceptable – if you curve a water hose into a “C” shape and take a photo, that is not acceptable
Alphabet Soup Assignment You must use Photoshop to create your collage. – File>New – Width: 7.5 inches; height 10 inches – Resolution: 72 pixels/inch – Color Mode: RGB Color, 8 bit – Title it [last name] Alphabet Soup [class period] – Make sure you save it as a Photoshop (PSD) file when you are working on it! Save your PSD file and your final JPEG file on your H drive Final JPEG is due to Mr. Nigrelli via Google Drive by the end of class on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 th
Alphabet soup rubric CriteriaWeight All 26 photos turned in15 Final project submitted as JPEG10 Creative title included on collage10 All photos found in nature30 Quality20 Effort15 Total100