Research, design, make, or test out the computer for any kind use! At least get a bachelor degree or maybe a Doctoral degree to just work on this job! Take about 4 years to get a bachelor degree You would get about $50.12 per hour and $104,250 annual Well a computer, Linux, C++, Microsoft Visual C#.NET, and more.
Why I want to be a computer hardware engineer because with my caring for pc parts.I always beg my to upgrade my processor due to mine being created in 2012, and not very useful for today games.
Do the same thing as computer engineer, but you only need to make code /fix it and disturbed them to any kind people. Bachelor's degree is just needed for this job. 4 years for just a bachelor degree in this job. $48.75 dollars per hour and annual is $101,410. I would be using cpus, program testing system, operating system.
Why I would like to be in software developer, system software because I want to learn how to code. I wanted to always help a program something by writing code for it, so I can be a helper of a project.
Develop, create, and modify general applications software and you may need develop software solution. You will just need to get a Bachelor degree. It will take 4 years to get a bachelor degree. $44.55 hourly, $92,660 annual Mainframe computers, Notebook computers, Web platform development software, Program testing software, and Development environment software.
Why I wanted to in software developers, applications because my dream to help code something.Coding something for me has been a life long dream and I may never give up for something else.
1 st option - Mathematical Technicians 2 nd option - Computer Hardware Engineers 3 rd option - Photonics Engineers ~4 th option - Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop ~5 th option - Mechanical Drafters ~6 th option – Physicists ~7 th option - Software Developers, Systems Software ~8 th option - Software Developers, Applications ~9 th option - Materials Engineers ~10 th option - Mechanical Engineers
1 st Computer Hardware Engineers Computer Hardware Engineers education-degree-computer-engineering html education-degree-computer-engineering html
2 nd job links Software Developers, Systems Software w-Long-Does-It-Take-To-Become-a-Software- Developer#formPage_1
3 rd job Software Developers, Applications Software Developers, Applications