Disruptive Nature of IT Samantha Brown Tyler Eifert Connor Miller Jane Park
What Is Disruptive Nature of IT? New innovation that helps create a new market Interrupts current market Enables new business model
Disruptive Nature of IT
Disruption for Newspapers New ways of getting information Free news Craigslist Online subscriptions Less print
Agenda Disruption in the Music Industry Disruption in Television Industry Recommendations
Disruption in the Music Industry Digital Music Illegal Downloads Streaming Music
New Business Models Digital copies of songs Advertisements in streaming music – Upgraded versions without ads Artists making digital records Music software to determine if songs will be hits today
Digital Music Business Advantages Cheaper Convenience Wider consumer base Access certain part quickly New markets Disadvantages Non-physical Corrupted data Quality Computer crashes Loopholes
Television Disrupted by… Set channels for everyone/households Set time slots (prime time vs. daytime/late night) Requires seating in front of a television Money for Producers, Advertisers Online streaming creates opportunities – YouTube, Vimeo User-generated content – Lonleygirl15 – VGHS – Megavideo – Hulu, Netflix Encourage binge viewing
…Television? Apple TV bringing online streaming into physical home Companies use internet sites/social networks to identify global pockets of interest Niche producers decide local screening locations by zip code votes Possibility of eliminating middle man
Recommendations Adapt or die Technology is an ever-changing industry Stay relevant