A general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet. And Cloud is referred to the hardware and software that are being used by the data centre to provide the services. CLOUD COMPUTING
3 Services of Cloud Computing:
Infrastructure-as-a-Service In the enterprise, cloud computing allows a company to pay for only as much capacity as is needed, and bring more online as soon as required. Because this pay-for-what-you-use model resembles the way electricity, fuel and water are consumed, it's sometimes referred to as utility computing. This is the base layer of the cloud stack. It serves as a foundation for the other two layers, for their execution. The keyword behind this stack is Virtualization.Amazon EC2 is a good example of an IaaS.
Platform-as-a-service is a delivery of a computing platform over the web. PaaS enables you to create web applications quickly, without the cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying software/hardware. PaaS provides all the facilities required to support the complete life cycle of building and delivering web applications entirely on the web.
Software-as-a-service the vendor supplies the hardware infrastructure, the software product and interacts with the user through a front-end portal. SaaS is a very broad market. Services can be anything from Web-based to inventory control and database processing. Because the service provider hosts both the application and the data, the end user is free to use the service from anywhere.
One of the cloud computing news now days is that the revenue for the server hardware is about to increase. International Data Corporation has predicted that the revenue expect to grow from $582 million, which was in 2009 to about $718 million in In recent times only the Cloud Computing has emerged as a new thing and is gaining popularity among the people.
Other Cloud Related Technologies from which it has evolved its existence: Grid Computing It can be described as an extension of distributed and parallel computing in which a super and virtual computer consists of a number of networked and loosely coupled computers that act together to perform huge tasks.
Utility computing When the resources used in computing process are packaged as a metered service same as electricity, a traditional public utility. Autonomic computing Those systems that is capable of self management.
How cloud works and its uses Cloud Computing uses information technology as service over the network. Cloud Computing consists of Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS) Hardware as a Service (HaaS) and Software as a service (SaaS). Cloud Computing also enables the user to rent a virtual server, loaded with software and turn it on and off according to the sweet will of the user and it can also be cloned to meet an immediate workload demand.
Cloud Computing also stores a large amount of data that can be accessed by the authorized users with the authorized applications. Cloud Computing has an important feature of workload shift so, personal computers are no more required to run these applications. There is a network of computers that handles the cloud itself. It significantly decreases the use of hardware as well as software on the front of user as all the processing and handling of data is done by the cloud
All the applications are being run by the interface software that is the only thing that the user’s computer ought to know. The latest interface software used in today’s world is Internet Explorer 9 apart from previous versions that is Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer 8.
Key characteristic of Cloud and its role As for now there is no specific definition cloud computing and it will take some time to develop its characteristics and a standard definition based on the ongoing practices in this field.
Virtualization technique This technology works on the handling of how the image of the operating system, middleware, and application procreated and allocated to a physical machine or part of the server stack away.
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) SOA is that software which assists in addressing multicomponent, reusability, extensibility and flexibility. Those companies that are desiring cost cuts through choosing to rent rather than purchasing surely need these characteristics.