Abeer A Badiab Department of Natural Product School of Pharmacy King Abdulaziz University 1
Objectives Acupuncture How acupuncture works Methods of acupuncture Uses of acupuncture Side effects and contraindications 2
Meaning of illness according to Chinese medicine Qi Qi consists of Yin and Yang and these two opposite, but complementary forces. Health is a function of a balanced flow of Qi and illness results when there is a blockage or imbalance in the flow of Qi Qi flows through energetic pathways called meridians 3
Meridians – 12 paired meridians & 2 extra meridians – Each contains various numbers of acupuncture points 4 Yin
Definition of Acupuncture Acupuncture is the insertion of needles into points in the body to obtain a desired healing effect through the balancing of Qi. The needles are placed just below the surface of the skin in the epidermis 5
How acupuncture works according to Chinese medicine Practitioners of Chinese medicine look to connect seemingly unrelated symptoms Connecting these symptoms helps identify the problem with the flow Qi 6
How acupuncture works according to western medicine Studies have shown that acupuncture causes a release of certain chemical substance. Studies demonstrated that needling produces changes in the electrical conductivity of the skin Despite these results, no one knows the exact mechanism of how acupuncture works 7
Methods used to treat acupuncture points Needling Moxibustion Electro acupuncture 8
Uses for Acupuncture Pain Skin problems Gastrointestinal problems Substance abuse Neurologic problems Allergies Psychiatric problems 9
Side effects Only few complications have been reported People are taking anticoagulants People with cardiac pacemakers, infusion pumps. The FDA requires that needles be sterile, nontoxic, and labeled for single use by qualified practitioners only. 10
Contraindications While patient is fasting, over-fatigued, intoxicated, or very weak very young, very old some points contraindicated in pregnancy 11
References: oduction.htm oduction.htm 12
Thank you 13