Podcasting 102 Tips, Anatomy, Resources, and More! By Dr. Jennifer L. Bowie ▪ For Electronic Writing & Publishing
Overview Podcasting 101 Anatomy of a Podcast Genres of Podcasts Music & Creative Commons Resources (Tran)Scripting? Legal Issues
Podcasting 101 Podcast: i Pod/P ersonal- O n- D emand + narrow cast Digital media files distributed over the internet –Not just audio & video RSS feeds: subscriptions and delivery Often played on portable media players –Not just for iPods Time-shifted & location-shifted Started as grassroots/independent now with many companies & organizations Increasing popularity
Note: each podcast is a unique creature and the below anatomy is a suggestion. Each part can vary among the species. Album art: Image, logo, or other visual included to be shown on the Ipod/MP3 player while listening. Pre-Intro : Includes episode number, date, topic, other vital information. Very short (~5 seconds), done before anything else. Lets your listeners know what they are listening too before they get to far Theme music: Find some nice CC or other music you can use for your theme Intro: Longer than the pre-intro. Includes similar information but explained more. Have about 30 seconds to grab and keep listeners attentions (45 seconds from start of podcast). Make sure to state what you will be talking about/doing in the episode. Often include podcaster info. Musical and Other Transitions : Often podcasts will have music or other transitions between sections of the podcast. Can match theme music or be something different. Bells, whistles, animals noises and more have been used. Bed Music : Background music can be played for all or parts of the podcast. Make sure you can be clearly heard over it. Consider fade ins and outs. Most common in intros and outros. Main Body: This is the “meat” of the podcast. Could be interviews, a researched argument, a story, a rant, 10 great songs, whatever. Visuals : enhanced podcasts can include visuals that play with the audio comment and can have chapter markings. More difficult to do (easier with Macs) and doesn’t play on all MP3 players. Outro : Wrap up the podcast in a way that keeps them interested. Summarize what you talked about, provide teasers for the next episode. Tell them where they can find the links and resources you talked about, tell them how to contact you (if not already done), use a catch phrase, roll necessary credits (such as giving credit for CC music used), fade out to music or something else Anatomy of an Audio Podcast
Podcast Genres Selected list from Tricks of the Podcasting Masters, by Walch and Lafferty Audioblogs Comedy Casts Couple Casts Educational Gaming Interviews Music Politics Radio Drama Religious casts (God casts) Sex Sports Technology Written Word
Do not use copyrighted music without permission, but there is lots of creative commons music you can use! Magnatune : CC and easily licensed music. Tagline: “We are not evil.” Non-commercial use, like podcasts, and student uses are often free ( ) MusicAlley/Podsafe Music Network : Lots of free podsafe music. Recommended by many podcasters. TheSixtyOne.com : Music site with CC options. Do a CC search ( NIN : Has two albums that are CC: Ghosts I-IV (instrumental) and The Slip (more traditional NIN) Creative Commons : Can find many CC licensed works form music to images. Can set search parameters for various types such as commercial or non-commercial. Others :? Always a good idea to attribute your music and provide links or other info Music & Creative Commons Resources
To Script or Not? –Script Pros: Smoother, best for fact or info heavy, less tangents, easy transcripts, better orgnaized –Script Cons: Less tangents, can be less personable, less kairos –Show dependant Transcripts: Allows those with disabilities or access issue to access the podcast material. Best for searching and scanning. Offers our audience the best of both! Show Notes: Not as good as a transcript. Outlines show, often with time stamps, includes relevant links and resource material. Consider both? Scripts & Transcripts
Legal Issues Copyright! –iTunes U Slander: false spoken statements that negatively impact one’s reputation. This is libel if written (with a transcript could get both!). To prevent: –Give your option and make it clear it is your opinion –Use facts and actual events and other evidence
Questions? Image: Digital Media Galaxy content/uploads/2006/12/podcast.jpg content/uploads/2006/12/podcast.jpg